细胞转染,cell transfection
3)transfected cells转染细胞
1.The construction of human B lymphocyte stimulator-transfected cells and effects of its signal on B lymphocytes;人Blys转染细胞对B细胞功能的影响
2.1-IRES-CD34, has been constructed to facilitate the selection andscreening of transfected cells by magnetic cell sorting (MACS).为简化转染细胞的分选过程,构建了一个含有细胞表面标志CD34基因的双顺反子载体p3。
3.After transfection, transfected cells were cultured in th.我们将MACS分选技术引入到转染细胞的分选中,通过构。
1.Synthesis of new cytofectin-N~4-spermine cholesteryl carbamate;新型细胞转染素—N~4-精胺胆固醇羰酰氨的合成
2.Objective To preparation a new cationic liposome of which the positive component is a new cytofectin as a gene delivery vehicle for laboratory research of gene transfection and gene therapy in lung diseases.目的 制备以新型细胞转染素为阳性成分的阳离子脂质体 ,作为基因载体 ,用于基因转染的实验研究和肺部疾病的基因治疗。
5)transfected 293T cells转染293T细胞
6)Cancer cell transfer癌细胞转染

世间转法转智转无尽【世间转法转智转无尽】  世间转者,谓展转摄前众生界、世界、虚空界也。法转者,谓展转摄前法界、涅槃界、佛出现界也。智转者,谓展转摄前如来智界,心所缘佛智所入境界也。盖此三转,皆言无尽者,以世法智之三种,展转含摄,无有穷尽,是名世间转、法转、智转无尽。