
1.A Comparative Study on Adverbs of Negative Presupposition "Bai" and "Xia"预设否定副词“白”和“瞎”的比较研究
2.Denial of Pre-set of Human Nature to "Ecological Person"--Based on Western Evolution of Pre-set of Legal Humanity环境法“生态人”人性预设之否定——基于西方法律人性预设演进的视角
3.A line-item veto would give the President a way to insist on greater discipline in the budget.部分否决权将为总统维护设定预算的规范性提供了一种新的手段。
4.Negative thinking on the construction of pre-trial judge system in China;我国构建预审法官制度的否定性思考
5.Sets/returns value determining whether environment should save everything before running or previewing.设置/返回一个值,用于确定环境在运行或预览之前是否应保存全部内容。
6.They are evaluated by means of performance reports, in terms of meeting revenue budget that have been set.根据其实际收入是否达到设定的收入预算数来评价收入中心的绩效。
7.The responsible and clear distinction between ends which are decent and ends which are not is in a way presupposed by politics.目标正当与否之间根本而明确的分野在某种意义上是由政治预先设定的。
8.New mode was set. Do you want to keep this setting ?新的模式已设定。是否希望保持该设置 ?
9.We are waiting for confirmation of our onward reservations, ie waiting to is told that our further travel bookings are still valid.我们在等候通知预定的下一步行程是否落实.
10.Consideration Opposed to Prejudication Judger System in China;在我国引入预审法官制度的否定性思考
11.On the Justifiability of General Prevention;论一般预防的正当性──兼与否定论者商榷
12.Specifies whether to override the User's maximum color setting.指定是否要替代用户的最大用户设置。
13.Sets/returns value determining whether the status bar is visible.设置/返回确定状态栏是否可见的值。
14."Indicates whether the device is using a user-defined configuration."表示设备是否使用用户定义的配置。
15.Returns or sets whether selected cells appear highlighted.返回或设置选定单元格是否突出显示。
16.Is Pump Seated on Discharge Properly?排泄口上的泵设备是否正确固定?
17.Do you want to reset the transformations desfined using this connection?是否要重设用此连接定义的转换?
18.Do protective devices comply with pump motor amp rating?保护设备是否符合泵电机的额定电流?

negation to presupposition否定预设
1.This paper uses modern logic method to analyze in detail the two important pragmatic negation - negation to presupposition and negation to conversational implicature.语用否定使人们对否定的认识进一步拓宽,本文运用现代逻辑方法对否定预设和否定话涵这两种重要的语用否定进行了细致的分析。
3)deny (a charge)否认,否定
4)To declare false;deny.否定,否认
1.On implied negative sentence in English;浅谈英语中的含蓄否定句
2.The Affirmative and Negative Patterns of Japanese Sentences;小议日语句型的肯定与否定——围绕国际日语能力考试1、2级句型
1.and the denying as the reality of the historical condition is the main characteristic of Marx dialectics.马尔库塞继承了卢卡奇对马克思和黑格尔哲学关系的看法,指出马克思辩证法是一种历史方法,它涉及到历史过程的特殊阶段;劳动的存在是人的历史性存在,是马克思批判黑格尔辩证法的逻辑起点;而作为历史条件的现实的否定性是马克思辩证法的主要特征。
2.The reason why people doubt or deny the scientific character of literary theory lie in many aspects.对文学理论科学性的怀疑和否定,既有一定的词源学原因,也有一定的语用学原因:既有一定的理论原因,也有一定的现实原因。
3.Besides,this kinds must transform and promote to deny.信仰危机意味着人对自身生存方式的深刻批判和否定,同时,这种否定必然转化和提升。
