DNaseⅠ超敏感位点,DNase I hypersensitive site(DHS)
1)DNase I hypersensitive site(DHS)DNaseⅠ超敏感位点
2)hypersensitive site超敏感位点

1.Preliminary Study on DNase Ⅰ Hypersensitive Site of Oncogene Ha-ras-1in the Genome of Human Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma(NPC) Cell Lines HNE2 and HONE1人鼻咽癌细胞基因组中瘤基因Ha-ras-1的Dnase Ⅰ超敏感位点的初步研究
2.hypersensitive site超敏(感)位点,高敏位点[类似热点或高变区中的位点]
3.Study of Sensitive Breakpoints within the D-loop Region of mtDNA;线粒体DNA D-loop区断裂敏感位点的研究
4.Aberrations effect on position accuracy of star sensor像差对星敏感器星点定位精度的影响
5.CCD Chip’s Temperature Effect on Position Accuracy of Star SensorCCD温度对星敏感器星点定位精度的影响
6.Features,drug sensitivity and prognosis of infection by aeromonas at different parts of body不同部位气单胞菌感染的特点、药物敏感性及预后
7.Research on High Sensitivity Displacement Sensor Based on Planar Ring Micro-cavity Structure基于平面环形微腔结构的超高灵敏度位移传感器的研究
8.Environmental sensitive area环境敏感地带(环境敏感区位)
9.a medicine used to treat allergies and hypersensitive reactions and colds; works by counteracting the effects of histamine on the receptor site known as H1.用来治疗敏感症、敏感反映和伤风的药物;通过和H受点部位组胺作用相中和而起作用。
10.Research on Nodes Positioning Optimization Model for UWB-based Wireless Sensor Networks超宽带无线传感器网络节点定位优化模型研究
11.I became mildly obsessed with motor vehicles.我变得对汽车有点敏感。
12.Research of Culture, Identification, Character of Different Sites and Radiosensitivity for Brain Tumor Stem Cells;脑肿瘤干细胞的培养鉴定及其不同位点的特性和放射敏感性研究
13.Irradiation Imitating Space Environment Acting on Mice Liver Cell and Radiation Sensitive Molecule Exploring模拟空间辐射对小鼠肝细胞辐射相关因素及敏感位点的探索
14.the patient was desensitized to the allergen.这位病人对过敏原已经不敏感了。
15.Highly sensitive to touch. Used of a body part.敏感的对触摸高度敏感的,尤指身体部位的
16.Comparison of sensitivity between BN and Wistar rats in type I hypersensitivityBN大鼠与Wistar大鼠Ⅰ型超敏反应敏感性的比较
17.Association of Polymorphism of Codon 72 in p53 Gene with Susceptibility and Radiosensitivity of Non-Small-Cell-Lung Cancer in Chinese Population.;p53基因BstUI位点多态性与非小细胞肺癌易感性及辐射敏感性的相关性
18.Such location-aware services challenge location transparency.象这样的位置敏感服务挑战位置透明。

hypersensitive site超敏感位点
3)hypersensitive site超敏(感)位点,高敏位点
4)Caries-susceptible sites龋敏感位点
5)disease sensitive loci疾病敏感位点(DSL)
6)sensitive break point断裂敏感位点
