审美变形,Esthetic Transfiguration
1)Esthetic Transfiguration审美变形
2)the aesthetic transformation mechanism审美变形机制
3)aesthetic form审美形态
1."Miraculous" as a Chinese aesthetic form;试论作为中国审美形态的“神妙”
2.China Books of the Twentieth Century Design Aesthetic Form Study;中国20世纪前叶书籍设计的审美形态研究

1.Analysis of Dramatic Stage Aesthetics and Expressions戏曲舞台审美形态与表述方法之解读
2.On the Taste Modality of Harmonious in Classical Chorus in the West;西方古典合唱中“和谐”的审美形态
3.Moderation and Harmony: A Study of Ancient Chinese Aesthetic Patterns;中和论——中国古代审美形态研究之一
4.‘Open-Book’-- Aesthetic Form of Chinese Ancient Book Art;“开卷”——中国古代书籍艺术的审美形态
5.Aesthetic Comment on WANG Xiao-bo s Bizarrerie Description;审美形态学视野中的王小波怪诞描写
6.Preliminary comment on expressive morphology and aesthetic characteristics of RG beauty;论艺术体操美的表现形态和审美特征
7.Analysis on the Impossibility of Aesthetic Redeem in Modern Aesthetic Culture Pattern;审美救赎:现代审美文化形态中的乌托邦
8.Aesthetic System s Explanation of Aesthetic Ideology;审美制度对审美意识形态的澄明和阐发
9.Analysis on Ecological Aesthetics Modality of Tuyao Nationality;土瑶族群社会生态审美意识形态分析
10.The Aesthetic Feeling Formation of Artistic Gymnastics and the Orientation-taken for the Aesthetic Situations;竞技体操运动的美感形态与审美态势取向研究
11.Esthetic culture: From traditional shape to modern shape production!;审美文化:从传统形态向现代形态的生成
12."The Aesthetical Ideology" and the Doctrinism of Critical Theories“审美意识形态”与批判理论的学科化
13.The Analysis of Architecture Morphoiogy and Aesthetics on Cao s Dwelling House of Beiguang Village in Taigu County;太谷县北洸曹宅建筑形态及审美分析
14.The Chinese Version of the Ideology of the Aesthetic in China: Acceptance and Deviations;《审美意识形态》中译本:接受与疏离
15.On the Cultivation of Communism Beliefs According to Aesthetic Ideology;论审美意识形态与共产主义信仰培育
16.Question the View: Literature Is Esthetic Ideology;“文学是审美意识形态”观点之质疑
17.What Is The Theory--A Study on the Contestation of the Aesthetical Ideology;理论何为?——从“审美意识形态论”论争说起
18.Study the Difference of Aesthetic Taste between Poems of Tang and Song by Analysing Their Existing Forms;从诗歌存在形态看唐宋诗的审美异趣

the aesthetic transformation mechanism审美变形机制
3)aesthetic form审美形态
1."Miraculous" as a Chinese aesthetic form;试论作为中国审美形态的“神妙”
2.China Books of the Twentieth Century Design Aesthetic Form Study;中国20世纪前叶书籍设计的审美形态研究
4)aesthetic image审美形象
5)aesthetic shaping审美塑形
6)aesthetic form审美形式
1.The paper makes a research on the origin of aesthetic form creation and play assumption put forward by Schiller.这就迫使我们对审美形式创造和席勒提出的"游戏"说进行探本溯源的研究。
2.With modem artistry developing,modern artistic theory puts forward aesthetic form.随着现代艺术的发展,二十世纪的现代艺术理论提出"审美形式"这一美学范畴,它的提出在理论上是对传统的形式与内容相割裂且形式依附内容的机械的形式观和二十世纪形式主义的绝对的形式观的扬弃。
3.The author examines estrangement effect of aesthetic form from inner structure and outer function, and then estimates it completely.审美形式是马尔库塞社会批判和审美哲学的核心,也是他的审美哲学中最具新意最有特色的部分。

大坝内部变形观测(见水工建筑物变形观测)大坝内部变形观测(见水工建筑物变形观测)  daba neibubianxing guanCe大坝内部变形观测见水工建筑物变形观测。