审美享受,aesthetic enjoyment
1)aesthetic enjoyment审美享受
2)share aesthetically审美共享
3)Beautiful treat美的享受

1.Let Art Lessons Become the Enjoyment of Beauty--Discussing the Teaching of Fine Arts in the Junior Middle School by Examples让美术课成为美的享受——例谈初中美术教学
2.In this entertainment palace, you will get perfect enjoyment.本娱乐宫给您尽善尽美的享受
3.During the last three months she had indulged beauty passionately.在过去三个月中,她尽情地沉溺在美的享受之中。
4.A Charming World and an Aesthetic Enjoyment--A Visit to Stom King Art Center迷人世界 美的享受——访斯托姆京艺术中心
5.and just enjoy this beautiful spring day.尽情享受这美好的春天。
6.I enjoyed the fresh air and appreciated the beautiful scenery.我享受着新鲜的空气,欣赏沿途的美景。
7.Enjoy your stay, American.享受你在这边的生活吧,美国人。
8.Americans spend their free time in various ways.美国人享受闲暇的方式多种多样。
9.The hiker paused, pleasuring in the sounds of the forest.旅行者停下脚步享受森林美妙的声音
10.It was a positive delight to hear her sing so beautifully.听她美妙的歌声绝对是一种享受。
11.It was so delicious to be really loved.享受到真正被人爱恋的滋味多么美好!
12.Wealth got by labour is sweet in the enjoyment.劳动得来的财富享受起来味道甜美。
13.The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.越赞美和享受生活,生活就越值得赞美和享受。
14.All real Americans love the sting of battle.每一个真正的美国人都能够享受战争的苦痛。
15.Together we will give Americans the broad, fair and fiscally responsible tax relief they deserve.让我们共同努力使美国人民能享受到他们该享受的广泛、公平且财政能承受的减税计划。
16.Bask in the beauty of the world around you.尽情享受你周围这个世界里的美好事物。
17.May be I would be enjoying a rack of lean pork ribs as a delicious treat.也许我能享受到作为美味款待的烤瘦肉猪排。
18.The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it.--Richard Bach酬报美妙时刻的最好方式是心情地享受它。——巴赫

share aesthetically审美共享
3)Beautiful treat美的享受
4)esthetic sense enjoyment美感享受
1.The esthetic sense enjoyment is a mental state of much joy and pleasure arising from the perception of the objective esthetic thing evolving into the rational joyful experience of it.美感享受是人对客观审美对象从感性升跃到理性的愉悦体验,达到的怡情悦性的心理状态。
5)enjoy beauty享受美
6)appreciation of aesthetics美学享受
1.After reading her poems,we can get a real appreciation of aesthetics.狄金森是美国19世纪著名的女诗人,由于爱情挫折和信仰的与众不同,她的诗歌彰显个人特色,表露出"异化"的倾向和暗示"他者"身份存在的可能性,阅读她的诗歌会让人感受一种纯真的美学享受。

审美享受审美享受aesthetic enjoyment  审美本受(aesthetie enjoyment)通过审美感受所获得的一种情感上的愉悦。它以审美需要为基础,是感知、想像、情感、理解诸心理功能共同和谐运动的极致状态。表现为满足感和快乐感。由它所引起的情感高涨,能使人与艺术作品产生共鸣,从而培养人的崇高感、正义感和美感。它是丰富人们精神世界的有机组成部分。 (黄冬梅撰张舟玲审)