存在样式,mode of being
1)mode of being存在样式

1.The Philosophical Dimension of Marx s Theory and the Transformation of Theoretical Pattern;马克思理论的哲学维度与理论存在样式的转换
2.Hu Feng s Realism:Placing oneself as Blooming of Existence;胡风的现实主义:置身作为存在样式的开放
3.Format both using the template we have stored on the hard disk.两种版式都用我们储存在硬磁盘上的样版。
4.A style with that name already exists. Choose a new name or delete the old style before creating the new one.这种名称的样式已经存在。创建新样式之前请先选择一个新名称或删除旧样式。
5.Digital information is stored in a holographic material in much the same way that pictures are stored in traditional holograms.数字信息在全息材料中的存储方式几乎和图片在传统全息图中的存储方式一样。
6.A few novels of the kind absent from the bookshops do nevertheless exist: they circulate in manuscript.然而,这样一些小说仍然存在:它们以手稿的方式流传。
7.In a molecule as complex as benzene a very considerable number of normal vibrational modes are possible.象苯这样复杂的分子,可能存在很多简正震动形式。
8.Polyacetadehyde may exist in atactic, syndiotactic and isotactic forms.聚乙醛它和聚烯烃一样,可以以无规,间同和全同形式存在。
9.Various Korean forms of martial arts have existed but in the early 20th century,虽然形式多样的韩国民间武术早已经存在,但直到20世纪初,
10.The philosophy world has a variety of understandings of Marxist philosophy.哲学界存在着对马克思主义哲学的各式各样的理解。
11.What sort of thing could it be?精神的存在是什么样的?
12.No such piece of paper ever existed.根本不存在这样的纸片。
13.How do they exist in such wretched conditions?在这样恶劣的环境中,他们怎样生存?
14.Such caches can work in two ways:这样的缓存能以两种方式工作:
15.We have many patterns in stock for you to choose from.我们有多种现存的式样供你选择。
17.Being,Subsistence and Life--On the Existence Way of Human;存在·生存·生活——论人在世的方式
18.Cubic spline interpolant in power exponent form was introduced, and its existence under the first boundary condition was proved.本文给出了三次样条插值函数的指数形式;在第一类边界条件下,证明了其存在性。

existence patterns存在样态
1.The existence patterns also include two types:the one based on identity,rank,and privilege;the other of generalized,and owned by common people.西方自由与权利的存在样态一般也有两种,一种是身份、等级、特权式的自由与权利;一种是普及化的、为大多民众普遍拥有的基本自由与权利。
4)outgoing access在外样式
5)mode of occurrence存在形式
1.The influence of washing on the enrichment of non-process elements,the enrichment characters of non-process elements in different kappa number pulp and the distributing characters of different mode of occurrence of non-process elements in pulp system were studied.本文研究了洗涤对非过程金属元素在纸浆中富集的影响 ;非过程金属元素在不同硬度纸浆中的富集特性 ;不同存在形式的非过程金属元素在浆料系统中的分布特性。
1.The knowledge of speciation is the key contents of performing safety assessment studies for high-level radioactive waste repositories.以高放废物中的关键核素Np(IV),Pu(IV),Am(III)为例,应用地球化学软件包EQ3/6的EQ3NR程序,模拟计算Np(IV),Pu(IV),Am(III)在花岗岩裂隙水中存在形式,从而为研究Np,Pu,Am的水文地球化学行为提供基础依据。
2.The speciations of the elements in groundwater and the interactions between watershale, watercement in the potential area of hydrofracturing disposal of China are simulated by using geochemical modeling code EQ3/6.研究了在我国拟实施水力压裂处置某地的元素Np、Pu在钻孔地下水中的存在形式及地下水与围岩(页岩)、水泥固化体之间的相互作用。
3.The speciation,anthropogenic and natural fluxes of atmospheric selenium are reviewed,and suggestions for future research are offered.本文综述了大气环境中硒的存在形式,总结和讨论了大气硒的各种人为源和自然源通量,并对该领域未来的研究作了展望。

存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)existentialist ethics  cu陀012加yilun淞Ue存在主义伦理学(existeotialist ethics)见存在主丸