造型艺术高峰,the primes of plastic arts
1)the primes of plastic arts造型艺术高峰
1.Firstly,on the basis of a large amount of materials on the primes of western plastic arts and philosophical study of art history,the standard of locating primes of western plastic arts is set up and the division methods of its history with the primes of plastic arts as the symbols are applied.西方造型艺术高峰的存在是西方艺术史中的一个客观事实,而将哲学的观念与方法引入西方造型艺术史的研究中,探究其造型艺术高峰产生的本质规律,是西方精神文化发展史研究的一个新的领域。
2)plastic art造型艺术
1.Animal plastic art and totem cultures of the Huns;匈奴的动物造型艺术与图腾文化
2.The plastic art of Shaman refers to the imagery arts in the process of the witchery rite of the minority,including the mask,costume,consecrated god,musical instrument,worship implement,sacrificial altar,oblation,as well as applied symbol-script.萨满教的造型艺术,是指与萨满巫仪过程中有关的各种形象艺术,包括萨满佩带的面具、身着的服饰、供奉的神偶、使用的乐器、法器以及祭祀方式中的祭坛、祭品、祭器和所应用的符号文字。
3.It also makes a further study of their characteristics and plastic art.在研究、比较大量实物的基础上,根据辽代金银器的造型、纹饰题材、装饰手法、制作工艺及艺术风格的演变,重新对其分期作了界定,并在此基础上对辽代金银器的特征、造型艺术等作了新的探讨。

1.Mexican Association of Plastic Arts墨西哥造型艺术协会
2.a dabbler in the graphic arts;平面造型艺术的涉猎者;
3.The piastic art strang fiowers in the literatnre art--Discusses "The Divine Comedy" the piastic art transplant toborrow;文学艺术中的造型艺术奇葩——论《神曲》造型艺术的移植借用
4.The graphic arts olor=# cc0066> include calligraphy and lithography.平面造型艺术包括书法和平版印刷术。
5.Analysis to Symbiosis of Plastic Arts and Musical Art解析造型艺术与音乐艺术的同源共生性
6.On the Aesthetic Perception of the Interation Between Plastic Arts and Music;论造型艺术与音乐艺术互为作用的美感
7.The "Expression" Issue of Modern Plastic Arts in Occident西方现代造型艺术中的“表现”问题
8.Plastic Arts of Implements Made of Birch Barks of Chinese North Nationalities中国北方民族桦树皮器物的造型艺术
9.Analyzation to the Embroidery By Miao Nationality苗族刺绣发展源流及其造型艺术特征
10.Painting, sculpture, architecture, etc. are collectively called the plastic arts.绘画、雕塑、建筑等统称为造型艺术
11.His talent found expression in plastic arts.他的才能在造型艺术中得到了发挥。
12.An Approach of the Sculpture Art of the Permeation Carving "Three-deer-grain Plate Ornament";透雕“三鹿纹饰牌”的造型艺术浅析
13."Imagery thinking" and the cultural modeling art in Sanxingdui;“意象思维”与三星堆文化造型艺术
14.The Plastic Arts of Primitive Pottery in the Neolithic Age;浅议新石器时代原始陶器的造型艺术
15.Product Modern Form Aesthetic Study in Modeling Art;产品造型艺术中现代形式美感的研究
16.Freedom and Rigor--Two plastic art s spirit;自由与严谨——造型艺术的两种精神
17.Aesthetics of the Age--On Plastic Art of Digital Office Appliances;时代美学——数码办公产品造型艺术探讨
18.The types of facial makeup in Beijing opera are unique artistic models and the gem of Chinese national art.京剧脸谱艺术造型独特,是中华民族的艺术瑰宝。

plastic art造型艺术
1.Animal plastic art and totem cultures of the Huns;匈奴的动物造型艺术与图腾文化
2.The plastic art of Shaman refers to the imagery arts in the process of the witchery rite of the minority,including the mask,costume,consecrated god,musical instrument,worship implement,sacrificial altar,oblation,as well as applied symbol-script.萨满教的造型艺术,是指与萨满巫仪过程中有关的各种形象艺术,包括萨满佩带的面具、身着的服饰、供奉的神偶、使用的乐器、法器以及祭祀方式中的祭坛、祭品、祭器和所应用的符号文字。
3.It also makes a further study of their characteristics and plastic art.在研究、比较大量实物的基础上,根据辽代金银器的造型、纹饰题材、装饰手法、制作工艺及艺术风格的演变,重新对其分期作了界定,并在此基础上对辽代金银器的特征、造型艺术等作了新的探讨。
3)artistic modeling艺术造型
1.To meet the requirement of 3D artistic modeling and machining integrated system, a 3D reconstruction system based on a single image is designed and implementedThe technique for system implementation and two new methods for 3D artistic modeling have been presented.从三维艺术造型及其加工集成系统的需求出发,设计并实现了基于单幅图像的三维重建系统,给出了系统实现的技术和两种三维艺术造型的新方法。
4)plastic arts造型艺术
1.Between idea and material——Discusses in the plastic arts the material and the idea question梦笔生花——谈造型艺术中的物质性
2.Importance of fundamental sketch training in the field of plastic arts is expounded.对当代素描基础课的教学改革进行了探讨,论述了素描基础课教学目标和指导思想,强调素描训练应多样性与实验性并存,应注重培养学生的创新意识和实践能力,阐述了素描基础训练在造型艺术领域的重要性。
5)modeling art造型艺术
1."Imagery thinking" and the cultural modeling art in Sanxingdui;“意象思维”与三星堆文化造型艺术
2.The article discusses from three aspects: The origin and development of original modeling, The change of embodiment features of modeling art in different historical periods and the thoughts of it.本文从原始造型艺术的起源与发展;古代各个历史时期造型艺术(雕塑、绘画及工艺美术作品)具象特征的流变及其思考三个部分进行论述。
6)formative arts造型艺术
1.Analysis of formative arts of Chinese ancient architecture and the current significance中国古代建筑造型艺术解析及其现实意义
2.Designing sketch, as a very important segment in formative arts, is the combination of traditional sketch and design.设计素描是传统素描与设计实践相结合的产物,而造型艺术中设计素描的应用是很重要的环节,本文结合设计素描在造型艺术的运用实践,剖析运用于造型艺术的设计素描几种训练方法。
3.It was illustrated that both architecture and sculpture were formative arts,their relation was very close and both were important ingredient of culture arts.阐述了建筑与雕塑都是造型艺术,它们之间的关系密不可分,都是文化艺术的重要组成部分,通过对建筑与雕塑相互关系的阐述,强调建筑与雕塑是姊妹艺术,提出了作为设计师的更高要求,即增强现代设计审美意识及人文科学和现代思维方式观念。
