现代性转换,modern transformation
1)modern transformation现代性转换
1.new scholar s painting make a modern transformation of the traditional scholar painting in the aspects of creation subject,presenting skills and aesthetic taste.新文人画在创作题材、表现技法和审美旨趣三个方面展开了对传统文人画的现代性转换

1.New Scholar s Painting: Modern Transformation of Traditional Scholar s Painting;新文人画:传统文人画的现代性转换
2.The Modernity-Oriented Transfer of Ancient Theory of Literary Spirit--On Wang Qizeng s Theory in Novel Writing;古代文气论的现代性转换——汪曾祺小说理论散论
3.Change of Humanitarian Spirit in the Development of a Bridgehead City;连云港城市发展中人文精神的现代性转换
4.Modern Transformation of Cultures in the Yangtze River Delta都市化进程中长三角城市群文化的现代性转换
5.The Modern Transference between Zhang Henshui's,Caw to Ridicule Cause and the Outdated Popular Novels张恨水《啼笑因缘》与旧派通俗小说的现代性转换
6.Modernity Shift of the Native Cultural Resources in Graphic Design图形设计中本土文化资源的现代性转换
7.The Modern Change of Chinese Classic Aesthetics--the research of Zong Baihua s rhythm thought;中国古典美学的现代性转换——从节奏论看宗白华美学思想
8.On the Modern Evolution of the Chinese Novel Nerrative Pattern in the Short Story Magazine;略论中国小说叙事范式在《小说月报》中的现代性转换
9.The Transformation of Publicness in The Process of Modernization in Japan;日本现代化进程中公共性的构造转换
10.On the modern transformation of the traditional moral education论传统德性人格教育思想的现代转换
11.On Modernistic Transformation of Historical Tradition;史学传统的现代转换的必要性和实现途径
12.On the Paradigm Shift of Christian Aestheticism and Its Relationship to Western Modernity论基督教审美主义的范式转换及其现代性问题
13."The July Revolution" and Egyptian Modernization s Transformation;“七月革命”与埃及现代化进程的路标性转换
14.The Thought of Nietzsche and the Transformation of the Paradigm of Western Culture尼采的现代性批判与西方文化范式的转换
15.Discussion on the Condition and Possibility of Transforming Ancient Chinese Literary Theories into Modern Ones;意境·意象·物态化——兼论中国古代文论向现代转换的条件及可能性
16.From Order to Liberty:Transition from Tradition of Political Civilization to Modernity Value;从秩序到自由:政治文明之传统性到现代性的价值转换
17.From Knowledge Paradigm to Existence Paradigm--the Transition of Subjectivity of the Modern Teacher s Education;从知识范型到生存范型——现代教师教育主体性的转换生成
18.History Transition of the Western Philosophical Theme and the Question of Modernity of China s Philosophy;西方哲学主题的历史转换与中国哲学的现代性问题

Modern transformation现代转换
1.The historical annotation and modern transformation of value system of Daxue;《大学》价值体系的历史诠释及其现代转换
2.On the modern transformation of the traditional moral education论传统德性人格教育思想的现代转换
3.Modern transformation of ancient China perspective should be established on the basis of the acceptance and the filter.中国古代文论现代转换的视角应该建立在接受与过滤的基础上。
3)modern change现代转换
1.the modern change of Chinese traditional documents and means of research; 3.从中国传统文献与研究的现状、传统文献与研究手段的现代转换及其应注意的问题等几个方面 ,就中国传统文化研究阐述了看法。
2.Meaning case,as an important category of China poetry must have a modern change so as to be understood by modern literature theory researchers.意格是中国诗学中的一个重要范畴,必须实现现代转换为当代文学理论所接受吸纳。
4)modern transition现代转换
5)modern conversion现代转换
1.Marx s Theories of the Social Construction and Their Modern Conversion;马克思社会结构理论及其现代转换
2.The modern flow of Chinese literatuer and art s noumenon life relies greatly on the modern conversion of its intermediary system.中国文艺学本体生命的现代流动 ,在很大程度上取决于其中介系统的现代转换 ,而这种转换的关键在于现代人的人格意识、知行手段、心智结构的现代转
6)modernity conversion of Chinese classical literary criticism古代文论的现代性转换
1.The paper discusses three focal issues of the argument whether the Chinese contemporary literary criticism is "aphasic": whether Chinese contemporary literary criticism is completely "aphasic"; if it is, what are the causes; whether there is causal relationship between the "aphasia" of Chinese contemporary literary criticism and modernity conversion of Chinese classical literary criticism.着眼于中国当代文论是否患了“失语症”讨论申的三个焦点问题:即中国当代文论有没有全面失语;若失语,原因何在;当代文论失语与古代文论的现代性转换有无必然联系,对“失语症”进行反思,提出自己的一些浅见。

可转换证券的转换价值 可转换证券的转换价值——  如果一种可转换证券可以立即转让,它可转换的普通股票的市场价格与转换比率的乘积就是可转换证券的转换价值,即转换价值等于普通股票的市价乘以转换比率。