细胞大小,Cell size
1)Cell size细胞大小
1.Cell size,number and density in the retina ganglion cell layer of Pekin duck retina at different embryonic age;不同胚龄北京鸭视网膜节细胞层细胞大小、数量及密度
2.We describe a new method, agarose blotting, used to detect epidermal cell size and number of plant organs.本文介绍一种获得完整植物器官表皮细胞大小和数目的简易方法:琼脂糖印迹法。

1.growth from increase in cell size without cell division.不是由于细胞分裂而是由于细胞大小的增加而导致的细胞生长。
2.Tumor consists of monotonous sheets of cells with pale cytoplasm and indistinct cytoplasmic borders.肿瘤细胞大小一致,胞浆苍白淡染,胞浆边缘模糊。
3.The appearance of increased poikilocytosis, anisocytosis, and RBC inclusions suggests that a spleen is not present.异形红细胞增多、红细胞大小不等以及红细胞内容物的出现均提示脾已不存在。
4.A large bone marrow cell with a lobulate nucleus that gives rise to blood platelets.巨核细胞大骨髓细胞,有由小叶组成的能产生血小板的细胞核
5.Nerve cells vary greatly in size and shape.神经细胞在大小和形状方面差别极大.
6.Most cells are too small to be detected by the unaided human eyes.绝大多数细胞都很小,肉眼看不到。
7.Cultivation and Identification of Bone Marrow Mast Cells in Mouse小鼠骨髓源性肥大细胞的培养及鉴定
8.In Vitro Culture and Induced Differentiation of Greater Epithelial Ridge Cells and Establishment of Immortalized Greater Epithelial Ridge and Lesser Epithelial Ridge Cell Lines from Rat Cochlea;大鼠耳蜗大上皮嵴细胞的体外培养与诱导分化及大、小上皮嵴细胞永生化细胞系的建立
9.Mouse spermatogonial stem cells and embryonic stem cell-like cells小鼠精原干细胞与胚胎干细胞样细胞
10.Study on Relationship between Tumor Size and Stage Distribution of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer非小细胞肺癌病灶大小与分期分布关系的探讨
11."Four major types (squamous-cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, large-cell carcinoma, and small-cell carcinoma) have roughly equal prevalence."此四大肺癌类型(鳞状细胞癌、腺癌、大细胞癌和小细胞癌)占癌症致死主因的前列。
12.Differentiation of newborn rat cochlear greater and lesser epithelial ridge cells into hair cell-like cells induced by gene transfection转基因诱导新生大鼠耳蜗大、小上皮嵴细胞分化为毛细胞样细胞实验
13.Note the difference in size and staining quality of the neoplastic nests of cells compared to normal germ cells.肿瘤细胞与正常的生殖细胞相比,大小和着色都不同。
14.A Study on the Influence of the Total Polysaccharides of Si-Jun-Zi Decoction on the Rat Intestinal Epithelial Cell Line IEC-6;四君子汤总多糖对大鼠小肠上皮细胞株IEC-6细胞功能的影响
15.Human Cytomegalovirus Infection of Mouse s Cerebral Cortex Cells;人巨细胞病毒感染小鼠大脑皮质细胞的体内外实验研究
16.Effects of hTGF-β1 on the Biological Characteristic of Rat Chondrocytes and Mouse Lymphocytes;hTGF-β1对大鼠软骨细胞及小鼠淋巴细胞生物学特性的影响
17.Tubular Epithelial-myofibroblast Transdifferentiation and the Expression of Hepatocyte Growth Factor in Renal Tissues of the Rat with Experimental Diabetes;糖尿病大鼠肾小管上皮细胞转化与肝细胞生长因子的表达
18.An Experimental Study on Dendritic Cells Combined with Interleukin-2 Treating Colon Tumor of Mice;树突状细胞和白细胞介素-2联合对小鼠大肠癌治疗的实验研究

erythrocyte size红细胞大小
3)size of blood cells血细胞大小
5)size of adipocyte脂肪细胞大小
6)Platelet-large cell rate(P-LCR)血小板-大细胞比率

白间素, 欣吉尔, T细胞生长因子 ,白细胞介素-2药物名称:白细胞介素-2英文名:Interleukin-2别名: 白间素, 欣吉尔, T细胞生长因子 ,白细胞介素-2外文名:Interleukin-2 ,IL-2适应症: 白介素-2是一个分子量为14500的糖蛋白,它刺激已被特异性抗原或致丝裂因数启动的T细胞增殖。重组白介素-2可用于临床研究。主要用于肾癌、黑色素瘤和非何杰金淋巴瘤有效(Rossenberg)。LAK细胞代表1个有单核巨噬细胞,B和T淋巴细胞特征的异原的细胞体。这些LAK细胞似乎对癌细胞有特异作用。此外,LAK细胞(不象T细胞)介导杀伤不受MHC的约束。 注意事项: 1.胃肠道反应有恶心、呕吐、腹泻等。 2.少数病人有发热不适、呼吸困难、嗜伊红细胞增多、贫血、水潴留(毛细管漏出综合征)、瘙痒、胆红素和肌酐水平短暂增高、鼻出血、舌炎、口干、精神状态改变、精神混乱、定向力障碍和精神变态。 3.血小板减少、红斑或皮疹、低血压、尿少、脱发和心肌梗塞等。 规格: 粉针剂:1000u,10000u, 10万u, 100万u. 类别:免疫增强剂||其他抗肿瘤药及辅助治疗药