刘熙,Liu Xi
1)Liu Xi刘熙
1.On Liu Xi's Language View and Its Relation to "Yue Ding Su Cheng" Theory of Xun Zi论刘熙语言观及其与荀子“约定俗成”论的关系
2.Except Yang Xiong’s special book Dialect,there were no special book at this period,but the dialectal research of Xu shen,Guo Pu,Liu Xi and others undoubtedly provided us with important information of the research of Qin and Han Dynasty,and what’s more,the dialectal research of this period also laid a solid foundation for the later Qin d.在我国,方言研究始于先秦时代,虽然除扬雄《方言》这一专书之外,这一时期并没有其它的方言研究的专书,但这一时期许慎、郭璞、刘熙等人的方言研究无疑为我们了解先秦两汉时期的方言研究情况提供了不可或缺的资料,这一时期的方言研究也为后世尤其是清代传统方言学达到鼎盛奠定了坚实的基础。

1.Interpretation of Liu Xizai s Comment on the Narrating Skills of Zuo Zhuan;对刘熙载论《左传》叙事艺术的阐释
2.On Book Standing and Moral Standing of Liu Xizai--Talking from “ Kuangjuan” and “Xiangyuan”;刘熙载的书品人品论——从“狂狷”、“乡愿”谈起
3.On the Essay Aesthetics of LIU Xi-zai;论刘熙载《艺概·文概》中的散文思想
4.On the Methodology of Change of Pronunciations in Liu Xi’s(刘熙) Shi Ming(释名);刘熙《释名》“一韵之转”方法论考略
5.Liu xizai s Theory about the Class of Ci background and its academic;刘熙载的词品说及其生成的学术背景
6.LIU Xi-zai s Theory of Artistic Development;“古,当观于其变”:刘熙载的艺术发展论
7.Liu Xizhai and the fate of the Chinese traditional aesthetics of the 20th century;刘熙载与20世纪中国传统美学的命运
8.Probe into Liu Xi's Lexical View from "Identical reality but with different names" in Shi Ming从《释名》同实异名例看刘熙的词汇观
9.ON LIU XIZAI S POETIC AESTHETICS--Taking "YiGai·ShiGai" as the Focus;论刘熙载的诗歌美学——以《艺概·诗概》为核心
10.Liu-xizai’ Wen-Tao Guan and Wang-Kuowei’ Unultilital Aesthetic Conceptions;刘熙载的文道观与王国维的非功利审美观
11.LIU Xi-zai-A Writer with Individul Style;一位别具气质的作家——刘熙载诗词创作平论
12.A Comparison of Liu Xizai with chusycher and Armieny in Their Views of Poetry Creation;刘熙载与举奢哲、阿买妮诗歌创作观之比较
13.On Liu Xi's Language View and Its Relation to "Yue Ding Su Cheng" Theory of Xun Zi论刘熙语言观及其与荀子“约定俗成”论的关系
14.Shi Ming, by Liu Xi of Dong Han Dynasty, is one of the important exegetical works in the history of Chinese language.释名》是东汉人刘熙的训诂学专著,它在中国语言学史上颇负盛名。
15.Liu Xizai s Theory on Poetry Shown in His Comments on Du Fu s Poems;由杜诗评点看刘熙载的诗学理论——《艺概·诗概》评杜文本细读
16.M.A.K Halliday & Liu Xizai:Cohesion, Coherence and Textural Interpretation - A Comparative Study with Sample Analyses;文脉、意脉与语篇阐释——Halliday与刘熙载篇章理论之比较研究
17.Between the Classical Fu Theory and the Modern Fu Theory--On the Fu Criticism of LIU Xi-zai在古典赋论与近代赋论之间——论清人刘熙载的赋学批评
18.There was hustle and bustle all day at the market.市场上整天熙熙攘攘。

Liu Xi-zai刘熙载
1.Discuss about Origin and Influence in Liu Xi-zai Reviewing ChuCi;论刘熙载对楚辞源流的考辨
2.On the Essay Aesthetics of LIU Xi-zai;论刘熙载《艺概·文概》中的散文思想
3)Liu Xizai刘熙载
1.The Researching Methods of Liu Xizai s Reviewing ChuCi;刘熙载楚辞学的研究方法
2.Liu Xizai s Discussions on Tao Yuanming s Ideas;刘熙载在陶渊明论中的思想探析
4)Chronicle of Liu Xizai(Part Four)刘熙载年谱(四)
5)Chronicle of Liu Xizai(Part Three)刘熙载年谱(三)
6)Chronicle of Liu Xizai (Part Two)刘熙载年谱(二)
