现实丑,ugliness in real life
1)ugliness in real life现实丑
2)To reveal one's weakness,shortcomings丑态活现
3)vile practices; vile social evils丑恶现象

1.In combating crime and eliminating social evils, we must not be soft.打击各种犯罪活动,扫除各种丑恶现象,手软不得。
2.a squalid tale of greed and corruption描述贪得无厌和腐败堕落等丑恶现象的故事.
3.Analysis on the Cultural Mechanism that Causes Corruption and other Social Evils;产生腐败及社会丑恶现象的文化机理分析
4.a city district known for its vice and high crime rate.以各种丑恶现象和高犯罪率而臭名昭著的城市街区。
5."We must, according to law, crack down on all kinds of crime and social evils such as pornography, gambling and drug abuse and trafficking."依法严厉打击各种犯罪活动,坚决扫除黄赌毒等社会丑恶现象
6.It is essential to guarding against and punishing crimes committed by evil cult gangs and eliminating social evils so as to ensure the safety of the lives and property of the people.坚决扫除社会丑恶现象,切实保障人民群众生命财产安全。
7.We should reinforce the momentum of combating corruption, eradication social evils, and cracking down on criminal activities加大反腐败斗争,扫除社会丑恶现象和打击刑事犯罪活动的力度
8.Over a long period of time,we have been regarding exploitation as a kind of unfair and evil phenomenon related to exploiting classes,as a result,we've spared no efforts to wipe it out.长期以来我们把剥削看成是与剥削阶级相联系的不公正的丑恶现象并致力于革命来消灭它。
9.and punishing crimes committed by evil cult gangs and eliminating social evils so as to ensure the safety of the lives and property of the people.防范和惩治邪教组织的犯罪活动,坚决扫除社会丑恶现象,切实保障人民群众生命财产安全。
10.We cannot love enemies, we cannot love social evils, our aim is to destroy them. This is common sense;我们不能爱敌人,不能爱社会的丑恶现象,我们的目的是消灭这些东西。
11.Jeff: Yes. In the process of the development of sports clubs,people will still meet many ugly phenomenon deserving their seriously thinking it over.杰夫:是的,体育俱乐部的发展过程中,还会遇到许多值得人们 深刻反思的丑恶现象
12.for he stood before her when she lifted up the eyes she had momentarily darkened with her hand; 'such a cruel, bad sight.'她放下捂住眼睛的手,发现他站在面前,“多么残酷丑恶的景象。”
13.There will always be wrong things and ugly phenomena.任何时候,总会有错误的东西存在,总会有丑恶的现象存在。
14.This photograph is a libel on him.这张相片有损他的形象((照得丑恶不堪))。
15.But the sad truth is that while they can perform a useful and necessary function, like other forms of speech, they too can be abused with felonious intent.在使用有益的和需要的功能的同时,也存在着丑恶的滥用委婉语的现象。
16.Suddenly a bad and ugly fairy came.突然一个邪恶和丑陋的仙女出现。
17.It must be allowed that Andrea was not very handsome, the hideous scoundrel!老实说,安德烈的表现实在丑恶,这可恶的流氓
18.He can only avert his eyes; He has never see such an ugly sight他只能避开眼去;他从未见过如此丑恶的景象

To reveal one's weakness,shortcomings丑态活现
3)vile practices; vile social evils丑恶现象
4)phenomenon of Ugliness审丑现象
5)social evil phenomena社会丑恶现象
1.On transformation of esthetic interest of popular entertainment——Interest of popular entertainment in ugliness;论大众娱乐审美趣味的转变——大众娱乐出现审丑趋势
2.From “beauty” to “ugliness”:Change of Jia Pingwa′s Aesthetic Perspective——Taking “Gao Laozhuang” as an example;由“美”及“丑”:贾平凹审美观照的转换——以《高老庄》为例
3.A Comparison on Ugliness between Chinese and Western Aesthetica Culture;中西方审美文化中审美范畴“丑"之比较
