
1.Doing Things with Words--On the Dynamic Function of Public Service Ad Language from the Perspective of Speech Act Theory以言行事——从言语行为理论解析公益广告语的动态功能
2.Therefore the Master acts without doing anything and teaches without saying anything.是以圣人处无为之事, 行不言之教
3.Therefore, the Sage relies on actionless activity, carries on wordless teaching.是以圣人处无为之事,行不言之教。
4.He supposed that I was inclined to shirk my promise, and so resolved to trust to his own audacity.大概他以为我有意不履行诺言,就决定随心所欲地大胆行事了。
5.For quarrels, they are with care and discretion to be avoided. They are commonly for mistresses, healths, place, and words.旅行中务必谨言慎行以免引起争吵,须知引发争吵的事由多是为情人、饮酒、座次或出言不逊。
6.Facts [Actions] speak louder than words.事实[行动]胜于雄辩[言辞]。
7.a land famous in fable以寓言故事闻名的国家.
8.It was a great day when he discovered that speech could be used for narrative.当人类发现语言可以用来进行叙事时,那一定是个伟大的日子。
9.Confront your soldiers with the deed itself; never let them know your design. When the outlook is Bright, Bring it before their eyes; But tell them nothing when the situation is gloomy.犯之以事,勿告以言。犯之以利,勿告以害。
10."beast epic:a long, usually allegorical verse narrative in which the characters are animals with human feelings and motives."动物寓言诗:通常以具有人类感情和行为的动物作主人公的长寓言叙事诗。
11.speaking or behaving in an artificial way to make an impression.言行虚假以博得印象。
12.Xingren and Xiang in Making Poems to Express One s Will;“诗以言志”中的“行人”与“相”
13.Speech and action are a very different pair of boots.语言是一回事,行动又是另一回事。
14.This truth/principle/motto/popular saying/way of coping with sth. is/ h olds true for/goes for/can be applied to many/various matters/cases in our actual life.这一针对某事的真理/原理/格言/流行语/方法可以用于处理我们实际生活中的许多/各种事情。
15.Ethnolinguistic Vitality, Language and Cultural Attitude and Language Behavior;民族语言活力、语言态度、文化态度以及语言行为
16.The whole matter lay in a nutshell.整个事情可以一言以蔽之。
17.Speech acts research trend--Speech events research approaches;言语行为研究走向——兼论言语事件研究方法
18.A New Way to Understand Speech Acts: "Do Things with Words" in Virtual Reality;言语行为新解——试析在虚拟现实中“用语言做事”

Narrative in language以言叙事
3)A tree is known by its fruits.由言行可以知人。
5)You are at liberty to do as you please.你可以随意行事。
6)She enjoyed the luxury of doing good.她以行善为乐事。

七胜事──如来七胜事【七胜事──如来七胜事】  ﹝出优婆塞戒经﹞  [一、身胜],谓如来身真金色,相好光明,而自庄严,一切无比,众生乐见,无有猒足,是名身胜。  [二、法住胜],谓如来既于诸法自得利益,住于真如法位,又复怜愍一切众生,皆欲令其安住于此,与己无异,是名法住胜。(真如法位者,谓一切诸法,皆以真如理性而为位也。)  [三、智胜],谓如来所具智慧,无量无边,非诸声闻、缘觉所及,是名智胜。  [四、具足胜],谓如来于行、命、戒、见四者,无不具足,非诸声闻、缘觉所及。是名具足胜。(行者,六度梵行,即布施、持戒、忍辱、精进、禅定、智慧也。命者,清净正命也。戒者,大小戒品也。见者,清净正见也。)  [五、行处胜],谓如来所修百千三昧,九种大禅,一切胜行,具足圆满,非诸声闻、缘觉、菩萨所及,是名行处胜。(梵语三昧,华言正定。九种大禅者、自性禅、一切禅、难禅、一切门禅、善人禅、一切行禅、除烦恼禅、此世他世禅、清净净禅也。菩萨,梵语具云菩提萨埵,华言觉有情。)  [六、不可思议胜],谓如来所有神通道力,万行圆成,诸法具足,声闻、缘觉、菩萨不能测其少分。是名不可思议胜。  [七、解脱胜],解脱者,离诸系缚自在无碍也。谓如来一切烦恼惑业,净尽无余,自在无碍,超胜一切,故名解脱胜。