美学语言,Aesthetic Language
1)Aesthetic Language美学语言

1.The Beauty of TV Media Speech from the Perspective of Aesthetic Linguistics;从美学语言学角度看电视媒体语言的言语美
2.Inclination to Pursue Beauty in Verbal Communication from the Perspective of Aesthetic Linguistics;美学语言学视域中的言语交际求美倾向
3.Comments on "quasi-linguistic structure"-a study on Lévi-Strauss esthetic linguistics;“拟语言结构”述评——评列维·施特劳斯的美学语言
4.Inter-American Program for Linguistics and Language Teaching美洲语言学和语言教学计划组织
5.On the Beauty of “Reality” and “Simplicity” in News Language and that in Literary Language;论新闻语言与文学语言的“真实”美和“简约”美
6.Preliminary Discussion on Philosophical Aesthetics of Teaching Language Applied in College Chinese Classes;浅议大学语文教师教学语言的哲理美
7.The Aesthetic Features of Teachers Talk in the English Class of Elementary School;小学英语课堂中教学语言的审美特征
8.The Development of Linguistics and the Colloquial Trend of American Literature;语言学发展与美国文学的口语化态势
9.Bringing the beauty of language out in college English teaching;在大学英语教学中挖掘教材的语言美
10.On the European and American Linguistic Philosophy of 20th Century and the Contempory Linguistics Study;欧美20世纪语言哲学与当代语言学研究
11.Mold a Beautiful Classroom through Beautiful Language--Comment on the Teaching Language of Chinese Teachers' in Primary School用美的语言塑造美的课堂——论小学语文教师的课堂教学语言
12.On Zhuangzi’s Thought about Language Aesthetics from “Words Expression” and “Thought”;由“言不尽意”与“得意忘言”谈庄子的语言美学思想
13.Latin American Association of Linguistics and Philology拉丁美洲语言和语文学协会
14.Teaching Cultural Knowledge to Promote English Language Learning;传授英美文化知识 促进英语语言学习
15.A Sociolinguistic Study of Compliments and its Responses between the Chinese and English Languages社会语言学视角下的中美恭维语对比
16.Language,Deportment and Writing on the Board:The Beauty of Chinese Teaching Process语言·仪态·板书——谈语文教学过程的美
17.On the Aesthetic Qualities in Modern Popular Words and Popular Culture论现代流行语中体现的语言美学特质
18.Figure's language is the main part of linguistic aestheics of novels.人物语言是小说语言美学的重点考察对象。

aesthetics of language语言美学
1.The paper elaborates on Sino-western differences from numerical idioms from the perspective of psychology,theology,religion and aesthetics of language.从民族心理学、神话、宗教以及语言美学这四个方面来探讨数字习语中所折射出的中西文化的差异。
3)aesthetic linguistics美学语言学
1.The Aesthetic Axiology of a Nation in English Vocabulary Teaching——from the Perspective of Aesthetic Linguistics;从美学语言学的角度看英语词汇教学中的民族文化审美
2.This paper tends to study euphemisms from a new viewpoint——aesthetic linguistics,analyzing the formation cause,characteristics and aesthetic functions.文章拟从美学语言学这个新的视角对委婉语产生的原因、特点以及美学功能等方面加以分析。
3.The aesthetic linguistics translation or aesthetic psychological structure of translation is the most wealthy initiative factor in translation practice.美学语言学理论与翻译实践的结合是培养翻译美感的有效途径;美学语言学理论研究与翻译实践交融的过程,使翻译实践成为更具实用价值和审美价值的语言活动过程,增强人们对于语言美和言语美的自觉性、创造性和欣赏性。
4)views on linguistic aesthetics语言美学观
5)descriptive linguistics of America美国语言学
6)hermeneutic aesthetics语言释义学美学

BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC  吕AS{CBASICyLJy〔1下〕语言(BASIC)见程序设计语言。