比较基因组分析,genome-wide comparative analysis
1)genome-wide comparative analysis比较基因组分析

1.Genome-wide Comparative Analysis of snR72-snR78 Genes from Different Species不同物种snR72~snR78的比较基因组分析
2.Comparative Analysis of Genomes of O. Meyeriana and O. Officinalis疣粒野生稻和药用野生稻的比较基因组分析
3.Sequence Analysis and Comparative Studies of the Rice Genome;水稻基因组序列分析及比较基因组研究
4.Comparative Genomic Hybridization Analysis of Spontaneously Aborted Specimen;比较基因组杂交在自然流产组织分析中的应用
5.Comparative Sequencing and Initial Analysis of Tomato and Potato Genome in Chromosome XI;番茄和马铃薯基因组染色体XI的比较基因组测序及初步分析
6.Molecular Charactercs and Comparative Analysis of the Complete Mitochondrial Genome of Lepidopteran鳞翅目昆虫线粒体全基因组结构特点及其比较基因组学分析
7.Comparative Study on the Genomes between Oryza alta and Oryza latifolia Based on C-Genome利用C基因组对高杆野生稻和宽叶野生稻基因组的比较分析
8.Comparative Genomic Analysis of Indica and Japonica Rice and Comparative Karyotype Analysis of O.sativa and O. Officinalis栽培稻籼粳亚种基因组的比较研究及药用野生稻的比较核型分析
9.Analysis of Head and Neck Squamous Carcinomas by CGH;头颈部鳞状细胞癌的比较基因组杂交分析
10.Branchiostoma Belcheri BAC Sequencing and Comparative Genomics Analysis;白氏文昌鱼BAC测序与比较基因组学分析
11.Analysis of O.latifolia and O.alta with genomic in situ hybridization;两种CCDD型野生稻的基因组原位杂交比较分析
12.Comparative genomic hybridization analysis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell lines鼻咽癌不同细胞系的比较基因组杂交分析
13.Using comparative genomics to analyze the function of human NDRG2用比较基因组学方法分析人NDRG2的生物学功能
14.Comparative Proteomics Analysis of Differentially Expressed Proteins in U251 Cells Transfected by pcDNA3.1(+) or LRRC4 GeneLRRC4基因转染U251细胞的比较蛋白质组学分析
15.Cloning and Comparative Genomics Analysis of 3 Mastitis Resistance Relational Genes in Dairy Cows;3个与奶牛乳房炎抗性相关基因的克隆及比较基因组学分析
16.Analyse the Pathogenicy Related Genes of Phytopathogenic in Comparative Genomics Method;用比较基因组的方法分析植物病原细菌致病性相关基因
17.Molecular Cloning and Comparative Genomic Analysis of BANYULS (BAN) Gene Family from Brassica Napus and Its Parental Species;甘蓝型油菜及其亲本物种BAN基因家族的克隆与比较基因组学分析
18.Genome-wide comparative analysis of the metalloprotease ftsH gene families between Arabidopsis thaliana and rice拟南芥和水稻金属蛋白酶ftsH基因家族的基因组比较分析(英文)

comparative genomics analysis比较基因组学分析
3)comparative genomic比较基因组
1.The objective of this study was to assess syntenic relationships of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for important agronomic traits between maize and rice based on the comparative genomic map of maize and rice (using) two F_(2:3) populations.基于性状的比较基因组研究不但有助于新基因或QTL的发现、克隆和利用 ,同时还有助于研究不同物种间染色体的演变和进化规
4)Comparative genomics比较基因组
1.Application of bioinformatics in some fields of rice research was introduced, such as exploiting new genes, comparative genomics and functional genomics.概述了核酸数据库、蛋白质数据库及其集成系统 ,并简介生物信息学在水稻新基因挖掘、比较基因组及功能基因组中研究的现状 ,最后展望了其发展前
2.Brassica is the vital research focus of comparative genomics in dicotyledons, and great progresses have been made in Brassica comparative genomics over the past 15 years.芸薹属(Brassica)植物是双子叶植物比较基因组学研究的重点对象。
3.On the basis of local database, comparative genomics research and maize QTL analysis.分子标记技术的建立与发展不仅促进了基因(QTL)的遗传定位研究,而且为在DNA水平上进行物种间的比较基因组学研究提供了重要的技术手段。
5)genome comparison基因组比较
1.The problems of sorting strings by reversals or by transpositions have been studied because of their applications to genome comparison.序列的翻转与对换的排序问题因在基因组比较中的应用而受到关注 。
6)Comparative genome analysis比较基因组
1.34 genes with complete cds related to plant potassium transporter families have been identified in rice,wheat,barley,maze,tobacco etc by comparative genome analysis across GenBank NR,EMBL,DDBJ,PDB database.利用比较基因组学,将剩余的9个基因确定为K+通道基因。
2.【Method】 With the help of comparative genome analysis method, searching was conducted across GenBank, EMBL, DDBJ, PDB NR database.【方法】利用比较基因组学研究手段,在GenBank、EMBL、DDBJ和PDB数据库中进行搜索,并对其同源性进行分析。

比较比较  两种事物之间的对比,诸如大小、高低、长短、前后、上下、左右、精神、营养、病情等都可作比较。