2)Pragmatic Iconicity Equivalence Principle语用象似等效原则
3)pragmatic iconicity principle语用象似性原则
4)principle of pragmatic equivalent effect语用等效原则
1.Based on an analysis of the pragmatic functions of brand names, the present paper proposes the principle of pragmatic equivalent effect as the guideline for the translation of brand names, under which the perfect combination of beauty of form and meaning can be achieved.由于商标词具有特定的语用功能 ,语用等效原则最适宜作为商标翻译的指导性原则。
5)the principle of iconicity象似性原则

1.Application of Marked Iconicity Theory in Advertising Style标记象似性原则在广告文体中的体现
2.To Explore the Categorial Properties of Have+en with Reference to the Clausal Iconicity Principles;句法象似性原则参照下的Have+en的范畴属性
3.The Application of The Iconicity of Distance in Political News;英语政治新闻中距离象似性原则的应用
4.Demonstration of Iconicity on Lin Yutang s Translation of Chinese Classic Poetry;浅评林语堂英译中国古典诗词中象似性原则的体现
5.Reflection of Numerical Iconicity in Politeness Strategies in the Process of Language Communication;数量象似性原则在言语交际过程中的礼貌策略中的体现
6.Applying the Principle of Iconicity to the Translation of Poetry comment on three translated versions of the two five-character poems of "Dreaming of Li Bai" by Tu Fu;符号象似性原则在诗歌翻译中的运用——兼评杜甫五言古诗《梦李白》三译
7.A Critique of Brown and Levinson s Politeness Theory: An Iconic Proposal;基于对布朗与列文森礼貌原则批判上的象似性解决方案
8.Principle of Order Iconicity in Cognitive Linguistics and Its Stylistic Effect;认知语言学中的顺序象似原则及其文体效果
9.Interpretation of the principle of iceberg of Heiminwei's artistic style in Hills Like White Elephants海明威艺术风格的“冰山原则”——《白象似的群山》解读
10.The Diagnosticity Principle of Similarity Comparison and Cultural Influence;相似性比较的诊断性原则与文化的影响作用
11.Analysis on dispute between arbitrariness and iconicity of linguistic signs;语言符号的任意性和象似性之争的原因分析
12."The principle of iceberg" and Hills Like White Elephants;“冰山原则”与《白象似的群山》——兼谈海明威短篇小说的创作特点
13.Hills like White Elephant and the “principle of iceberg”;《白象似的群山》与“冰山原则”——海明威小说艺术特色探析
14.The mechanism of letter of credit is based on the principle of independent abstractness and principle of surface authenticity.独立抽象性原则和表面真实性原则是信用证机制存在的基础。
15.principle of contemporaniety现行性原则 现行性原则
16.Diagrammatic Iconicity and Metaphorical Iconicity in Language;语言符号的图表象似性与隐喻象似性
17.Iconicity of Linguistics Symbols - The Motivation of Iconicity;再论语言符号象似性——象似性的理据
18.Economical Principle of Language and Brevity of Spoken Russian;语言的经济性原则和俄语口语简略现象

Pragmatic Iconicity Equivalence Principle语用象似等效原则
3)pragmatic iconicity principle语用象似性原则
4)principle of pragmatic equivalent effect语用等效原则
1.Based on an analysis of the pragmatic functions of brand names, the present paper proposes the principle of pragmatic equivalent effect as the guideline for the translation of brand names, under which the perfect combination of beauty of form and meaning can be achieved.由于商标词具有特定的语用功能 ,语用等效原则最适宜作为商标翻译的指导性原则。
5)the principle of iconicity象似性原则
6)Pragmatic-Markedness Equivalence Principle (PMEP)语用标记等效原则
1.Hou Guojin based upon Marked Theory and Nida s Functional Equivalence Principle (FEP) stipulates another principle, Pragmatic-Markedness Equivalence Principle (PMEP), which stands as a Secondary Principle of FEP, for here he instills Pragmatic Markedness into FEP in the formulation of his new principle.“语用标记等效原则”(Pragmatic Markedness Equivalence Principle,下文简称PMEP)是侯国金博士从语用学角度发展传统的标记理论,根据美国翻译理论家奈达(1964)的“功能等效原则”发展而来的二级原则。

语用语用pragmatics  yUyong语用(pr耀”atics)程序与使用者的关系。语用学是以语用为研究对象的学科。Ada语言中的编用,即其语用。它用于向编译程序传递信息。编用以保留字pragl飞a开头,后跟一标识符,这是该编用的名字。在语言文本的附件中描述语言定义的编用,Ada语言的每个实现都必须支持这些编用。