高雅艺术,elegant art
1)elegant art高雅艺术
1.In order to carry out the school activities of elegant art continuously and to come into a good development mechanism,we need to increase funds,enhance the participation of social services,and establish a sound system.高雅艺术进校园已成为现代高校校园文化的一道亮丽风景线,它在塑造学生的健康人格、增强学生的审美能力、提升学生综合素质、丰富校园文化生活方面具有积极作用。

1.Popular Art and Refined Art in Higher Art Education;高校艺术教育中的通俗艺术和高雅艺术
2.High art must teach, delight and move.高雅艺术应具有教育、娱乐和感人的作用。
3.Effect on Universal Quality Education in Colleges by Popularizing Elegant Art;水滴穿石 溪流汇川——论普及高雅艺术对高校素质教育的影响
4.In-group sources attributed the predicament confronted by the high art largely to the unmatched promotion work圈内人士认为,高雅艺术面临困境是因为宣传工作没有跟上。
5.The art of good conversation seems lost.高雅谈吐的艺术似已不复存在.
6.I know that the art of sampling tea is too elegant for us.我知道,品茶这种艺术对你我来说都太高雅了。
7.A Duan inkstone is not just a useful implement for writing but a beautiful object of art, an ornament in the study.端砚不仅实用,而且是书斋里高雅之至的艺术品。
8.The microcarving is an art work Both of elegance and precision. It evokes the hearty admiration of common people.微雕是高雅与精确的艺术品,令世人折服。
9.Refined Popularity--A Description of Art of Zhang Henshui s Novels;高雅化的通俗——论张恨水小说的艺术品貌
10.On the Artistic Charm of Caoyu s Early Dramatics;曲高和众 雅俗共赏——论曹禺前期戏剧的艺术魅力
11.Van Gogh:An Artist of Subjective-Delusional Schizophrenia--An Introduction to Jaspers s Attitude to Van Gogh;凡·高:一位主观体验型的精神分裂症艺术家——简析雅斯贝斯的凡·高观
12.Sheng Ling Art Center-- Sheng Ling Gallery, located on the elegant, tranquil Gaoyou Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai.圣菱艺术中心—《圣菱画廊》座落在幽雅、静的徐汇区高邮路。
13.In the best times of Greece the refined and beautiful features of her worship were kept in promihence, both in poetry and art;在希腊鼎盛时期,她在诗歌和艺术作品中的形象高雅漂亮;
14.There were to be seen the masterpieces of art, the refinement of highly-cultivated society.在那里我们可以看到艺术的巨作,高度文明社会的风雅。
15.Sheng Ling Art Center--Sheng Ling Gallery, located on the elegant, tranquil Gaoyou Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai.圣菱艺术中心—《圣菱画廊》座落在幽雅、宁静的徐汇区高邮路。
16.Making the simple language abstruse,making the abstruse language simple;浅者深之 高者下之——论李渔《耐歌词》雅俗相和的艺术特色
17.Benjamin on Art and Technique:Not a One-way Street;作为艺术生产力的技术——本雅明论艺术与技术
18.Athena was the goddess of arts and crafts and woman's handiwork.雅典娜是艺术、工艺和妇女手工之神。

Elegant Art高雅文艺
1.Elegant Art Production:Development of Advanced Culture;高雅文艺生产:先进文化的发展要求
3)Maya painting art玛雅绘画艺术
1.The expression form,style,and basic features of Maya painting art are analyzed,and its cultural tokens are deeply researched,in order to enable people to learn more about the art s characteristics and its deep historic connotation.通过对玛雅绘画艺术表现形式、风格、基本特征的分析,以及其文化表征的深入考察,以期人们能够较为全面的了解玛雅绘画艺术的特色和深刻的历史内涵。
4)Art of Courtly Love爱的优雅艺术
5)Goya s Painting Art哥雅的绘画艺术
6)superb art艺术高超
