空中楼阁,castle in the air;daydream;ivory tower
1)castle in the air;daydream;ivory tower空中楼阁

1.It's building castles in the air.这是空中楼阁,想入非非。
2.To outlaw deficits . . . is pie in the sky消除赤字.只是空中楼阁
3.Don't build castles in the air.不要想些空中楼阁了。
4.Castle in the air are the only property you can own without the intervention of lawyers, unfortunately, however, there are no title deeds to them.空中楼阁是唯一不受律师干预的产业,可惜空中楼阁是没有产权证。
5.Home's assessment now was that a cease-fire in place was a mirage.霍姆现在认为就地停火纯属空中楼阁
6.What he is talking about is just a castle in the air.他所谈论的一切,只不过是空中楼阁
7.Their calculations have all been proved to be castles in the air.他们的打算证明,全都不过是空中楼阁
8.Castles in the air cost a vast deal to keep up.空中楼阁,要有一大笔费用来维持。
9.Decline of New State Novels空中楼阁的倒塌——论新状态小说的式微
10.Fame is emptiness, because there have been greater men than he.名望是空中楼阁,因为还有比他更伟大的人。
11.He returned to his lodgings with his head full of castles in the air.他脑袋里满载着空中楼阁回到了寄宿处。
12.He returned to his lodging with his head full of castle in the air.他脑袋里装载着空中楼阁回到了寄宿处。
13.Ithll idea about reform the prison system is just pie in the sky他们打算改革监狱制度的想法纯粹是空中楼阁
14.Their idea about reforming the prison system is just pie in the sky.他们打算改革监狱制度的想法纯粹是空中楼阁
15.To outlaw deficits . . . is pie in the sky(Howard H. Baker, Jr.)消除赤字…只是空中楼阁(小霍华德H.贝克)
16.Their ideas about reforming the prison system are just pie in the sky.他们打算改革监狱制度的想法纯粹是空中楼阁.
17.The Leaping of Life to Art--The Dialectical Art "My Castle in the Air";生活向艺术的跃升——《我的空中楼阁》的辩证艺术
18.Masters Painting Brush Each Has Their Own Vivid Touch -- A Comparative Analysis of Zhu Ziqing s Prose “The Moonlight on the Lotus Pond”and Li Lewei s“My Castle in the Air”;传神画笔各千秋——《荷塘月色》《我的空中楼阁》比析

"Attic in the Air" Investment Theory"空中楼阁"理论
1.In recent years the top floor of the building which receives little attention in real estate in the past became more and more popular because of the sales promotion "Purchasing apartment and get loft for free".近年来,随着阁楼在房地产开发中的兴起,过去少人问津的顶层住宅在开发商“买顶层赠送阁楼”的促销手段下受到消费者的追捧成为抢手货。
1.Study on Creation of Modern Pavilion——Taking Professor QiKang′s Works for Example;现代楼阁式景观建筑创作初探——以齐康教授作品为例
2.The Create Theory and Morphology of Shanxispavilion Building in Early Time;山西早期楼阁营造理念与形态分析
1.Shajie Street in her novels is an indication of women s painful living conditions, the mirror symbolizes women s realization of themselves, and such images as curtains, folding screens and attics provide a safe and independent "feminine" space for women s self realization.作者所描写的充满花开与花落的沙街暗示着女性痛苦的生存境地,镜子则象征着女性的自我认识,窗帘、屏风和阁楼等遮蔽性的意象为女性的自我认识提供了一个安全的、独立的女性空间。
2.This paper attempts by the individual and space, and the literature of the "existence of space" of relations on the basis of attic as the representative claustrophobic space for analysis and to Chen Ran, Lin Bai works as an example of the two authors explain the attic of the Image The metaphor world.本文试图通过对个体与空间以及对文学中的“存在空间”关系探讨的基础上,对以阁楼为代表的幽闭空间进行分析,并以陈染、林白两位作家的作品为例阐释阁楼意象的隐喻世界。
3.The pitched roof, in contrast with flat roof, has some advantages like better impermeability and temperature retention, attractive appearance and additional attic space.阁楼空间的利用研究,符合中国国情。

空中楼阁【空中楼阁】  出于《百喻经·三重楼喻》:谓昔有富翁,欲造三重楼。木匠依吩咐,开始在地面上砌砖。富翁惊问何故?木匠答道:“作三重楼呀!”富翁急忙说:“我不要下面二重,只要最上一层!”木匠不胜惊异,说明不造下二重就不能造最上一层的道理。但是,富翁还是执迷不悟,引来了众人的嘲笑。佛教用这个比喻说明修行者应筑好根基,循序渐进的道理。今多用以比喻虚幻的东西或空想。如《孽海花》第二一回:“但在这部《孽海花》,却不同别的小说,空中楼阁,可以随意起灭。”又如梁启超《驳某报之土地国有论》:“其空中楼阁的理想,诚足以自慰。”(李明权)