规模扩大,scale enlarge
1)scale enlarge规模扩大
1.Following the higher education scale enlarge, the graduate students quantity are surged.本文在简要分析国外高校扩招对经济增长和充分就业影响的基础上,运用我国高等教育“规模扩大—经济增长—充分就业”模型,分析了当前我国高等教育发展所处的阶段,对经济增长和充分就业的影响。

1.Enlarging Employment Scale, Optimizing Employment Structure就业规模扩大、结构优化
2.The company doubled its size in 9 year.公司在9年中规模扩大了一倍。
3.diseconomy of scale因经营规模扩大而增加成本费用
4.displacement and scale effects财政收入的移置和规模扩大效应
5.The company doubled its size in nine years9年来这家公司的规模扩大了一倍。
6.Expansion and Equality in Chinese Higher Education;规模扩大与高等教育入学机会均等化
7.New Thoughts on the Party Construction Work among College Students after the Enlargement of Colleges and Universities;高校规模扩大后对大学生党建工作的新思考
8.The cost of product will decrease with the expansion of production scale.(1) 一件商品的成本会因生产规模扩大而减少。
9.India needs to reform its absurdly restrictive labour laws which hold back the expansion of manufacturing particularly.——译者按)对制造业规模扩大的制约作用尤为突出。
10.EEOC is abbreviated from the Enrollment Expansion of Colleges.扩招是指学校扩大招生规模。 本文所谓扩招,特指高等教育扩大招生规模。
11.- Preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.——防止大规模杀伤性武器的扩散。
12.First, the scale of consumption has expanded continuously.一是消费总规模不断扩大。
13.Efforts will be made to expand export and optimize foreign trade composition.努力扩大出口规模,优化对外贸易结构。
14.In recent years the size of single-unit sulfuric plants has increased.近年来单机组硫酸厂规模已经扩大。
15.The enlarged enrolment of various institutes of higher education has been well received by the masses.扩大高校招生规模受到群众普遍欢迎。
16.Necessity of Enlarging the Foreign Currency Reserves in China;我国外汇储备规模适度扩大的必要性
17.On investigation and thinking about the scale-up of fixed assets;关于扩大固定资产规模的调查与思考

Enlarging Scale扩大规模
3)vast propagation大规模扩繁
4)mass expansion大规模扩招
1.The paper has deeply considered the series problems accompanied by the mass expansion of higher education in China,that is,the training and education mode does not meet the requirements from the society.文章针对高校大规模扩招后产生的一系列人才培养与社会需求脱节的问题,类比大规模制造业利用柔性制造理念应对外部环境快速变化的模式,提出以柔性教育理念改造大规模教育模式过于刚性亦即弹性和灵活性缺乏的缺陷,并对柔性教育的架构模型和信息技术在柔性教育实现过程中的支撑作用进行了探讨。
5)enlarge the scale of扩大…的规模
6)crossover-scale expansion扩大交叉规模
1.Adaptive genetic algorithm with crossover-scale expansion;一种扩大交叉规模的自适应遗传算法
