棕色田鼠,Microtus mandarinus
1)Microtus mandarinus棕色田鼠
1.Comparison of NOS distribution in myenteric plexus of various segments of gastrointestinal tract of the mandarin vole,Microtus mandarinus;NOS在棕色田鼠胃肠道各段肌间神经丛分布的比较(英文)
3.Immunohistochemical Localization of 5-HTIR Cells in Gastrointestinal Tract of Mandarin Vole Microtus mandarinus;棕色田鼠胃肠道5-羟色胺细胞的免疫组织化学定位

1.A Comparative Rresearch of Behavior Pattern between Mandarin Voles (Microtus Mandarinus) and BALB/c Mice棕色田鼠与BALB/c小鼠行为型的比较研究
2.Intraspecific behavioral variation in two populations of wild-caught Mandarin voles棕色田鼠两个地域野生种群的行为比较(英文)
3.Behavioral response of lactating Mandarin voles exposed to alien pups哺乳期棕色田鼠对非亲缘幼仔的行为反应
4.Effect of Tannic Acid on Food Selection,Food Intake and Protein Digestion Rate in Mandarin Vole and Mice单宁酸对棕色田鼠和小鼠食物选择、日食量和蛋白质消化率的影响
5.Cellular activities of AOB, MOB in different behavior and brain developmental stages of mandarin voles Microtus mandarinus棕色田鼠脑和行为不同发育阶段副嗅球和主嗅球的细胞活动(英文)
6.Effects of V1a Receptor to Social Behaviors and Expression of AR of Male Mandarin Voles Microtus Mandarins;AVP及V1a受体对棕色田鼠社会行为及脑区AR表达的影响
7.The Development of the Glandula Genitalis and the Endocrine Regulation of Estrous Cycle of Female Mandarin Voles(Microtus Mandarinus);雌性棕色田鼠生殖腺发育和动情周期的内分泌调控初探
8.Elementary Comparative Study on Reproductive Physiology between XO Female and XX Female of Mandarin Voles (Microtus Mandarinus);棕色田鼠XO雌体和XX雌体生殖生理的初步比较研究
9.The Relationship between 5-HT, 5-HT1A Receptor and Social Recognition of Mandarin Voles Microtus Mandarinus;5-HT及5-HT1A受体在棕色田鼠社会识别中的作用初探
10.The Effects of Oxytocin and Testosterone Propionate on the Development of Social Behaviors in Mandarin Voles(Microtus Mandarinus);催产素及睾酮在棕色田鼠社会行为发育中作用的研究
11.The Relationship between AVP,OT and Social Behaviors of Mandarin Voles Microtus Mandarinus;AVP和OT及其受体和棕色田鼠社会行为相互关系的初步研究
12.Relationship between energy demands and expressions of NPY and PAM in the hypothalamus ventromedial nucles of mandarin voles(Microtus mandarinus)棕色田鼠下丘脑腹内侧核中NPY和PAM表达与能量供需的关系
13.Age Dependent Expressiones of Androgen Receptores in Testes and Epididymes of Mandarin Voles(Lasiopodomys mandarinus)棕色田鼠睾丸和附睾雄激素受体表达的增龄变化
14.Development of Testis and Epididymis, Spermatogenesis and the Regulatory Mechanism of Gossypol and Triperygium on Reproduction of Mandarin Voles (Microtus Mandarinus);棕色田鼠睾丸附睾的胚后发育和精子发生及棉酚雷公藤对生殖的调控机制
15.The Functions of Urine in Social Recognition and Urine-induced Cellular Activation in Main Olfactory Bulbs and Accessory Olfactory Bulbs of Mandarin Voles;棕色田鼠尿液在社会识别中的作用及其诱导的嗅球和副嗅球神经元活动
16.THEO (V.O.):The little mouse offered to help the big brown lion.棕色的小老鼠表示可以帮助大棕狮子。
17.Brown, brown, it's brown.棕色,棕色,它是棕色的。
18.The light brown fur of the coypu.海狸鼠皮毛海狸鼠的淡棕色皮毛

Mandarin Voles(Microtus mandarinus)棕色田鼠
1.In a resident-intruder test,behavior response of lactating Mandarin Voles(Microtus mandarinus) to strange males and their mates were observed after they were separated from their mates for 7 days,14 days and 21 days since parturition.观察了分娩后哺乳雌性棕色田鼠(Microtus mandarinus)与配偶分离7 d、14 d2、1 d后对配偶与陌生雄鼠的行为反应。
2.In this experiment,histological method was used to study postembryodevelopment of the ovary and uterus and effect of oxytocin and androgen on femalemandarin voles(Microtus mandarinus).本研究运用组织学方法观察了棕色田鼠(Microtus mandarinus)卵巢、子宫的胚后发育变化以及催产素和雄激素对棕色田鼠卵巢和子宫结构的作用,旨在探讨雌性棕色田鼠生殖发育的规律以及两种激素对棕色田鼠生殖结构的影响。
3)mandarin vole棕色田鼠
1.Comparison of the sexual dimorphism of brain structure between mandarin vole (Microtus mandarinus) and reed vole (M. fostis);棕色田鼠和沼泽田鼠脑内部结构性二型的比较研究
2.Study of ECG on different day-ages of mandarin voles;不同日龄棕色田鼠心电图的初步研究
3.Analysis of relationship between agestructures and population densities of mandarin voles;棕色田鼠的种群年龄结构和密度关系分析
4)Mandarin Voles棕色田鼠(Microtus mandarinus)
5)Mandarin Vole (Microtus mandarinus mandarinus)棕色田鼠指名亚种

玻璃田鼠原料配方 江米400米 水发香菇50克 原汁笋50克 叉烧肉100克 猪油100克 味精2克 胡椒粉0.5克 酱油40克 精盐4克 白糖10克 香油20克 玉米粉500克 鲜奶650克 清水550克 砂糖350克 砂糖350克 葱30克 鲜姜20克。制作方法 1.制皮:玉米粉(英粟粉)放入盆内,将清水煮沸冲入玉米粉内,边冲边搅拌,动作越快越好,同时要搅上劲。将烫好的面倒在案上,用盆扣着饧2分钟,趁热擦均匀,加入大油50克,再继续擦匀。最后加入白砂糖擦至白糖溶化,面团光滑滋润,放一旁待用(面团盖潮湿布或扣盆全行,以防皮面干裂)。2.制馅:先将糯米用乐洗净(洗时可用手擦搓,直到水清即可),再用清水浸泡至糯米无生骨,将米捞出放在铺好屉布的笼屉里,用旺火蒸约30分钟,米熟即可。水发香菇、原汁笋、叉烧肉分别切成小片,葱工葱花,姜切成姜末。将净锅坐在火上,烧热下入猪大油、葱花、姜末煸炒出香味,再入笋片、香菇片,加入调料(白糖可留1/2,作拌馅用),煸炒熟后,倒在糯米饭里,再加人叉烧肉,一起混合拌匀成馅(尝试口味)。3.包制:将粟粉面团搓条揪剂,每个剂15克,用擀面杖或手将剂制成中间稍厚的圆皮,包入糯米馅10克,成圆球形状放一旁待用。4.印制:将包好馅的圆球放入带有鼠图案的模内,用手轻巧地摁制平整均匀,馅不破不偏。将饼磕出,均匀地码放在刷好油的笼屉内(应用铝屉,没有铝屉垫块铝板),用旺米蒸约10分钟即熟,立即在饼表面涂刷一层薄油,即可食用,最好热食。5.制叉烧肉:肥瘦猪肉500克、白糖62克、酱油63克、葱25、鲜姜25克、白酒15克、味精5克、精盐5克。将肉切条状,在肉条上剞刀(腌时易入味),将肉条放在盆内,加上全部调料拌均匀,腌30分钟后进炉烤熟或用锅烧熟(腌的过程中要拌几次),将熟后的叉烧肉切成小片即呆。产品特点 色泽洁白,口感软香,图案精致。