工科大学,engineering universities
1)engineering universities工科大学
1.Young teachers\' ethics construction in engineering universities not only decides whether a teacher can keep abreast of the times,but also closely relates to whether higher education can adapt to the economic and social development.青年教师是我国高等教育的未来和希望,师德是衡量一名教师是否合格的重要尺度;工科大学青年教师的师德状况不仅直接决定青年教师本人能否适应时代的要求,而且关系到整个高等教育能否适应经济和社会的发展,因此在新形势下,加强工科院校青年教师的师德建设意义重大。
2.According to the evaluation standards of scientific research structural hierarchy in engineering universities, this paper categorizes the top 100 engineering universities listed in China\'s University Evaluation into four hierarchies, namely high-level multiversity, quasi-high-level multiversity, potential multiversity and ordinary multiversity.根据工科大学科研结构层次评价标准,将《中国大学评价》100强高校的工科大学划分为高水平多科性大学、准高水平多科性大学、具有发展潜力多科性大学和一般多科性大学等四个层次,并对一般多科性大学范畴中的热点区域多科性大学进行了具体分析。

1.Contemporary Science Philosophy and Training the Science Thinking of Undergrates in College of Science and Engineering;当代科学哲学与理工科大学生科学思维培养
2.Scientific Literacy and Its Cultivation of Undergraduate Studying Science and Technology;理工科大学生科学素养及其培养研究
3.On the Development of Humanities and Social Sciences to the Science and Technology University;理工科大学发展人文社会科学的思考
4.Tactics on Developing Humanities in University of Science and Technology;试论理工科大学的人文学科发展策略
5.Optimization Design to Industrialization Pattern of Science and Technology in Technology University;理工科大学科技产业化模式优化设计
6.The Innovation Mode on Extracurricular Technological Activity for Engineering College Students;工科大学生课外科技创新模式的探索
7.Construction of Engineering School Humanities Courses System;工科大学生人文社科课程体系的构建
8.The Construction of Liberal Arts in the Transforming Key Universities of Science and Technology;重点理工科大学转型时期的文科建设
9.English Competence Cultivation of Science Majors;理工科大学学生英语学习能力的培养
10.The aesthetic education of university student of science and technology is to be strengthened应加强对理工科大学生的科学与技术美学教育
11.Some Thoughts to Develop Philosophy and Social Sciences in Universities of Science and Technology;理工科大学发展哲学社会科学的几点思考
12.Nanyang Technological University: Is Asia's most outstanding university in science and engineering.南洋理工大学:是亚洲最优秀的理工科大学
13.A college student has to do a host of assignments every day.工科大学生每天得做大量的作业。
14.The Influence of Education Technology Development on Scientific Literacy of Science and Technology College Students;教育技术发展对理工科大学生科学素养的影响
15.Understand the Science-related Moral Education in the Perspective of Students Majoring in Science, Technology and Engineering;从理工科大学生的视角解读科学道德教育
16.Humanities and Social Science Development Strategy in Universities of Science and Technology;理工科大学人文社会科学发展战略探讨
17.The Aduance of Sciene Research and Course Development Based on Course Crosses;论以学科交叉推进大学科研和学科建设工作
18.Bachelor degree or above majored in engineering.大学本科或以上学历,工科专业背景。

engineering of university大学工科
3)college of advanced technology工科大学;工学院
4)engineering specialities at universities大学工科类
5)university of science and engineering理工科大学
1.Study of construction on cultural quality educational curriculum for university of science and engineering;构建理工科大学文化素质教育课程体系的研究
2.Building a school-based model for cultural quality education in university of science and engineering is an important means of raising the comprehensive quality of students.构建文化素质教育的校本模式是当前深入推进理工科大学文化素质教育、提高学生综合素质的重要途径。
3.Facing the internationalization of higher education, it’s the top priority for university of science and engineering to strengthen the construction of the courses of humanities and carry forward the spirit of humanities.近年来理工科大学人文教育虽有所加强 ,但重科学教育轻人文教育的现象仍然存在。
6)key scientific engineering大科学工程
1.Application of hydrostatic leveling system in key scientific engineering and its developing tendency;静力水准系统在大科学工程中的应用及发展趋势
