视黄酸,retinoic acid
1)retinoic acid视黄酸
1.The effect of retinoic acid on the cardiac ventricle-atria diversification in zebrafish;视黄酸影响斑马鱼胚胎心脏房室分化
2.Retinoic acid inhibits tumor necrosis factor-α induced injury in human lung epithelial cells;视黄酸对肿瘤坏死因子α诱导肺泡上皮细胞损伤的保护作用
3.Apoptosis of MCF-7 cells induced by retinoic acid and fusion gene of Fas/RARα;视黄酸依赖Fas/RARα融合基因诱导MCF-7细胞凋亡的分子机制研究

1.An isomer of retinoic acid, used in the treatment of acne.一种视黄酸的异构体,用于治疗粉刺
2.Regulation of Vitamin C on Retinoic Acid Receptor β Gene维生素C对视黄酸受体β基因的调控
3.The Research of the Effect of Retinoic Acid on the Formation of Form Deprivation Myopia in Chicken;视黄酸在形觉剥夺性近视形成中作用的研究
4.The effect of retinoic acid on rabbit RPE cells in vitro全反式视黄酸对兔视网膜色素上皮细胞的影响
5.Research on retinoic acid system in retina of guinea pig eyes with form deprivation myopia豚鼠形觉剥夺性近视视网膜中视黄酸转运系统的研究
6.Experimental Research of the Effect of All-trans-retinoic Acid to Inhibit Intimal Proliferation in Healing Vein Bypass Grafts;全反式视黄酸抗移植静脉内膜增生的实验研究
7.Effects of a Teratogenic Dose of Retinoic Acid on Foxc2 Expression in Mouse Embryo致畸量视黄酸对小鼠胚胎Foxc2基因表达的影响
8.Model of Short Limbs Induced by All-trans-retinoic Acid during ICR Mouse Embryogenesis全反式视黄酸致ICR小鼠胎鼠短肢模型的建立
9.Research on the effect of Vitamin C on RARα gene维生素C对视黄酸受体α基因的作用初探
10.Influence of retinoic acid on the Tbx1 expression in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes外源性视黄酸调节乳鼠心肌细胞Tbx1的表达
11.Effect of all-trans retinoic acid deficiency on iron metabolism in rat primary hepatocyte全反式视黄酸对大鼠原代肝细胞铁代谢的影响
12.Rapid quantification of retinoic acid in biological samples by high-performance liquid chromatography高效液相色谱法快速测定生物样品中的视黄酸
14.Research on expression of landrace RARα gene on different days不同日龄大白猪视黄酸受体α基因组织表达
15.RXRα Promotes Differentiation of Porcine Preadipocytes视黄酸X受体α促进猪前体脂肪细胞分化
16.Research on expression of landrace RARβ gene on different days不同日龄大白猪视黄酸β基因的表达研究
17.Inhibition of pSmad implicated in cleft palate induced by all-trans retinoic acid全反式视黄酸诱发胎鼠腭裂及抑制Smad2磷酸化的作用
18.Role of Retinoic Acid and RARβ in Form Deprivation Myopia;视黄酸及其受体RARβ在形觉剥夺性近视中作用的研究

retinoic acid receptor视黄酸受体
1.Thymus tissues were cultured with or without retinoic acid and/or retinoic acid receptor antagonist.方法:采用体外胸腺组织培养体系,在培养体系中加入视黄酸视黄酸受体拮抗剂。
2.Purpose To explore the relationship between retinoic acid receptors and development of human embryonal adrenal and tumorigenesis of neuroblastoma.目的 探讨视黄酸受体基因在人胚肾上腺和神经母细胞瘤中表达的意义。
3.Distinct ways between RARα (retinoic acid receptor α) and RARβ on inhibition of AP 1(activator protein 1) activity in gastric cancer cells and their relationship with ATRA (all trans retinoic acid) action were investigated.研究胃癌细胞中视黄酸受体RARα和RARβ抑制活化蛋白 1(activatorprotein 1,AP 1)活性的不同方式及其与全反式视黄酸 (ATRA)作用的相关性 。
3)Retinoic acid deficiency视黄酸缺乏
4)all-trans retinoic acid全反视黄酸
1.Change of all-trans retinoic acid content in the retina,choroid and sclera of the chick with different visual environment;形觉剥夺下雏鸡视网膜、脉络膜和巩膜中全反视黄酸含量的变化
2.The effect of all-trans retinoic acid on human RPE cells in cell culture;全反视黄酸对培养的人视网膜色素上皮细胞的影响
3.Exogenous all-trans retinoic acid affects the expression and distribution of cone opsin in the postnatal guinea pig;外源性全反视黄酸对出生后豚鼠锥细胞视蛋白表达和方向性的影响
5)retinoic acid receptor alpha视黄酸受体-
6)Retinoic acid(RA) induction视黄酸诱导

视黄酸药物名称:视黄酸英文名:别名: 视黄酸;维A酸 ,维生素A酸适应症: 维生素A酸可使早期胃癌细胞恶性逆转,对早期癌变和异常增生可望用药使其恢复正常。用于治疗寻常痤疮(抑制皮脂分泌,减轻毛囊、皮脂腺管的角化异常,不利于细菌在表皮内繁殖)、扁平苔藓、粘膜白斑、多发性寻常疣、脂溢性皮炎、鱼鳞病、毛发红糠疹、毛囊角化病以及其他角化异常类皮肤病、牛皮癣、皮肤基底细胞癌、恶性上皮癌、对光化性唇炎癌变等。 用量用法: 口服:10mg/次,2~3/日。软膏、霜剂局部涂布。 注意事项: 本品内服可引起头痛、头晕、口痛、口干、唇炎、皮肤脱屑等;偶有肝功能异常。外用浓度超过0.3%,能使皮肤血管强烈扩张而引起的红斑、脱屑、灼热感等急性皮炎反应。急性皮炎、湿疹等患者忌用,肝、肾功能不良患者慎用,皮肤较薄的皱褶部位不宜用。外用制剂浓度不得超过0.3%。 规格: 片剂:5mg、10mg;软膏剂:0.025%、0.1%;霜剂:0.1%;复方霜剂. 类别:维生素AD属