1.Economic Analysis on Counterfeit and Anti-counterfeit;造假与打假的经济学分析
2.As common occurrence,the counterfeit phenomenon has become a social issue facing economicsociety.我国的造假现象屡打不止,成为社会经济生活中的一大顽症。
3.The dissertation is aimed at the common counterfeit problems and security technology development in our society.本论文主要是从经济学和博弈论分析中找出制约造假者行为的因素,与此类领域内的其它研究不同,其它研究主要从政府行为出发来讨论如何打击假冒伪劣。

1.One who fakes or produces fakes.伪造者或制造假货的人
2.(British) a maker of counterfeit coins.(英国)伪造假币的人。
3.Do you think they padded the bill?你的意思是他们造假帐?
4.The machine used by counterfeiters was called a bogus press制造假币的人所用的机器叫做“冒牌造币机”。
5.crape ,wig-making, of wool or other animal hair制造假发用绉丝羊毛或其他动物毛制
6.artificial flowers, light, limbs, pearls假花、 人造光、 义肢、 假珍珠.
7.a phony credit card.伪造的信用卡(假的,假冒的)
8.an artificial crown for a tooth.为牙齿造的假的冠状物。
9.not fake or counterfeit.不是虚假或者伪造的。
10.in a false and spurious manner.以虚假、伪造的方式。
11.She invented false news.她捏造了假的消息。
12.That little Boy is good at cooking up excuses.那小男孩很会假造借口。
13.A knot of politicians manufactured public opinion.一群政客假造舆论。
14.make or possess equipment for making a false instrument制造或管有用作制造虚假文书的设备
15.To make fraudulent copies of something valuable.仿造,假冒制造一些有价值东西的赝品
16.To behave affectedly or unnaturally;pretend.矫揉造作;假装举止假装地或不自然地;装作
17.counterfeit emotion; counterfeit money; counterfeit works of art; a counterfeit prince.虚假的感情;伪币;伪造的艺术作品;假冒的王子。
18."Prosthesis: Artificial substitute for a missing part of the Body, usually an arm or leg."假体:身体缺失部分的人造替代物,通常指假手和假腿。

1.the false of photos are increasingly criticized by the press and whole society.随着技术和设备的进步,新闻摄影在新闻活动中扮演着“一图胜万言”的角色,可随之而来的摄影造假也令新闻界乃至整个社会所诟病。
1.The viewpoint that the scene during Pure Brightness time was drawn On the Riverside Scene of Pure Brightness is wrong, which hasn t being constantly, it came into being after the actions of fabrication of On the Riverside Scene of Pure Brightness in the Ming dynasty.它产生于明代的《清明上河图》造假活动之
1.Effecting a radical cure of the listed company financial fakes in our country we should enhance the independence of exterior audit, start afresh establishing the position of inner audit and perfect accounting occu- pation moral self-discipline mechanism etc.根治我国上市公司财务造假,应加强外部审计的独立性,重新确立内部审计的地位,健全会计职业道德的自律机制等。
5)Accounting fraud会计造假
1.On the prevention and treatment of accounting fraud论会计造假的防范与治理
2.From an ethical point of view to curb accounting fraud从伦理的角度遏制会计造假
3.This paper analyzes the role of institution in the formation of accounting information, the basic implication and explication of accounting fraud and the institutional mechanisms for accounting fraud.而会计造假是降低会计信息质量的罪魁祸首。
6)Financial cheating财务造假
1.Studies on financial cheating in public companies;上市公司财务造假问题探讨
