1.This article analyses the pragmatic failure and equivalence of the honorifics and terms of humility in the Chinese English translation.本文分析了汉语社交指示语敬称、谦称在翻译中的语用失误及语用等值 ,然后得出结论 :译者只有通过汉英两种语言的语用文化对比 ,才能避免敬称、谦称翻译的语用失误 ,达到语用等
2.This paper analyses from some examples the gains and losses of Chinese honorifics and terms of humility in pragmatic translation.本文通过实例分析了汉语敬称、谦称在语用翻译中的得与失。

1.Esq. ( Esquire)写信时对男性的敬称
2.Tentative Analysis About Why the Chinese Character 您 (Nin) Is Chosen to Express the Honorific Second Person;第二人称敬称选用“您”字表示原因初探
3.An elderly or venerable man.Used as a title of respect.前辈,长者一个年长并受尊敬的人。用作敬称
4.On the Pragmatic Failure and Equivalence of the Honorifics and Terms of Humility in the Chinese-English Translation;敬称、谦称在汉译英中的语用失误与语用等值
5.The Modest and Respective Appellation of the Wei,Jin and Six Dynasties from the View of Shi Shuo Xin Yu;从《世说新语》看魏晋六朝的谦敬称
6.Abusing the Honorific,Misreading the Old Terminology,Unknowing the Abbreviation--Three Mistakes in Fortress Besieged and Related Responsibilities;滥用敬称·误读旧称·不识简称——《围城(节选)》中的三处“硬伤”及其编校责任
7.Modest words included modest appellation and modest adverb, and they were the reflection of etiquette culture.谦敬词语包括谦敬称谓和谦敬副词,合乎古代礼仪的规范,是礼仪文化的反映。
8.Used as a courtesy title for a younger son of a duke or marquis.阁下,大人用作对公爵或侯爵年轻的儿子的敬称
9.Used as a polite, but more often patronizing, form of address or description用作敬称或客气的描述,但多含屈尊俯就之意
10.Used as a courtesy title before the given or full name of a boy not considered old enough to be addressed as Mister.少爷用于年龄上还不足被称为“先生”的少年的名字前的敬称
11.With many good wishes for the holidays and the coming year!敬祝节日快乐,新年事事称心如意!
12.For his brilliant military feats, Yue Fei was both feared and admired by his enemy who nicknamed him Yue'Ye'Ye or Dreaded Grandpa Yue.敌人对他既害怕,又敬佩,称呼“岳爷爷”。
13.There was nothing disrespectful in the call.这种称呼并没有不尊敬的意思。
14.The addressing of "Mister"reveals the meaning of respect;“先生”的称谓则透着尊敬之意。
15.A title, phrase, or grammatical form conveying respect, used especially when addressing a social superior.敬语,尊称用于表达敬意的头衔,短语或语法形式,尤指称呼社会层次较高的人
16.(in the Roman Catholic Church)title of sb thought to be very holy but not yet made a saint(天主教)备受敬仰但尚未被列入圣徒者的称号.
17.But( which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.只要有善行。这才与自称是敬神的女人相宜。
18.Even there were addresses for women, it is those addresses that were extremely disrespectful.即使有对女人的称谓﹐也是一些极为不尊敬的。

self-depreciatory terms敬谦称谓
1.Different self-depreciatory terms decide their usage extent and different referents.《歧路灯》中的敬谦称谓主要有两类:一是含表敬语素的称谓;二是含表谦语素的称谓。
3)courtesy appellation谦敬称谓
1.Chinese perspective law can be deduced from general situation,the characteristics,origin and develpment of courtesy appellation of the middle ancient tim.谦敬称谓词是汉语的常用词汇,也是汉语重要的指称手段。
4)modest title表敬称谓
6)To address one disrespectfully称呼失敬

八敬戒──尼八敬戒【八敬戒──尼八敬戒】  ﹝出翻译名义引会正记﹞  中本起经云:佛成道后,姨母大爱道,求出家学道,佛不许。阿难白佛:愿听出家。佛言:止,止,无使女人入我法中为沙门也。譬如族姓之家,多女少男,即知其家衰弱,不得强盛。阿难再请,佛乃说八敬法,若能依此,听许出家。大爱道顶戴信受,遂度为尼。(梵语阿难,华言庆喜。梵语沙门,华言勤息。梵语尼,华言女。)  [一、尼百岁礼初夏比丘足],梵语比丘,华言乞士。谓比丘尼寿虽百岁,若见初受戒比丘才经一夏者,即当礼拜于足下也。  [二、不得骂谤比丘],谓比丘尼当恭敬比丘,不得妄加骂詈谤毁也。  [三、不得举比丘过],谓比丘有过,比丘尼不得举。比丘尼若有过,听比丘举,当自省察也。  [四、从僧受具戒],谓比丘尼奉持具足禁戒,应从大德比丘处求受也。  [五、有过从僧忏],谓比丘尼有过失,应在比丘众中忏悔自首,以除憍慢之心也。  [六、半月从僧教诫],谓比丘尼每月当二次,于大德比丘处求教诫法,以自策进道业也。  [七、依僧三月安居],谓比丘尼结夏三月禁足安居,当与比丘同处,朝夕咨问法义,增益见闻,以自修习也。  [八、夏讫从僧自恣],自,即自陈己过。恣,即恣他举罪。谓从四月十五日安居至七月十五日夏竟,应从比丘众中行自恣法,有过则对众忏悔也。