色彩形象定位,four-season colors
1)four-season colors色彩形象定位
2)Image Coloring形象色彩
1.As for image coloring,all adjective reduplications but ABAB pattern can make expressions more vivid by emphasizing on items’ characteristics and strengthening its description and state.从形象色彩分析,除ABAB式以外的形容词重叠式通过重叠强化事物的某种性状,加强描写性和状态性,从而使得表达更加形象生动。

1.The Formation and Function of Word s Image in Morden Chinese;现代汉语词语形象色彩的形成和功用
2.On Formation Reasons and Expressing Functions of Chinese Figurative Words;汉语形象色彩词语的构成理据及其表达功能
3.Image colour and expression meethed of the word;试论现代汉语词语形象色彩的表现方法
4.Imagery of Chinese Expressions and Their Function;试论汉语词语的形象色彩及其表达功能
5.Having coloration or a crest suggesting a hood.冠状的有象羽冠形的色彩或羽毛饰的
6.We seek for lively image and vivid color.我们追求生动的形象及鲜明的色彩。
7.Analysis on the image of the Figure Named Yu Rang--with the Exploration into the Tragic Color of The Record of History豫让形象分析——兼论《史记》悲剧色彩
8.The Image of Source Language Be Changed and Its Cultural Flavor of Nation, Retained;转换原语形象 再现原文民族文化色彩
9.The Formation of Hui Zhou Culture Color;徽州文化色彩的形成及对企业形象设计的启示
10.small plain-colored bird that resembles a swallow and is noted for its rapid flight.色彩简单外形象燕子的小鸟,以快速飞行而著称。
11.fast coloring, remarkaBle workmanship, lifelikeness.经久不褪的色彩,柔和的交融,逼真的形象。
12.Lin Daiyu’s color in the three Narrative levels in Dream of Red Mansion;论《红楼梦》三种叙事层面中林黛玉的色彩形象
13.Application and Design of the Color in Beijing Olympic Game's Image and Landscape北京奥运会形象景观色彩的设计与应用
15.On the Enlightenments of Chinese Traditional Color Culture towards Enterprise Image Design中国传统色彩文化对企业形象设计的启示
16.beam index colour picture tube电子束指引彩色显象管
17.tricolour chromatron单枪栅控式彩色显象管
18.PIT (Precision In-line Tube)精密直列式彩色显象管

Image Coloring形象色彩
1.As for image coloring,all adjective reduplications but ABAB pattern can make expressions more vivid by emphasizing on items’ characteristics and strengthening its description and state.从形象色彩分析,除ABAB式以外的形容词重叠式通过重叠强化事物的某种性状,加强描写性和状态性,从而使得表达更加形象生动。
3)color orientation色彩定位
4)Image colourful meaning形象色彩义
5)image positioning形象定位
1.The image positioning is initiated by using the existed resource advantage and local brand advantage of Qianjiadong National Forest Park.利用湖南千家峒国家森林公园已有资源优势、当地品牌优势,进行形象定位,针对当地及周边地区、长株潭地区、两广地区开展市场营销组合进行探讨。
2.The tourism image positioning is important component of rural tourism area.旅游地进行形象定位,是旅游区策划的重要组成部分。
3.The author analyzed the importance of tourism image positioning planning of karst destination,discussed the positioning of tourism image as a model of tourism image and the methods of the tourism image positioning for karst destination,and took Xingwen as an example to make a practical analysis of tourism image positioning planning of karst destination.文章分析了喀斯特旅游地形象定位策划的重要性,对喀斯特旅游地形象定位策划进行了一种模式探讨———旅游形象定位模式。
6)Image orientation形象定位
1.The image orientation of museums in a tourist city decides that they are windows of the city s culture, which has a special and unreplacable function in tourism by bringing the advantages of cultural resources into play.博物馆定位于这一形象 ,可充分发挥其文化资源优势 ,在旅游业中具有不可替代的特殊作用 ;确立不以赢利为目的的形象定位 ,能在公众中扩大观众市场 ,给旅游业注入活力 ,带来效益。
