语言自治,language autonomy
1)language autonomy语言自治
1.We first review his views and stances, including "authentic data in research", "the unity of form, meaning and function", "harmony of syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations", "language autonomy" and "use of corpora in language teaching".所评述的Sinclair的学术思想和方法论立场包括:基于真实数据的语言学研究立场,语言的形式、意义与功能综合一体的思想,组合关系与聚合关系的和谐与兼容方法,语言自治的主张,语料库在语言教学中的应用等。
2)speech therapy语言治疗
1.Effect of speech therapy on mental health of patients with aphasia;语言治疗对失语症患者心理健康状况的影响
2.Objective To explore the effect of speech therapy on articulation disorder of indifferent kinds of children with cerebral palsy(CP).目的观察语言治疗对不同类型脑瘫患儿构音障碍的疗效。
3.Objective To observe the effect of interaction in children speech therapy.目的观察儿童语言治疗中“互动”的作用。

1.Evaluation on application of speech therapy for cerebral apoplexy patients complicated with language disorders语言治疗在脑卒中语言障碍病人中的应用评价
2.Evaluation of global aphasia with comprehensive speech therapy综合性语言治疗对完全性失语患者的疗效评估
3.Those who stutter often receive speech therapy.那些口吃者经常接受语言治疗
4.Effect of speech therapy on mental health of patients with aphasia语言治疗对失语症患者心理健康状况的影响
5.Effect of Different Intensity of Early Speech and Language Therapy on the Recovery of Acute Post-stroke Aphasia;早期不同强度语言治疗对脑卒中后失语恢复的影响
6.His speech therapist visited regularly, and I would help him practice his exercises several times daily.他的语言治疗学家定期来访,同时我帮他每天数次地练习。
7.Speech Therapy Services Section [Education Department]言语治疗服务组〔教育署〕
8.The Discourse Predicament and the Way out within a Sociolinguistic Frame;社会语言学视野下的话语困境及其话语治疗
9.Applying Proper Words to Psychotherapy and Nursing浅谈语言在心理治疗及护理中的应用
10.A Functional Analysis of the Questioning Language of the Therapist--A Case Study of Psychotherapeutic Discourse;对治疗师提问语言的功能主义分析——心理治疗话语的案例研究
11.Clinical Research on Aphasia from Apoplexy Treated by Skull Slot Needling Integrated with Language Training;颅针结合语言训练治疗中风失语症的临床研究
12.Treating Nonfluent Aphasia Following Stroke by Scalp Acupuncture with Speech Therapy;头针结合言语训练治疗中风后非流畅性失语
13.Tongues dramatically lowers heal per second.语言诅咒可以显著的降低对方治疗水平。
14.Clinical Observation on Zhongfeng Huiyan Capsule in Treating 180 Cases of Apoplexy Aphasia中风回言胶囊治疗中风失语180例临床观察
15.One Case of Curing Post-disaster Children s Fear Reaction by Using Parent-child Communication with Non-languages;灾后儿童恐惧反应非语言亲子沟通治疗1例
16.Case Researchs on Visual-Music Therapy (VMT) to Special Children in Language Rhythm Disorder儿童语言韵律障碍可视音乐治疗的个案研究
17.Advances of studies on acupuncture and moxibustion for treatment of language disorder in children with cerebral palsy针灸治疗脑瘫患儿语言障碍的研究进展
18.Treatment of Stroke Patients with Dysarthria by Microcomputer-based Speech Training计算机语言障碍诊疗系统对脑卒中构音障碍的治疗作用

speech therapy语言治疗
1.Effect of speech therapy on mental health of patients with aphasia;语言治疗对失语症患者心理健康状况的影响
2.Objective To explore the effect of speech therapy on articulation disorder of indifferent kinds of children with cerebral palsy(CP).目的观察语言治疗对不同类型脑瘫患儿构音障碍的疗效。
3.Objective To observe the effect of interaction in children speech therapy.目的观察儿童语言治疗中“互动”的作用。
3)speech therapy言语治疗
1.The influence of blood pressure on prognosis during speech therapy after stroke;言语治疗中脑卒中患者血压变化对预后的影响
4)Speech therapy言语矫治
1.Correlative Research on the Speech Therapy for Postoperative Cleft Lip and Palate Children with Functional Velopharyngeal Incompetency本研究通过总结国内外同行进行唇腭裂术后腭咽闭合功能不全患儿言语障碍矫治的经验与不足,结合前人的研究成果和个人的临床矫治经验,着眼于导致此类患儿言语障碍的根本原因,研究并给出了具体的言语矫治方法。
5)political language政治语言
1.In this paper, the author carves out his way to put in order heterogeneous studies about Chinese political language.以中国政治语言为对象的研究成果十分庞杂,此文试图对这类研究成果进行一次比较全面的梳理。
2.This article is a critical survey of recent political language study (PLS) in terms of its theoretical viewpoints and practical methods.本文主要评述近几年政治语言研究的一些理论观点和研究方法。
3.Thus,political language is metaphorical in essence too.因此,政治语言从本质上来说也是隐喻的。
6)politics in language语言政治

民族自治地方的自治机关  指自治区、 自治州、 自治县的人民代表大会和人民政府。自治地方的人民代表大会是地方国家权力机关。自治地方的人民代表大会中,除实行区域自治的民族的代表外,其他居住在本行政区域内的民族也有适当名额的代表。自治地方的人民代表大会常务委员会中,由实行区域自治的民族的公民担任主任或副主任。自治地方的人民政府是地方各级国家行政机关。自治区主席、自治州州长、自治县县长由实行区域自治的民族的公民担任。自治地方的人民政府实行自治区主席、自治州州长、自治县县长负责制。自治地方人民政府的其他组成人员和自治机关所属工作部门的干部,尽量配备实行区域自治的民族和其他少数民族的人员。自治机关同一般地方国家机关的根本区别是,自治机关既行使一般地方国家机关职权,同时依照《中华人民共和国宪法》(民族政策部分)和《中华人民共和国民族区域自治法》的规定,行使自治权(见民族自治地方的自治权利)。自治机关执行职务时,使用当地通用的一种或几种语言文字。自治机关在上级机关领导下,按照当地少数民族的意愿,管理本民族、本地区的内部事务。