审美转向,aethestic shift
1)aethestic shift审美转向

1.On Contemporary Aesthetic Turn in the Light of Neutral Beauty;从“中性美”看当代社会的审美转向
2.The New Version of Painted Skin: A Turning Point in the Development of the Chinese Horror Movie's Aesthetics新版《画皮》:中国恐怖电影的审美转向
3.From Sense to Sensibility On Jane Austen s Turn of Female Aesthetics;从情感到理智——论简·奥斯丁的女性审美转向
4.New Tendency of Taste, Arts and Aesthetics in the Discourse of Globalization;全球化语境下的审美、艺术、美学新转向
5.Aesthetics in the Post-modern Turn--Aestheticisation of Daily Life and Body Aesthetics;后现代美学转向——日常生活审美化与身体美学
6.The Turn of the Appreciaqion Tastes and Habits of Modern Receivers from the Perspective of the Vision Culture;视觉文化与当代读者审美趣味的转向
7.Advancing in the Aesthetic Journey of Classicality Transferred to Modern;行进在从古典向现代性审美转化的途中
8.On the value orientation between esthetic and entertainment for Dance Duet;试论二人转在审美和娱乐之间的价值取向
9.Re-enchantment of the World: Ecological Transform of Aesthetic Experiences;世界的复魅:试论审美经验的生态学转向
10.Research on the Living Cultural Shift and the Aesthetic Culture of Minority活态文化转向与少数民族审美文化研究
11.On the Value of Caring and Aesthetic Shift in Modern Life试论价值关怀的现代转向和审美生活化
12.From nature of beauty to aesthetic activity--An important trend in aesthetics study;从美的本质到审美活动——美学研究中的一个重要转向
13.From Pure-aesthetics to Quasi-aesthetics--Current Trend of Aesthetic Culture;从“纯审美”到“泛审美”:当前审美文化的走向
14.From Appreciation of the Beautiful to Appreciation of the ugly:The Aesthetical Tendency of Mo Yan s novel;从审美到审丑:莫言小说的美学走向
15.Vigorous Growth of Citizen Culture in North Song Dynasty and Its Influences on the Changes of Aesthetic Trend of Literati and Officialdom北宋市民文化的勃兴及其与士大夫审美趋向的转化
16.From Humanism Standpoint to the Revolutionary Discourse--On the Change of Rou Shi' Aesthetic Psychological Structure人道立场向革命话语的潜进——论柔石审美心理结构的转换
17.The grasshopper turned to the jury.那只蚱蜢转向了陪审团。
18.From Romantic Aestheticism to Consumptive Aestheticism--On Aesthetic Tendency of China s 5th Generation Directors;从浪漫审美主义走向消费审美主义——论第五代导演的审美走向

aesthetic standard审美取向
1.This paper gives an explanation that based on the respect for tradition, modern batik art should be enriched and transcended in the aspects of aesthetic standard, deep meaning of design and color performance, in order to show its unique artistic charm.本文阐述了现代蜡染艺术要在尊重传统的基础上,从审美取向、图案内涵及色彩表达等诸多方面加以充实和超越,使蜡染艺术更好的表现出其独有的艺术魅力。
2.Although Liu Zheng s Ci aims at "blending the style of Su Shi and Xin Qiji", his aesthetic standard is not to revive the old, but to creat the new; not to worship the ancient, but to surpass the forefathers.前期亮丽,后期沉郁;刘征词以“熔冶苏辛”为其审美取向,得苏之“清”而得辛之“壮”,故其审美品格为“清壮”;自苏辛入而由苏辛出,扬其长而避其短,故刘征词审美取向之心理机制不在复古,而在创新,不在膜拜,而在超越。
3.As many music fu contains content of sadness,when expressing the music through the media of literary,authors of music fu usually used the description of visual scenes and atmosphere ingeniously to build the rich imaging space that can be brought by abstract music,and express the special aesthetic standard of"upholding sadness"and function of"musical instruction".许多音乐赋中有相当的篇幅包含渲染悲哀的内容,用文字这种媒介来表现音乐时,音乐赋的作者往往巧妙借用富于形象化的场景和氛围描写,来构筑抽象的音乐所能带给人的丰富的想象空间,从而表现其独特的"尚悲"审美取向以及相关的"乐教"功能。
3)aesthetic orientation审美取向
1.Aesthetic Orientation in the Construction of Protected Historic Sites——The Planning and Construction Design of Yancheng Historic Relics Park;历史保护区建设中的审美取向——淹城遗址公园规划设计
2.Aesthetic Orientation of Image Construction of Lyrical Text;抒情文本意象建构的审美取向
3.Different narrative versions demonstrate distinct aesthetic orientation and readers choosing,so render the readers multi-artistic experiences.分析了不同创作主体面对时代和历史视野中的艺术资源所进行的审美性择取、融合及再创造,不同的叙述版本展现出了不同的审美取向和接受定位,从而给受众以多元的艺术感受。
4)aesthetic tendency审美倾向
1.Surey on the aesthetic tendency of southwest technological worker——and compare with technological worker of the whole country;西南地区科技工作者审美倾向调查报告——兼与全国科技工作者审美倾向比较
2.Analysis of the aesthetic tendency of traditional Chinese paintings of scholars;试析中国传统文人画的审美倾向
3.Wang Zengqi s unique aesthetic tendency is one of the many reasons why he is distinctive in modern and contemporary literature history.汪曾祺之所以在现当代文学史中别具一格,原因有许多,汪曾祺独特的审美倾向是其重要方面。
5)aesthetic tendency审美趋向
1.The aesthetic tendency of the poets in Flouring Tang Dynasty was unsophisticated,which reflected not only in creation but also in theory,and it was closely related to the promotion of the rulers,to the psychology of the writers and the prosperous development and wide spread of Taoist thought.清真之美是盛唐诗人普遍的审美趋向,不仅反映在诗歌创作中,也反映在诗歌理论上,这和盛唐时期统治者的提倡,文人心态以及道教、道家思想的繁荣发展和广泛传播密切相关。
2.In fact, as far as the writer composition were concerned, the shift of orientation of the Poetry Drive between Jin and Song Dynasties meant that the famous scholars retired and young poets were fast emerging; in terms of the aesthetic tendency, it meant two different styles owing to aesthetic dif.其实,晋宋之际,由作者构成而论,超凡脱俗的名士群体已经退出历史舞台,正是才艺出众的文士群体的天下;据审美趋向而言,名士钟情于清谈,争胜于谈锋,大都重理而轻文,而诗人钟情于吟咏,竞逐于才藻,往往重文而轻理。
3.The "interesting style of biographical narrative" represented by Shen Congwen is a common character and aesthetic tendency in China\'s modern biographical narrative,especially in 1930s.以沈从文为代表的"趣味化传记叙事",是中国现代传记文学,特别是20世纪30年代中国现代传记文学叙事的共同特征及审美趋向。
6)esthetic orientation审美取向

NX Senairo Motion 在车轮转向运动分析中的应用前言:转向分析是开发新车新型换装车桥过程中重要的设计分析环节。现在用功能强大的UG软件作为设计分析工具提高了工作效率与工作质量,同时通过UG运动模块的动态模拟分析更便于对设计结果的验证与检查、评审。大大提高了设计的准确性,设计结果与实际产品状态非常一致。本文主要对UG运动分析模块在转向分析中的应用做详细的介绍。 运动分析模型的建立: 根据转向系设计参数、产品图纸对转向分析所涉及的部件进行了建模。建模部件如下:车架总成(前面部分)、前桥总成、车轮总成、转向系统各部件、前悬架系统各部件。建模如下图: 建模过程: 1.根据设计参数及零件图建立各个零件的数模,尽量做成实体。通过对转向运动特点的分析可确定哪些部件只做出外形尺寸即可不需要做其内部结构,哪些部件要做出具体的结构。这样可以简少建模时间,提高工作效率。 2.建立装配主模型。把建好的各个部件按底盘布置参数要求装配好。 3.检查及评审装配主模型,准备进入运动分析模块。 运动分析: 进入UG运动分析模块,创建机构Scenario模型如下图: 1.设置机构分析环境为动态,即调用了静力和动力学仿真分析算解器。 2.运动分析名称为默认的scenario_1。 3.进入运动分析参数预设置,改变图标比例为3,角度单位为度,设置全局重力系数如下: 因为考虑到转向分析的特点,转向纵拉杆两头由球面副连接,拉杆形状为在沿Y方向的拉杆轴平面上向内弯(为左转向轮转向运动让空间),故设置重力系数为Gy=1,以保证拉杆在运动分析过程中内弯形状一直沿Y方向。其它部件由于受运动副限制其运动不受此参数影响。(以上关于球面副运动问题,我认为软件应该有所改进,使分析过程的参数与实际情况更一致) 4.创建构件(Links) 根据转向分析的需要,这里创建了5个构件。如图所示: 构件1(L001): 转向垂臂与转向纵拉杆前球头