1.Vernacularizing": "Seeking Roots" Writers and Image of Chinese Style;“母语化”:寻根作家和“中国式意象”

1.Vernacularizing": "Seeking Roots" Writers and Image of Chinese Style;“母语化”:寻根作家和“中国式意象”
2.How to Balance Chinese and Chinese Culture with English in ELT teaching母语及母语文化在英语教学中的平衡地位
3.The Status and Role of Languages in Socialization;社会化进程中的母语习得与外语学习
4.Positive Role of Native Language Cognition and Native Language Culture in Second Language Acquisition浅谈母语认知及母语文化在二语习得中的积极作用
5.Influence of Negative Transfer from Mother Language and Culture in Intertangage Fossilization;试论母语文化负迁移对中介语石化现象的影响
6.The Absence of Native Culture and the Bias of Target Culture in Foreign Language Teaching外语教学中母语文化的失语与目的语文化的偏颇
7.On Mother-Tongue Education and the Value and Construction of Its Culture--What Have We Lost in Mother-Tongue Education?;论母语教育及其文化的价值与建设——母语教育,我们丢失了什么?
8.All their wishes can be concluded as “ Dear Alma Mater, thank you !千言万语化作一句“母校呵,谢谢!”
9.Consideration on the Usage and Standardization of Letter Words in Chinese;对汉语字母词使用及其规范化的思考
10.Developing National Traditional Culture;弘扬民族传统文化 加强音乐母语教育
11.The Impact of Chinese Culture on Communication Patterns in English Class论母语文化对英语课堂交际行为模式的影响
12.Cultural Differences adn Schemas between Native and Second Language Reading母语和第二语言阅读的文化差异与认知体系
13.On the Sustainable Development of Native Culture in FL Teaching and Learning论外语教学中母语文化的可持续性发展教育
14.A Questionnaire Survey on College Students English Expressive Ability of Native Culture;大学生母语文化英语表达能力调查研究
15.A Survey on Non-English Majors Ability in Expressing Chinese Culture in English;大学生母语文化的英语表达能力调查与思考
16.Negative Transfer of Mother Tongue and Multimedia-assisted College English Teaching;母语文化的负迁移与大学英语多媒体教学
17.The Role of Negative Transfer of Mother Tongue in Adult Learners Chinese-English Interlanguage Fossilizing;母语负迁移在成人汉英中介语石化中的角色
18.Influence of the Negative Transfer of Native Language on Interlanguage Fossilization;论母语负迁移对中介语石化现象的影响

native culture母语文化
1.Dissemination of native culture in foreign language teaching;外语教学中母语文化的传播
2.This paper aims to develop students cultural awareness in English teaching by suggesting some specific ways:choosing relevant teaching materials containing culturally-loaded words,making comparative study of the target culture and the native culture and using the film and TV as the teaching equipment.在英语教学中用一些具体有效的方法来培养学生的文化意识,选择包含有目的语文化方面的相关教材,注重那些"文化内涵词",把母语文化和目的语文化作对比学习,以及利用电影、电视等直观工具作为一种教学手段,从而使学生获得一种跨文化意识。
3.With the advent of the 21st century economic globalization and the international exchange of diversified development trend,native culture and the embodiment of English teaching in high school become more and more important.随着21世纪经济全球化时代的到来以及国际交流的多元化发展趋势,母语文化在外语教学中的体现越来越显得重要。
3)Mother tongue culture母语文化
1."Mother tongue culture" factor in the foreign language education is one of purposes of realizing foreign language education,it can improve learners comprehensive cultural qu.但在跨文化交际中,中国传统文化输出的"失语"现象显露出我国外语教育中"母语文化"内容的缺失。
2.However,in the intercultural communication,the phenomenon of traditional Chinese culture "aphasia" betrays the absence of "mother tongue culture" in our country s foreign language teaching.但在跨文化交际中,中国传统文化输出的“失语”现象却暴露出我国外语教学中“母语文化”内容的缺失。
3.From both the theoretical and practical aspects, the present paper expounds the necessity to further strengthen the training of the students awareness of the mother tongue culture.本文从理论和实践两个方面 ,论述了在我国外语教学中如何加强学生母语文化的培养力度。
4)naturalized English as mother tongue母语化英语
5)parent language formulization母语格式化
6)native culture education母语文化课
1.Opening native culture education courses in foreign languages universities is necessary for the training of qualified foreign language workers.在外语院校开设母语文化课是培养高层次外语人才的需要。

母语1.一般指一个人最初学会的本民族标准语或某一种方言。 2.一种语言演变出多种语言,这一种语言便是这多种语言的母语。