史前艺术,prehistoric art
1)prehistoric art史前艺术
1.The painted pottery basin of dancing hand-in-hand from Datong County, Majiayao Culture, Qinghai Province, as a relics of in Neolithic period, which is a great significance to people research on the prehistoric art.远古先民的智慧孕育了璀璨的彩陶文化,青海大通舞蹈纹彩陶盆作为一件新石器时期马家窑文化遗存,对人们认识和研究史前艺术史具有重要意义。
3)social art BC史前社会艺术
4)prehistoric object art of Europe欧洲史前器具艺术
5)The Rock Painting in the Prehistoric Age论史前的岩画艺术
6)The history of art艺术史

1.an art critic, historian, lover, etc艺术批评家、 艺术史家、 艺术爱好者.
2.What Is Art History? Why Is Art History?;什么是艺术史? 为什么是艺术史?——方闻先生中国艺术史研究札记
3.a landmark in the history of modern art当代艺术史上的里程碑
4.Light:From History of Philosophy to Art --On the Metaphysics of Modern Art;光:从哲学史到艺术史——现代艺术的形而上学本性
5.The "Wrong time" in the Research and Writing of Art History;艺术史研究和写作中的历史“错时性”
6.The German "Historicism" and the Form of the "Science of Art History";德意志“历史主义”与形式的“艺术史科学”
7.Verisimilitude, Style, and the History of Painting: Wen Fong and His Study of Chinese Art History;真伪·风格·画史——方闻与中国艺术史研究
8.In Chinese history, three people are adored as sages.在中国艺术史上,有三位艺术家被戴上"圣"的桂冠:
9.Contributions of Cen Jiawu s study on art sociology to Chinese Art history research;岑家梧艺术社会学研究对中国艺术史学的贡献
10.Artistic Performance of Famous Prostitutes in Later Ming Dynasty and Their Status in Art History;论晚明名妓的艺术表现及其艺术史地位
11.The End of Art History?;艺术史的终结?——关于艺术发展问题的提出与思考
12.Art Regeneration:the Important Proposition of Dunhuang Art History Study艺术的再生:敦煌艺术史研究的一个重要命题
13.The Pop art of the sixties was changing the course of arthistory by expanding both content and form into the realm of trivial.波普艺术通过把日常琐物和现成品引进艺术领域而丰富了艺术史
14.The Construction and Integration of Art Theory: Theory of and Approaches to Western Art and Studies of Chinese Art History;艺术学的建构与整合——西方艺术学理论和方法与中国艺术史研究
15.Abstract Art and Contemporary Chinese Artistic Experiences: A Sociological Criticism of Art History;抽象艺术与中国当代艺术经验——艺术史的社会学批评
16."Well, I have pills for art history, biology, and world history," replies the pharmacist.“嗯,我有艺术史丸、生物丸和世界史丸。”药剂师答道。
17.On the Art of Historiography: A Case Study on the Theory of Jiang Yun-gang s Historiography Thought;历史艺术论——姜蕴刚史学思想评述
18.(3) valuable works of art and handicraft articles dating from various historical periods;(三)历史上各时代珍贵的艺术品、工艺美术品;

3)social art BC史前社会艺术
4)prehistoric object art of Europe欧洲史前器具艺术
5)The Rock Painting in the Prehistoric Age论史前的岩画艺术
6)The history of art艺术史
