
1.lure, entice, or entrap with bait.用饵引惑或者陷。
2.succumb to temptation屈服于惑,受到
3.exhaustive mutagenesis彻底变,全面变,饱和
4.To keep in a state of expectation or hope;entice.惑,引使处于一种期盼或希望的状态;
5.To influence or lead by means of wiles;entice.引骗通过使用诡计来影响或怂恿;使
6.Something offered to allure or attract;an inducement, especially to buy.引,吸引提供引或吸引的东西;因,尤指购买
7.Study on Trap Efficiency of Different Trappers and Baits on Cyrtotrachelus buqueti Guerin-Meneville不同捕器与芯对笋横锥大象虫的捕效果
8.Field Test of Sandfly-Catching by Light Traps and Attractants不同虫灯和引捕白蛉的现场试验
9.She attracted others to virtue / evil.她人为善/作恶。
10.When some are seen advancing and some retreating, it is a lure.半进半退者,也;
11.allure(sb)into [ to ]把(某人)入, 骗进
12.Evaluation on attractants efficiency of Mosq-ovitrap combined with several attractants to Aedes albopictus卵器与引剂结合对白纹伊蚊的引作用
13.hold out [offer] a carrot to a person利某人,以甜言蜜语引某人
14.Capable of eliciting belief or trust.可使人相信的,可使人信任的
15.To persuade or induce to do something by cajoling or wheedling.通过哄骗劝或引(他人)干某事
16.To entice, especially by trickery or strategy.引,尤指用圈套或计谋
17.To place a lure in(a trap)or on(a fishing hook.置饵于…在(网子里)或在(鱼钩上)放
18.a seductive woman who uses her sex appeal to exploit men.用她的色情惑男人的人女人。

decoy cajolery诱饵诱偏
3)Mosquito- Oviposition trap诱蚊诱卵
1.Contrast on the Characteristics of Specialα-linolenic Lipid-producing Strain before and after Multi-mutagenesis;α-亚麻酸特异性脂肪酶产生菌复合变前后性质对比
2.Screening of a Strain with High Yield of Producing Fibrinolytic Enzyme by NTG Combining with UV Mutagenesis;亚硝基胍、紫外变筛选高产纤溶酶菌株
3.Preliminary studies on preparation, regeneration and ultraviolet mutagenesis of protoplast of baker's yeast;面包酵母原生质体的制备、再生及紫外线变的初步研究
1.1,3-propanediol ferment component measure and its high production bacterium mutant;1,3-PD生产菌株发酵液组分检测与变选育
2.Breeding of highly productive PUFA mutant strain of Mortierella ramanniance by Co~(60) radiation;Co~(60)辐射变深黄被孢霉高产多不饱和脂肪酸突变株的选育
3.1,3-propanediol high production bacterium ultraviolet mutant;1,3-丙二醇高产变异菌株的紫外变选育
1.Inducement and Degradation Function of P450 in Phanerochaete chrysosporium by in Situ Spectroscopic Analysis;原位光谱法检测白腐真菌P450的导及其降解功能
2.Effects of inducement on metallothionein in liver of pig;猪肝金属硫蛋白的导效果
3.Availability and its inducement of various Cu fractions in soil-plant system;不同Cu形态在土壤-植物系统中的可利用性及其活性

白细胞诱素白细胞诱素 组织损伤时出现的一种含氮多肽。中性粒细胞对其有趋化性。可从炎症渗出液中分出一种能促进白细胞增多、增高毛细血管壁的通透性和促使白细胞渗出的物质。即白细胞诱素。