细胞分泌,cell secretion
1)cell secretion细胞分泌

1.Insulin is secreted by beta cells, specialized cells in the pancreas.胰岛素是由胰腺中的特种细胞β细胞分泌的。
2.CRH Regulates on the Secretion of Cytokines of Abdominal Macrophage;CRH对腹腔巨噬细胞分泌细胞因子的调节作用
3.Effects of conditioned medium of human ADSCs on HaCaT cells人脂肪干细胞分泌因子对HaCaT细胞的生物学作用
4.A Role of a-latrotoxin in Cell Secretion;a-latrotoxin对细胞分泌的调节作用
5.Studies on Mechanisms of Exocytosis Regulation in Rat Pancreatic β Cells;大鼠胰腺β细胞分泌调控机制的研究
6.Relationship between Morphological Change and Exocytosis in MIN6 Cell Line;MIN6细胞分泌过程的形态学研究
7.Unicellular gland - a goblet cell mucus-secreting. (H &E stain.单细胞腺--分泌粘液的杯状细胞。
8.Of or relating to a gland whose output consists of disintegrated secretory cells along with the secretory product itself.(腺体)全浆分泌的属于或有关无分泌功能的腺体的分泌物,包括分裂的分泌细胞和分泌物本身
9.The large secretory type 2 cell is responsible for the secretion of the surfactant.较大的Ⅱ型分泌细胞负责分泌表面作用剂。
10.Of or relating to a type of glandular secretion in which the apical portion of the secreting cell is released along with the secretory products.顶浆分泌的,泌离的分泌细胞的顶端部分与分泌物一起脱离的腺体分泌的,与其相关的
11.G cells may possess endocrine, paracrine and exocrine functions simultaneously.G细胞可能同时具备内分泌、旁分泌和外分泌方式。
12.Corticotrophs and prolactin cells form the pro-adenohypophysis;促肾上腺激素分泌细胞和催乳素分泌细胞组成前-腺垂体;
13.Study on Mechanism of Secretion Regulation in Gonadotrope Endocrine Cells and DRG Neuron Cells;垂体内分泌细胞及DRG神经细胞的分泌调控机制的动力学研究
14.Study of the Induction and Differentiation of Hepatic Stem Cells into Insulin-Producing Cells;肝干细胞诱导分化为胰岛素分泌细胞的研究
15.Study of the Induction and Differentiation of Fetal Hepatic Stem Cells into Insulin-Secreting Cells;胎肝干细胞诱导分化为胰岛素分泌细胞的研究
16.Current Status on Induction and Differentiation of Stem Cells into Insulin-secreting Cells干细胞诱导分化为胰岛素分泌细胞的研究现状
17.Differentiation of human bone marrow-derived stem cells into insulin-producing cells in vitro and in vivo人骨髓源干细胞向胰岛素分泌细胞分化(英文)
18.Endothelial cell possessed the ruction of synthesizing and excreting VEGF,and the quantility is related with the amount of endothelial cells.内皮细胞能合成分泌VEGF,其量与细胞浓度有关。

secretory cell分泌细胞
1.All the canals delimited by one layer of secretory cells.(2)乳汁道都是由一层分泌细胞及其外的多层薄壁鞘细胞围绕着腔道构成,属于贮存生漆的分泌道。
2.The gland epithelium was irregular pseudo-stratified ciliated columnar epithelium which consist a lot of secretory cells,fewer ciliated columnar cells,and basilar cells.结果表明,在发情期,绵羊输卵管伞、漏斗部和壶腹部纵行皱褶黏膜上皮的厚度稍有增加,并且黏膜上皮向固有膜下陷形成一些输卵管腺;腺泡上皮为不太规则的假复层纤毛柱状上皮,由大量分泌细胞和少量的柱状纤毛细胞、基细胞共同构成;输卵管伞、漏斗部和壶腹部,黏膜上皮和腺泡上皮内大部分分泌细胞顶端出现有分泌小泡,而在输卵管峡部,分泌细胞顶端则没有分泌小泡。
3)β-cell secretionβ细胞分泌
4)Endocrine cells内分泌细胞
1.Distribution and morphology of endocrine cells in the digestive tract of Bufo gargarizans;中华蟾蜍消化道内分泌细胞的分布与形态
2.Histological studies on gastrointestinal tract of Paralichthys olivaceus and endocrine cells distribution within it;牙鲆消化道组织学观察及内分泌细胞分布
3.Localization and identification of endocrine cells in the Gastro-Entero-Pancreatic system of Trionyx sinensis;中华鳖胃肠胰内分泌细胞的鉴定与定位
1.Study on correlation between nodule density of different organs and hypericin content in Hypericum perforatum;贯叶金丝桃不同器官的分泌细胞团分布密度与金丝桃素含量的相关性研究
2.Result: According to their anatomical characteristics,the secretory structures can be divided into nodules,secretory cavities(canals) and tiny secretory tubes of 20 medicinal species in Hypericum.结果:金丝桃属植物中存在3种分泌结构:分泌细胞、分泌囊(道)和韧皮部中分泌小管道,其中分泌细胞团含金丝桃素类物质,分泌囊(道)和分泌小管道含油脂类物质。
3.It was provide by semi thin sections and histochemistry that there are secretory cavity and nodule in Hypericum perforatum .应用半薄切片和组织化学观察结果表明 ,贯叶连翘植物体内具有分泌囊和分泌细胞团 ,叶片、萼片、花瓣中都存在 2种分泌结构 ,分泌囊尚存在于果壁内 ,而分泌细胞团还在花药和茎棱中。
6)Endocrine cell内分泌细胞
1.Immunohistochemistry observation of endocrine cells in fetal endometrium;胎儿子宫内膜内分泌细胞的免疫组化观察
2.Immunohistochemical studies on endocrine cells in the digestive tract of Sigauns fuscesens;褐篮子鱼消化道内分泌细胞的鉴别与定位
3.Localization on immunohistochemistry of endocrine cells in the digestive tract of Paralichthys olivaceus;褐牙鲆消化道内分泌细胞免疫组织化学的定位

多激素分泌的胰岛细胞瘤多激素分泌的胰岛细胞瘤multiple hormone secreted islet cell tumor 胰岛细胞肿瘤常常为混合型,一个胰岛肿瘤中有多种胰岛细胞,分泌多种激素,但以其中一种为主。