化丑为美,to turn ugly into beauty
1)to turn ugly into beauty化丑为美
1.Comments on the creative art to turn ugly into beauty in Les Fleurs de Mal;论《恶之花》化丑为美的创新艺术

1.Learning and Alienation: Pan Jinlian Who Turning Ugliness into Beauty;习染与异化:“化丑为美”的潘金莲
2.Talking About the Special Meaning of Clown in the Art of Literature and the Restriction of Turning Clown to Beauty;论丑在文学艺术中的特殊意义及化丑为美的限制性
3."Within its ugliness, this rock harbours a great and unearthly beauty, like a diamond in the rough."“它是以丑为美的。”
4.On Literary Aesthetical Views of "Contrast of Beauty and Ugliness" and "Taking Ugliness for Beauty";论“美丑对照”与“以丑为美”的文艺美学观
5.A Brief Analysis on the Transformation from Ugliness to Beauty;化腐朽为神奇 变污泥为黄金——中西丑美批评理论及其积极意义
6.The Sixth-Generation Directors' Aesthetics-"Treating Ugliness as Beauty";“以丑为美”:第六代导演的审美观
7.A Comparison on Ugliness between Chinese and Western Aesthetica Culture;中西方审美文化中审美范畴“丑"之比较
8.On "the Ugliness" and "the Absurdity" as the Western Modern Aesthetic Categories;论作为美学范畴的“丑”和“荒诞”
9.UGLINESS:AESTHETIC CONCERN OF JIA PING-WA--Taking "Gao Laozhuang" as an Example;丑:贾平凹的审美观照——以《高老庄》为例
10.From “beauty” to “ugliness”:Change of Jia Pingwa′s Aesthetic Perspective--Taking “Gao Laozhuang” as an example;由“美”及“丑”:贾平凹审美观照的转换——以《高老庄》为例
11.A few years ago we were greatly concerned about the "Ugly American."几年前,我们极为担忧的是“丑陋的美国人”。
12.Some words may be thought beautiful and some ugly;一些词可能被视为美的,一些可能是丑的;
13.The Behavioral Finance Analysis on the Mechanism of American Corporations Scandals Occurring;美国公司丑闻发生机理的行为金融学解释
15.It is not that scandals may be causing the dollar to sinkbecause the greenback was overvalued anyway丑闻也不会导致美元贬值,因为无论如何美元价值已经过高了。
16.If we say the essence of the classic art is with beauty,we also can say the essence of the modern art is with ugliness.如果说古典艺术是以美为本质的话,现代艺术则应当以丑为主题。
17.Another Kind of Uglification: to Interpret Outlaws of the Marshels Revolving around Three women;另一种丑化——以扈三娘、孙二娘、顾大嫂为考察对象
18.From "Blessing" and "Xiaoxiao" Analyze the Formation of Smeared and Beautified Reality Tendency in the Regional Literature;从《祝福》与《萧萧》看乡土小说丑化和美化倾向的形成

regard ugliness as beauty以丑为美
1.Among the literary and artistic theories on"beauty"and"ugliness",an important aesthetics topic is to"regard ugliness as beauty".在关于"美"与"丑"的文艺理论中,"以丑为美"是一个重要的美学命题。
3)beauty and ugliness美丑
1.This paper makes a comparison of appreciating the ugliness between Zhuangzi and Victor-Marie Hugo from the background of the possible existence of ugliness,the relationship between beauty and ugliness,and its metaphysical basis.从丑得以存在的背景、美丑的关系及其形而上的依据等方面比较庄子与雨果的审丑。
2.Starting from moral,intelligence and art education,we should train eligible students in higher vocational colleges,who can understand right and wrong,identify goodness and badness,and recognize beauty and ugliness.高职学生社会主义荣辱观教育是一个系统工程,应从世界观教育、价值观教育、审美教育等多方面入手,从德育、智育、美育角度等不同学科角度出发,把学生培养成为“明是非、识善恶、辨美丑”的合格人才。
3.However, Tiantai Sect presents us with a unique consciousness of beauty and ugliness by exploring into the cause and effect, virtue and wickedness, as well as their interaction, compared with the traditional Buddhism, moral principle and aesthetics.关于善恶,天台宗展示了一种新的思维,在于其性恶说,也在于即善而恶、即恶而善、深达两边的圆融善恶观;关于美丑,本非佛家所关涉,天台宗却以善恶缘好丑,并与善恶构成因果转换、自足互动的机制,比之传统佛教、中国经典伦理观和美学,呈现出独具内蕴的泛恶倾向和审丑意识。
4)beauty of ugliness丑美
1.The characters show some feeling of ugliness but with aesthetic infectivity,so-called beauty of ugliness.文章从美学角度对《药》作了较为详细的分析,指出《药》具有结构美、悲美、丑美等美学特征,虽然情节描写有许多悲愤之处,但给人以美的感受,是一种悲美。
5)Fair is foul, and foul is fair.美即丑恶丑即美。
1.If Sun Wu-kong is thought to result from purification, Zhu Ba-jie is surely the result of vilification.这两个形象的美学意义是在对前此形象的改造过程中逐步获得的,如果说对孙悟空进行的是"净化"处理,那么,对猪八戒则是不折不扣的"丑化",无论是"净化"还是"丑化",都显示了百回本写定者非凡的艺术功力。

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