审美教育价值,Aesthetic Educational Value
1)Aesthetic Educational Value审美教育价值
2)aesthetic education on value system审美价值观教育

1.Youth Education on Aesthetic Value System from the Perspective of Postmodern Aesthetics;论后现代美学视阈下的青少年审美价值观教育
2.On Horkheimer’s View on The Aesthetic Education and its Modern Value;论霍克海默的审美教育观及其当代价值
3.Dignity of Recognition:Examining the Legitimacy of Education of Value;承认的尊严——价值观教育的合法性审视
4.Education of Design Aesthetic:Constructing a Tension Value;设计审美教育:一种张力价值的建构
5.On the Cultural Value and the Esthetic Value of the Music Education音乐教育的文化价值和审美价值的几点思考
6.A Study on Dialogue and Communication: Mechanism about Aesthetic Value Construction of the Contemporary Aesthetic Education对话与交往:当代美育审美价值观建构机制研究
7.Aesthetic Education: A Proper Way of Modern Education of Life-purchase Opinion;美育:现代人生价值观教育的可取途径
8.On the Differences of the Adult Education Values between Chinese and Americans and Their Comparativeness中美成人教育价值观的差异比较研究
9.Analysis about the Science and Educational Film s Culture Connotation and Aesthetic Value;科学教育影视的文化内涵与审美价值分析
10.Important Value of Eeahaneing the Comprehensive Development of Colleg Student by the Aesthetic Education;审美教育对促进大学生全面发展的重要价值
11.On Good-Oriented Innate Character of Educational Development--Values reflection of educational development in moral philosophy;论教育发展的向善性——教育发展价值观的道德哲学审思
12.Analysis on Aesthetic Value and Leisure Value of Chinese Citizens;中国公民审美价值观与闲暇价值观比较分析
14.Comparative Study about Family Education between China and America in the View of Values;文化价值观视野中的中美家庭教育比较研究
15.A Perspective on the Value of Educational Informationalization;教育信息化的价值观——基于2000年考察美国的思考
16.The Educational Values of Video Games电子游戏的教育价值:来自美国研究的新观点
17.Analysis on Aesthetic Value of College Teachers and Students;中国高校师生审美价值观调查与分析
18.A return to the nature--on aesthetics in ZhangWei s novels;回归自然——论张炜小说审美价值观

aesthetic education on value system审美价值观教育
3)Aesthetic Value of Education教育的审美价值
4)the Value of the Art education美术教育的价值
5)Esthetic value审美价值
1.Thoughts of esthetic values: from entertainment to art;审美价值之维:从娱乐到艺术
2.In this article,starting from a discussion about how the journalists should create attracting works by establishing the abilities of recognizing and appreciating things that are full of beauty,the authors have probed into the esthetic value orientation of news communication.本文从新闻人应以感知美、欣赏美的能力去创造美的作品入手,探讨了新闻传播过程中的审美价值取向问题。
3.One serious problem of "Literariness" theory is the separation of thought and esthetic value,and deviates too far away from the essence of western esthetics and literary tradition.20世纪西方形式主义"文学性"理论对我国文艺理论在80年代以后的发展影响很深,但其重大缺陷是将文学的思想性与审美价值割裂开来,也偏离了西方美学和文学研究传统的精华。
6)aesthetic values审美价值
1.It,either in a broad sense or a narrow sense,either in a macro sense or micro sense,ought to at least focus on the translator s rendering and reproducing of the original semantic meanings,linguistic usage,semantic of words,punctuation,logic relationship,cultural background and aesthetic values.无论是广义还是狭义,宏观或是微观意义上的翻译评论均应至少覆盖语义层面、语言层面、拼写、标点、逻辑关系、文化和审美价值等方面的分析、评价、检验与鉴赏。
2.Thus, a translator should strive to reproduce aesthetic values of the verbal beauty in fiction with aesthetic equivalence as a guiding principle.翻译过程中,译者应本着审美等值的原则努力再现小说中人物语言的审美价值。
3.Besieged City” is an excellent novel with high-level aesthetic values.《围城》是一部优秀的长篇小说 ,具有极高的审美价值。
