1.On the Classic and Modern Means of Euphemism Composition;委婉语的“旧服”与“新装”——网络时代委婉语构成手段之我见

1.On the Classic and Modern Means of Euphemism Composition;委婉语的“旧服”与“新装”——网络时代委婉语构成手段之我见
2.Analyzing on the Influencing Factors of Training Methods and the Structural System for Professional Football Team;职业足球队训练手段结构体系及其构成因素的分析
3.The surgery consists of two stages.手术由两个阶段组成。
4.GSM/DCS/UMTS Triple-Band Handsets Antenna with Novel Integrated and Loaded Structures具有可集成/加载新结构的三频段手机天线研究(英文)
5.Thus, the physical means, biological means and chemical means have begun to form a comprehensive sand controlling system.自此,物理手段,生物手段,化学手段,已开始形成综合的治沙体系。
6.of or relating to or consisting of syllogism.三段论的,关于三段论的,或由三段论构成的。
7.On Fuzzy Wording in Political Text and Its Translation Strategies政论语篇构建的模糊手段及翻译策略
8.Similarities and Differences on Information Focus Means Between Chinese and English;英汉语言信息结构聚焦手段比较研究
9.Regulating Chinese Listed Companies Corporate Governance By Financial Means;利用财务手段规范上市公司治理结构
10.The Construction of Language Style Based on the Language Elements;论以语言要素为手段的语言风格构建
11.The Basic Means of Expression of Composition in Photography and the Experience of Application;摄影构图的基本表现手段及运用体会
12.Multi Methods to Detect the Underwater Objectives Along the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge港珠澳大桥水下结构物的多手段探测
13.The silver-loaded diatomite produced is sintered into a membrane, and analytical means such as electron microscopy are used to observe the microporous structure of the membrane material.用制得的载银矽藻土烧结成膜,采用电镜等分析手段观察膜材料的微孔结构。
14.Programs that use inheritance are characterized by similar blocks of code with small differences appearing throughout the source使用继承手段写出来的程序,其特征是源代码由相似的代码块构成,而细微差别随处可见。
15.Calligraphic line is a basic skill of calligraphy art. The quality of lines determines the artistic attainments of a calligraphic work.书法线条是书法艺术构成的基本手段,线条质量的好坏决定着书法作品艺术境界的高下。
16.This satellite mechanical model is used to shrink the satellite structure, through mathematical means, into a group of data of totally equal value in mechanics.这种力学模型,是指通过数学手段把卫星的结构减缩成力学上完全等价的一组数据。
17.In the works of plays, films and videos, the keynote of pictures is a main means to compose plots, deepen the theme and strenghthen the visual attraction.在戏剧与影视作品中画面基调是构成情节、化主题、造人物、强视觉冲击力的重要手段。
18.In this paper the forward displacement analysis of a speciat Stemard-Gough platform by transforming the equations describing the problem into the matrix eigen- problem is presented.对于描述一类并联机构正解计算的方程组,通过化成矩阵特征问题的手段计算正解。

phonetic ways of construction语音构成手段
3)Lingual Formation Method语言构成手段
4)devices on part of speech词性构成手段
5)devices on sentence pattern句型构成手段
6)Means of forming euphemism委婉语的构成手段

《关于电影的特殊表现手段》  中国电影艺术理论文集。张骏祥著。1959年中国电影出版社出版,1979年人民文学出版社修订重版。修订版除编入原有的《关于电影的特殊表现手段》、《电影剧本为什么会太长》、《关于展开戏剧冲突的一些问题》、《谈悬念》、《电影的对话》5篇论文以外,补进了《谈电影剧本创作中的三个问题》一文。书中论文对电影艺术表现形式的基本规律、情节结构与突出人物之间的关系、如何创造性地发挥电影语言及运用电影手段等问题,作了鲜明的阐释和论述。