哲学的改造,reconstruction of philosophy
1)reconstruction of philosophy哲学的改造

1.The Transformation of Philosophy--An Study of Apel s Cognitive Anthropology;哲学的改造——阿佩尔认知人类学研究
2.On the Alteration and Effect of Neoteric China on the Western Positivism;略论近代中国对西方实证主义哲学的改造及其影响
3.Two Kinds of Transformation of Philosophy A Comparison between the Philosophy of Rorty and Apel;哲学的两种改造—罗蒂与阿佩尔哲学比较
4.Two Kinds of Transformation of Philosophy --A Comparison between the Philosophy of Rorty and Apel;哲学的两种改造:罗蒂与阿佩尔哲学比较
5.New Approaches to Transforming Philosophy: A Study of Douwe s Concept of "Experience";改造哲学的新途径——试析杜威的“经验”概念
6.Identity and Difference:Eriugena's Heritage and Trans formationfrom the Greek Thoughts同一与差异——论爱留根纳的存在论思想对希腊哲学的继承和改造
7.research and reform of educational philosophy教育哲学的研究与改革
8.The Philosophical Foundation and Model Research of Transforming Traditional Resource-based Industries by Using High Technology;高新技术改造传统资源型产业的哲学基础及模式研究
9.Philosophy connotation and principle of the communists transformation of the subjective world under harmonious concept;和谐理念下共产党人主观世界改造的哲学内涵与原理
10.It s better to say "how to write " than "what written "--On the reform of philosophical writing type;与其说“写什么”,不如说“怎么写”——关于哲学文体的改造
11.The Reconstruction of Falsification & Linguistic Researches in China;证伪法的改造与语言研究——西方语言哲学研究之九
12.Transformation of Philosophy Education and Philosophical Quality Training of Undergraduates;哲学教学改革与高校大学生哲学素质的培养
13.The Nature of Marxist Philosophy and Philosophy Teaching Reform;马克思主义哲学的精神实质与哲学教学改革
14.On how to use creative teaching method in Philosophy Class;哲学理论课的创造性教学方式的探索
15.philosophers fabricating new theories of the universe创造新宇宙学说的哲学家们
16.The Analysis "Made in China" in the Social Sciences Domain论哲学社会科学的“中国创造”及其突破
17.Philosophy Is Philosophy:A Philosophical Judgment of Value Philosophy;哲学就是哲学——“价值哲学”的哲学观批判
18.Constructing Spiritual Support and Reforming the Subjective World;构筑精神支柱,改造主观世界——关于提高《马克思主义哲学原理》教学实效性的思考

remake in philosophy哲学改造
3)The Philosophical View of Reform改革的哲学观
4)teaching reform of philosophy哲学教改
5)philosophical creation哲学创造
1.On Deng Xiaoping s philosophical creation and its position;试论邓小平的哲学创造及其地位
6)A deep philosopher.造诣很深的哲学家

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀