员工帮助,Employee Assistance
1)Employee Assistance员工帮助
1.Employee Assistance Program (EAP) a set of systematic, long-term program on the welfare and assistance of employees established by their organization.员工帮助计划(EAP),是组织为员工设置的一套系统、长期的福利与支持项目,在解决员工由过度压力而引发的心理和行为问题方面卓有成效,进而为提高组织绩效、促进企业和谐与稳定方面发挥积极作用。

1.A Study on Employee Assistance Programs Based on Stress Management;基于压力管理的员工帮助计划(EAP)研究
2.Research Summary of Employee Assistance Program at Home and Abroad国内外员工帮助计划(EAP)的研究综述
3.The Study on Application Problem of Employee Assistance Program in Chinese Enterprise;员工帮助计划在我国企业中的应用问题研究
4.Design and Application Study on Employee Assistance Program of Gansu Mobile Co.甘肃移动公司员工帮助计划(EAP)设计与应用研究
5.Employee Assistant Program(EAP): An Effective Way to Improve Employees Mental Health;员工帮助计划(EAP):提高企业员工心理健康的有效途径
6.To provide constructive input and assistance to less experienced staff.为普通员工提供建设性的建议和帮助。
7.I would like to see the removal of agents in the game.我们有球员工会,他们可以提供帮助。”
8.Once she helped to hide an underground worker.有一次她帮助藏起一个地下工作人员。
9.A stagehand who helps in shifting scenery.舞台工作人员帮助撤换布景的舞台工作人员
10.Every possible way should be tried to help laid-off and unemployed people find jobs.要千方百计帮助下岗失业人员获得一份工作。
11.Also, they jog the analyst's memory;还有,这些工具可帮助唤醒分析员的记忆。
12.Develop and implement training programs to develop skills of key personnel in the area of staff development.制定并实施培训计划以帮助核心员工发展技能。
13.On Function of Counselors in Financial Aids for Needy College Students试论高校辅导员在助学帮困工作中的作用
14.He couldn't help a fireman.他不能帮助消防员,
15.The sailors disembarked the passengers from the ship.海员帮助乘客离船上岸。
16.They helped the commune members dig up potatoes.他们帮助社员们挖土豆。
17.aid in training senior management personnel.帮助培训高级管理人员
18.We should sincerely help former work personnel and stop calling them "former personnel".对旧工作人员也要诚恳地给予帮助,不要口口声声称人家“旧人员”。

1.EAP is one of the efficient method for industrial social workers to resolve company relevant questions.员工帮助计划是西方企业社会工作用来解决其面临问题的一种有效手段并发挥了重要作用。
2.Employee Assistant Program (acronym EAP) is a new popular welfare system, which is widely being used in the west (especially in USA).员工帮助计划(Employee Assistant Program)简称EAP,是流行于欧美国家的一种新型的福利项目。
3.One of the press management tools, EAP ( Employee Assistance Program) is a long profit system provided by the organization.在众多压力管理工具中,员工帮助计划,是组织为员工设置的一套系统的、长期的福利与支持项目,在解决员工由过度压力而引发的心理和行为问题方面卓有成效,为缓解员工工作压力,提高绩效发挥了很大作用。
3)employee assistance program员工帮助计划
4)Employee Assistance Program员工帮助计划(EAP)
1.A Study on Employee Assistance Programs Based on Stress Management;基于压力管理的员工帮助计划(EAP)研究
5)How to Help Employees Learn如何帮助员工学习
6)Faculty and Staff Help Center(FSHC)教职员帮助中心
