超越语法,Beyond Grammar
1)Beyond Grammar超越语法
1.Beyond Grammar to Attain a Higher Level of Translation;超越语法—追求翻译的高水平
2)Transcending Spoken Language超越口语
3)beyond language超越语言

1.From "to Speak with Reticence" to "to Surmount Language" --The Modern Analysis of Chinese Traditional Literary Language;从“言不尽意”到超越语言——中国传统文学语言观念的现代分析
2.Overstepping the Attempt of Language and Seeking Poetic Quality--Study on poetic artistic of Dai Wangshu超越语言的企图与诗意追寻——戴望舒诗艺探析
3.It can implement bonds of friendship and respect by ties that transcend language and semantics.通过超越语言和语义的纽带,它能落实友情和尊重。
4.Argumentation on Words and Meaning: about the Bewilderment and Transcendence in Literary Language;言意之辨:关于文学语言的困惑与超越
5.Creation Transcending:Creation of Subject Spirit s Freedom of the Language of Art;超越:艺术语言主体精神自由的创造
6.Zhuangzi's imitatation and surpass for the Analects of Confucius in narration模仿与超越《论语》:《庄子》重言的叙事特征
7.Images and Surmounting:Analisis of the Languages in "Guilt" a Novel Written by Moyan;意象与超越——莫言小说《罪过》的语言特色分析
8.Transcendence and Non-transcendence Regression--On the Transcendence of Embodied Philosophy and New Increment Point in the Linguistics Research;既超越又不超越的回归——兼谈体验哲学的超越性和语言学研究的新增长点
9.Construction of the Semiotic Kingdom:Linguistic Transcendence and Transcendental Language --A Study in Semiotics of Bakhtin and Lotman;符号学王国的构建:语言的超越与超越的语言——巴赫金与洛特曼的符号学理论研究
10.Translation:Understanding and Transcending Linguistic Differences-An Introduction to Gao Jian s L. C. Theory;翻译:语言差异的认识与超越——高健的语言个性理论说略
11.Her prose strains language to the limits.她的散文在语言运用上已超越了规范的极限.
13.A Discussion on the Enlightenment of Zen,the Language Relativity and Self-transcendence;禅宗明心见性与语言相对性及其自我超越
14.“The Paradox of Talking Dao” and Its Surmounting--The New Exploring towards the Discourse Strategies of Zhuangzi;“言道的悖论”及其超越——《庄子》话语策略新探
15.On the Basic Idea of Memphis and Its Design Language;否定与超越——论孟菲斯的基本理念与设计语言
16.Self-Surpassing of the Subject in Creating of the Language of Art;试析艺术语言创造过程中主体的自我超越
17.Dialogue between Transcendence in Language and Language Game in"Dialogue Over a Ouija Board"《占乩板旁的对话》中语言超越观与游戏观的争锋
18.a story never loses in the telling.流言蜚语越传越离奇。

Transcending Spoken Language超越口语
3)beyond language超越语言
4)overstepping language语言超越
5)Method of Transcending Reflection超越反省法
1.The basic methods which he used most in his philosophical thinking are four ones: "Method of Empathic Understanding","Method of Layers Drilling from Outside in","Method of Transcending Reflection",and "Method of Disclosing and Conjoining".唐君毅所运用之哲学方法,最基本和最广泛者有四:契会法、层层转进法、超越反省法与开阖法,而以超越反省法为基本,开阖法为更根本之大法。
6)trans cost method超越成本法

《香港粤语语法研究》  见汉语方言。