艺术语境结构特征,structural features of art context
1)structural features of art context艺术语境结构特征
2)lingual structure feature语言结构特征
1.The Chinese text features are interpreted first,and then a Chinese text proofreading method and its algorithm are introduced,in which text features,including the statistical features and lingual structure features,are properly used.本文阐述了中文文本信息的特征 ,并在此基础上提出了利用文本信息的统计特征规律和语言结构特征规律进行中文文本校对的方法及其实现的算法。
3)contextual features语境特征
1.He then chooses seven from many of the contextual features and illustrates how criticism on translation of classical Chinese poetry into English can be made with a detailed analysis of the main contextual features under discussion and how this contextualapproach helps minimize impressionism and makes our criticism more reasonable and more instructive.本文作者首先简述了汉语古典诗歌英译评论中存在的问题,再从众多语境特征中抽出发话人、受话人、话题、场景、渠道、语码和信息形式七个主要特征,阐述了如何以主要语境特征分析为依据来开展汉语古典诗歌英译批评,如何使我们的翻译批评少些主观印象式的论断,多些有理有据有益于译者、读者和翻译学习者的分析。

1.Analysis of Contextual Features and Criticism on Translation of Classical Chinese Poetry into English;语境特征分析与汉语古典诗歌英译评论
2.Basic Attributes of the Subjects and Their Effects on a Given Context--A Social and Cultural Perspective of the Subjects' Limitation and Plasticity论语境主体的基本特征及其语境效应
3.On the Contextual Features of Literary and Legal Languages论文学语言与法学语言的语境性特征
4.The Essential Properties Of Euphemisms and Contextual Factors Affecting Their Application;委婉语的本质特征与运用的语境因素
5.On the Communicative Feature of Paralanguage and the Construction of Context;论副语言交际特征及其文化语境构建
6.A Brief Analysis of the Construction of the Context in Verbal Communication言语交际中的语境及其建构特征浅析
7.Linguistic Features of Attrited English Vocabulary Learned in Chinese Context;汉语环境中受蚀英语词汇的语言学特征
8.Pragmatic Functions of the Chinese Discourse Marker ba and Its Contextual Adaptability;言语交际中“吧”的语用功能及其语境顺应性特征
9.Features of Creation of Xinjiang Songs and Words during the Anti-Japan War;抗战语境下新疆歌曲歌词创作的特征
10.The Quality of Plane--the Contextual Characteristics of Modernist Painting;现代主义绘画语境中的特征——平面性
11.Environmental features based confidence measure for speech recognition基于环境特征的语音识别置信度研究
12.American Low-context Culture Seen from M-time PerspectiveM-time视角下美国低语境文化的特征
13.On the Modes and the Contexts of Business Interpretation商务口译的形式模态及其语境化特征
14.Study of the Context and Characteristics of Party Construction in the Past 30 Years高校党建30年时空语境与特征研究
15.Features of Cognitive Context and Restriction to Discourse Understanding;认知语境的特征及对话语理解的制约作用
16.On Variation Features of Networds in the Context of Popular Culture;论大众文化语境下网络语词的变异特征
17.Features of Natural Language Input and Their Enlightenment on Foreign Language Teaching;自然语言环境中语料输入的特征及启示
18.The Relationship between Female Linguistic Style in English and Social Contexts;英语中女性语体特征与社会环境的关系

lingual structure feature语言结构特征
1.The Chinese text features are interpreted first,and then a Chinese text proofreading method and its algorithm are introduced,in which text features,including the statistical features and lingual structure features,are properly used.本文阐述了中文文本信息的特征 ,并在此基础上提出了利用文本信息的统计特征规律和语言结构特征规律进行中文文本校对的方法及其实现的算法。
3)contextual features语境特征
1.He then chooses seven from many of the contextual features and illustrates how criticism on translation of classical Chinese poetry into English can be made with a detailed analysis of the main contextual features under discussion and how this contextualapproach helps minimize impressionism and makes our criticism more reasonable and more instructive.本文作者首先简述了汉语古典诗歌英译评论中存在的问题,再从众多语境特征中抽出发话人、受话人、话题、场景、渠道、语码和信息形式七个主要特征,阐述了如何以主要语境特征分析为依据来开展汉语古典诗歌英译批评,如何使我们的翻译批评少些主观印象式的论断,多些有理有据有益于译者、读者和翻译学习者的分析。
4)art context艺术语境
1.In fact, when talking about the conceptions of context, such as text, context, context theory or research on art context, and so on, few people can interpret them explicitly.但事实表明,尽管在理论界随处可见关于语境的表述,人们对语境、语境理论、艺术语境研究等关键概念的把握并不很清晰,形成了“泛语境化”的话语时尚,大多数理论并未真正关涉到艺术语境的本体问题。
2.At first,the writer analyses the development ofwestern museum space\'s art context,then tries t第三部分提出解决存在问题的办法,这也是本文的核心观点,即要重新构建中国博物馆空间的艺术语境。
5)artistic characteristic艺术特征
1.Technical and artistic characteristics of Chinese ancient brocade;中国古代织锦的技术特征和艺术特征
2.By a textual research on historical materials, an analysis of his representative portraits and the academic circle’s comment on his portrait art, the paper comprehensively expounds the artistic characteristics of Ren Bonian’s portrait.本文通过对任伯年先生相关文献史料的考证,并对其代表性肖像作品的解析研究,以及学术界对任伯年人物画艺术的评价等论述,全面地阐释了任伯年肖像画的艺术特征,即讲求人物造型的严谨性与写实性,注重人物精神气质的刻画,以及在其笔墨中线条表现所呈现出的书写性和金石意味等特征,进而发掘造就其艺术特征的原因——"学古而变,取洋而化"的艺术精神。
3.To meet the needs of this wealthy class,some poetry began to take on some fixed artistic characteristics.为了满足富民阶层需要而写作的诗词,随之具有了某些较为固定的艺术特征。
6)Artistic characteristics艺术特征
1.The types and artistic characteristics of 18th century Qing palace Buddhist donor niches;18世纪清宫佛堂供龛的样式及其艺术特征
2.The artistic characteristics and influence of psychological aestheticalization in The Book of Songs;《诗经》心理审美化的艺术特征及其影响
3.The Exploration on the Artistic Characteristics of the Chinese Painting and the Chinese Opera;中国画与中国戏曲的艺术特征探微

非晶态固体结构特征  X射线衍射实验表明,非晶态固体(或称为无定形体、玻璃体)具有短程秩序,但完全不具有长程秩序。由附图看出:就每个原子周围零点几纳米内的情况而言,晶态与非晶态固体十分相似,即每个原子的最近邻原子的数目一定,化学键的键长相等,键角基本上一样。至于每个原子与相距在几纳米以外的原子的关系,则在晶体中与在非晶态固体中有本质的不同。晶体具有长程序,由其中一原子出发,只有在特定方向上和特定距离处才能找到其他原子。而在非晶态固体中,由一个原子出发,在任何方向、任何距离处找到其他原子的几率完全相同。气体则既无短程序,也无长程序。    与晶体相比,非晶态固体结构的另一特点是:它的结构参数呈现着某种统计分布,而不像晶体中那样具有确定的数值。例如,在晶态中对于所有的原子,其键长、键角及配位数都是个确定的值,由原子和化学键所构成的封闭环中也具有确定数目(如为 6)的原子。而在非晶态中,键角的数值和类似的环中原子数目都明显地呈现着某种统计分布(见图)。      从热力学上讲,晶体结构处于平衡状态,而非晶态固体的结构则处于非平衡状态。后者有向平衡状态转变的趋势,但通常由于动力学原因,此种转变需时甚久,甚至于实际上难以实现。    目前已对三类非晶态固体物质提出了较好的结构模型:①连续无规网模型,适用于通过共价键形成的玻璃体,如硅、二氧化硅、二氧化锗、二硫化锗、碲化硅等;②无规密堆积模型,适用于非晶态的金属和合金;③无规线圈模型,适用于柔顺性好的高聚物无定形固体。    参考书目   R.Zallen,The Physics of Amorphous Solids,John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1983.