1.The 3D Carton-Designing System Based on Opengl;基于OpenGL的三维包装纸盒设计系统
2.Study of the 3D Carton CAD System;三维纸盒CAD系统的研究
3.According to the characteristic of carton,OpenGL s texture mapping was used to distill the upholstering picture,and the corresponding connection between the upholstering picture and the carton structure was set up.根据纸盒结构的面片特性,利用OpenGL的纹理映射技术,提取纸盒的装潢图片,建立其与纸盒结构的对应关系,实现纸盒CAD系统中的贴图功能以及三维效果图的展示。

1.box paper or paperboard containing only an assortment of paper stationery纸盒或纸板盒[仅装各类纸制文具]
2.carton of paper or paperboard for milk or cream用于包装牛奶或奶油纸盒或硬纸盒
3.individual carton小份包装板纸盒, 单件包装板纸盒
4.Packing:12 sets per carton box and6 carton boxes per wooden box.包装:每纸盒十二部,每箱六纸盒
5.cylindrical box of paper or paperboard [for cheese]圆筒纸盒或硬纸盒[用于包装乳酪]
6.This order shall be packed in card board boxes,货物将用纸盒包装,
7.carton containing six bottles or cans.放六瓶或六罐的硬纸盒
8.Print to Output Tray Number.............................打印至出纸盒编号.................................
9.Document from Input Tray Number..............下列进纸盒编号的文档.......................
10.a carton of milk, cream, yoghurt, etc一纸盒奶、 奶油、 酸奶等
11.corrugated paper box [for packing]瓦楞纸盒[装商品用
12.The empty carton can be utilized for egg storage.这空纸盒可用来盛鸡蛋。
13.Pens are packed in paper boxes, 10 pieces to one box.钢笔要用纸盒包装,每盒装10支。
14.Carton Parts Combination Based on Method of Assembling;基于拼合法的纸盒盒片零件组合技术
15.container, for milk or cream, of paper or paper baord纸盒或硬纸箱,用于牛奶或奶油包装
16.boxes file of paper or paperboard纸或纸板制的档案盒
17.Please wrap the box in red paper.请用红纸将盒子包起来。
18.The boxes are made of pasteboard.这些盒子是纸板做的。

paper box纸盒
1.New method of defining mesh position on the different rock wings of bottom of insected type paper box;插别式纸盒盒底不同摇翼上啮合点位置的确定
2.An experimental scheme of the flexo printing of paper box was designed.设计了一个柔性版印刷纸盒的实验方案,通过设计图案、出片、印刷及质量检测得出印版对底片、印品对印版的网点扩大值,分析了柔印中的网点扩大规律,提出了控制网点扩大的方法。
3.The familiar structural style and form character were discussed as well as the characteristic and application of the paper box package design by way of the configuration and modality analysis.纸盒包装为市场销售包装中应用最广泛的一种商品包装形式,通过对纸盒包装的结构和形态的分析,论述了纸盒包装设计中常见的结构形式和形体特征及其特点与应用,指出了纸盒包装的结构设计要力求完美、形态设计要崇尚新奇,这将为纸盒包装设计提供借鉴作用。
1.The process-controlling of color consistency in printing cartons;纸盒印刷色彩一致性的工艺控制研究
4)Box or case纸箱纸盒
5)carton sealing paper纸盒衬纸

主要用途:适用于医药、食品、饮料、化妆品等行业的纸盒、纸板印制生产日期、有效期、批号等有色标识。并可作凹字压痕印字。工作原理及结构特点:  RG-420纸盒印字机采用膏状光亮油墨为印字墨源。具有印字定位精确、字迹清晰、自动计数等优点。配有R型或T型字的两用印字轮。  该机因使用特殊无污染油墨,完全符合GMP要求。RG-420技术参数:电  源:220V/50Hz功  率:100W油  墨:膏状光亮油墨速  度:≤0-160枚/分印物厚度:0.6-4毫米字体大小:2.0、2.5、3.0毫米任选印字行数:T型字:10行12字     R型字:5行15字外形尺寸:1150×660×530mm(长×宽×高)净  重:80kg·印字速度视被印物大小而定。