挽留,persuade sb. to stay
1)persuade sb. to stay挽留

1.Philip did nothing to restrain them.菲力浦并没有挽留他们。
2.Mr. Bingley and his sister pressed them to stay longer.彬格莱先生兄妹挽留她们多呆几天。
3.Review on Recruitment and Retention of Junior Police Officers招募及挽留初级警务人员检讨
4.The Method Research of Holding High Quality Ustomers of Inner Mongolia Unicom;内蒙联通公司高端用户维系挽留研究
5.The design of the detain-value model of mobile the lossing customers in communication;移动流失客户挽留价值估算模型探讨
6.Arsè ne Wenger has revealed that the Gunners have had offers for French striker Jeremie Aliá díè re.温格表示,枪手已经在挽留法国射手阿利亚迭雷。
7.She had made two choices but not me, what I could do for detainment?她选了两次也没选择我我还拿什么去挽留呢?
8.To leave leaf, pursuit of wind, tree keep !叶子的离开,是风的追求,还是树的不挽留!
9.Datamining in Customer-Detainment System;数据挖掘技术在离网挽留系统中的应用
10.The Research on the Mobile Customer Maintance and Retention in China Unicom X Branch;X联通公司移动业务客户维系与挽留研究
11.Study of Maintaining of Mobile Phone Subscribers in China;某移动通信公司的客户维系与挽留研究
12.The Analysis on Measures of Maintaining and Detaining the Customers in Heilongjiang Unicom;黑龙江联通公司客户维系与挽留措施分析
13.Study CDMA Customers Maintain & Retain in China Telecom Business中国电信CDMA业务中的客户维系与挽留问题研究
14.The Design and Implementation on Customer Retention Framework with Telecommunications Full Service电信全业务经营下维系挽留体系设计与实现
15.Tragedy of Intellectuals in Modern China:focusing on "retaining Cai Yuanpei"现代中国知识分子的悲剧:以“挽留蔡元培”为中心
16.A Solution Analysis of Retaining and Stabilising Top Talents in the University大学高层次人才挽留与稳定的对策分析
17.The doctors operated ont he patient but failed to save his life.医生给这位病人做了手术,可仍没能挽留住他的生命。
18.They wanted her for her own self because they loved her.她们挽留她,首先是为了她自己,因为她们是爱她的。

1.Datamining in Customer-Detainment System;数据挖掘技术在离网挽留系统中的应用
4)remaining phase挽留阶段
5)client detention拆机挽留
