培养能力,ability training
1)ability training培养能力
2)training ability培养能力
3)cultivating ability培养能力
1.Understanding the relations between each other is very necessary to carry out better the principle of combining"strengthening foundation,cultivating ability with developing ability".弄清其彼此间的关系对更好地贯彻"加强基础,培养能力和发展智力"相结合的原则是很有必要的。
4)ability cultivation培养能力
5)ability cultivation能力培养
1.Innovation Teaching and Ability Cultivation in Business English;商务英语创新教学与能力培养
2.The teaching reform on University Chemistry should replace the concept, set the content properly and improve the method, and insist teaching with ability cultivation, knowledge in and out of books, traditional teaching method with modern teaching method be combined reasonalby.论述了《大学化学》在高等职业技术教育中的重要性,分析了当前高职院校《大学化学》教学中存在的主要问题,提出高职院校《大学化学》教学改革应从理念更新、内容设置、方法改进等方面,坚持知识讲授与能力培养、课本知识与课外知识、传统教学方法与现代化教学手段的有机结合。
3.To reform experimental teaching and to attach importance to the ability cultivation is the objective and demand of higher vocational education.改革实验教学,注重能力培养是高职教育的目标和要求。

1.AutoCAD Teaching and Cultivating Students Initiative Abilities;AutoCAD教学与创新能力培养
2.Capability Standard and the Cultivation of Innovative Capability;关于能力本位与创新能力培养的探讨
3.The Training of Life Experience and Writing Skill生活感受能力的训练及写作能力培养
4.Strengthening Five Core Abilities to Cultivate Top Talents以五种能力培养为核心 培养财经拔尖人才
5.The"Lead-in Approach"in Listening Prediction-training;听力的预测能力培养的“引入”模式
6.Fosting the Students,Practical Ability by Reforming the Training Pattern of Talents;改革人才培养模式 培养学生实践能力
7.Cultivate your musical taste; Train your tastebuds; She is well schooled in poetry.培养你的音乐欣赏能力。
8.We should foster our abilities to study independently.我们应培养自学能力。
9.To cultivate divergent thinking is an important part of cultivating creativity.培养发散思维能力是培养创造力的重要环节。
10.Cultivating Adaptive Ability of New Schoolmates to Enhance Their Interpersonal Interaction;培养新生适应能力 增强新生交际能力
11.On the Cultivation of College Students Abilities of Seeking for Employment and Their Practical and Creative Competence;论大学生实践能力与创新能力的培养
12.Retelling Ability--Key to Oral Capability;复述能力的培养——口语能力提高的关键
13.Discussion on the Training of the Micro Ability of Listening Comprehension in College English Teaching;大学英语听力理解微技能能力的培养
14.The Ability to Solve Choice Questions & Cultivating Thinking Ability;解选择题能力与学生思维能力的培养
15.The cultivation of Cultural Accomplishment of PE and the Improvement of the Life_long Capabilities of PE;培养体育文化素养,提高终身体育能力
16.The Effective Approach and Mode of Cultivating the Innovation Capability of University Students;论大学生创新能力的培养途径和培养模式
17.Cultivation of Students Asking Question Means Development of Their Innovative Ability;培养学生提问题就是在培养学生的创新能力
18.The Relationship Between Cultural Competence and Communicative Competence and How to Cultivate Cultural Competence;论文化能力与交际能力和如何培养文化能力

training ability培养能力
3)cultivating ability培养能力
1.Understanding the relations between each other is very necessary to carry out better the principle of combining"strengthening foundation,cultivating ability with developing ability".弄清其彼此间的关系对更好地贯彻"加强基础,培养能力和发展智力"相结合的原则是很有必要的。
4)ability cultivation培养能力
5)ability cultivation能力培养
1.Innovation Teaching and Ability Cultivation in Business English;商务英语创新教学与能力培养
2.The teaching reform on University Chemistry should replace the concept, set the content properly and improve the method, and insist teaching with ability cultivation, knowledge in and out of books, traditional teaching method with modern teaching method be combined reasonalby.论述了《大学化学》在高等职业技术教育中的重要性,分析了当前高职院校《大学化学》教学中存在的主要问题,提出高职院校《大学化学》教学改革应从理念更新、内容设置、方法改进等方面,坚持知识讲授与能力培养、课本知识与课外知识、传统教学方法与现代化教学手段的有机结合。
3.To reform experimental teaching and to attach importance to the ability cultivation is the objective and demand of higher vocational education.改革实验教学,注重能力培养是高职教育的目标和要求。
6)training ability能力培养
1.How to hanadle the problem between transmiting knowledgeand training ability in teaching course of physiology;生理学教学中正确处理传授知识和能力培养的探索与实践
2.Several Views on Doing Graduation Project and Training Ability of Students;对毕业设计与学生能力培养的几点看法
3.This article takes the method of mesh for example, adopts the teaching method which unites passing on knowledge and training ability, lets students feel and understand how knowledge comes into being and develops, trains students scientific spirit and the habit of bring forth new ideas,drills their ability to acquire new knowledge by themselves.以网孔法为例,采用了融传授知识和能力培养为一体的教学方法,在传授知识的过程中通过让学生感受、理解知识的产生和发展过程,培养学生的科学精神及创新思维的习惯,培养学生自我获取新知识的能力。

培养学生文学鉴赏能力培养学生文学鉴赏能力fostering student's literary appreciation  培养学生文学鉴赏能力(fo steringstudent’sliterary approeiation)包括三个方面:(l)在审美实践中提高鉴赏能力。首先,要选择优秀作品作为鉴赏对象,正如歌德所说:“鉴赏力不是靠观察中等作品而是靠观赏最好的作品才能培养成的。”其次,要帮助学生积累丰富的生活经验,教师要介绍作品的时代背景,沟通古今中外,把作品置于产生它的那种错综复杂、千丝万缕的社会关系中,去了解作家的思想感情倾向和创作意图,才能提高鉴赏水平和能力。再次,要培养以艺术眼光鉴赏作品,为此要懂得一些艺术门道,具备艺术修养。正如马克思所说:“如果你想欣赏艺术,你必须成为一个在艺术上有修养的人。”还有,要在比较和鉴别中培养和提高审美能力,正是“观千剑而后识器”。孤陋寡闻,不行,泛读而无比较,就只能人云亦云。惟有比较才能鉴别,惟有鉴别才能提高。因此需要多读优秀作品,通过各种方式经常进行比较和鉴别。最后,要搞些创作实践。读是写的基础,但通过写的迁移也可以加深对读的理解,这正是“操千曲,而后晓声”。(2)建立高尚的情感。正如刘舰所说“披文以入情”,爱僧是在生活中学会的,而文学的美育就会发展和丰富它们。审美鉴赏中,情感鼓荡着知觉和想像。所以是“仁者见仁、智者见智”,关键在于要有正确的审美观点和高尚的审美情感。因此,培养高尚的情感是鉴赏中的重要任务,也是重要目标。(3)掌握艺术欣赏的规律。首先,鉴赏是一种借助于联想、想像的再创造的审美活动,要善于联想与想像。其次,鉴赏是一种艺术享受,并在其中激起爱憎的情感,提高思想认识。再次,鉴赏有个人的偏爱,但在其中显示着鉴赏的社会性。人具有个性,各有偏爱与选择,必然是各取所需。但是不能瑕瑜不分、兼收并蓄,也不能舍本求末,不得真谛,要就鉴赏的社会性方面去引导、鉴别。 (梁息全撰匝亘固市)