普通语言,common language
1)common language普通语言
1.This article gives a brief account of the differences between poetic language and common language from aspects of grammar, rhythm and image.从语法、韵律、意象等三个层面对诗歌语言与普通语言的差异性进行阐述。
2.The word "apply" is used frequently both in common language and legal language.“适用”一词在普通语言和法律语言中都使用得很频繁,但两者的意义和用法有很大差距。

1.convert code into ordinary language.把代码转换成普通语言
2.The Difference of "Apply" in Common Language and Legal Language“适用”在普通语言和法律语言中的区别
3.a machine that converts a coded text into ordinary language.把编码文件转变成普通语言的机器。
4.The Philosophical Perspectives of Course in General Linguistics by Saussure;索绪尔《普通语言学教程》的哲学阐释
5.How to Explain"Propositional Logic"in Linguistics如何讲解“普通语言学”中的“Propositional Logic”
6.Why Is Alphabetic System of Writing of Chinese Language Not Feasible--An Explanation of General Linguistics' Principles汉语言的文字拼音化为何行不通——普通语言学原理的阐释
7.Abstract: Mandarin is a tonal language.文摘:汉语普通话是一种带声调的语言。
8.Language-Dependent Effect in Mandarin and Catonese;普通话和粤语记忆中的语言依赖效应
9.Inquire How Transform General Speech into Literary Speech;探讨从普通言语向文学言语转化的途径
10.She is fluent in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese.张女士同时精通英语、普通话、广东话三种语言。
11.The common speech of a people;the vernacular.本国语,不规范语一个民族普通的语言;地方话
12.Quantitative Analysis of Speech Act Verbs in Nautical English and General English;言语动词在航海英语和普通英语中的量化分析
13.in a language not understood by the ordinary man.其语言非普通人所能理解。
14.Don't use common dictionary words from any language.不要使用任何语言的普通词典词汇。
15.convert ordinary language into code.把普通的语言转换成代码。
16.They wrote in the ordinary language and not in Latin.他们用普通的语言写作,而不是拉丁文。
17.comparative [descriptive, general, historical] linguistics比较 [描述,普通,历史] 语言学
18.Promoting Language Standardization by Popularizing Common Spoken Chinese and Standard Chinese Characters Accordance to law;依法推广普通话,促进语言文字规范化

General speech普通言语
3)general linguistics普通语言学
1.The aim of this paper is to answer the question of "Why do we say that Systemic Functional Linguistics is a general linguistics theory?".本文试图回答"为什么我们说系统功能语言学是一个普通语言学理论?"这个问题。
2.Linguists have given an accurate and theoretic study of the general language,which has helped the prosperous development of general linguistics.语言学家们对普通语言研究达到了精密化和理论化的程度,推动了普通语言学的繁荣与发展,但由于语言学家们很少涉猎到艺术语言的研究,造成了艺术语言学的缺位。
4)Modern general linguistics现代普通语言学
5)Course in General Linguistics《普通语言学教程》
1.The Philosophical Perspectives of Course in General Linguistics by Saussure;索绪尔《普通语言学教程》的哲学阐释
2.The major contribution of Saussure s Course in General Linguistics lies in a set of mate-theory for modern linguistics.索绪尔《普通语言学教程》的贡献主要在于为现代语言学提供了一套元理论。
3.D Saussure s introspection on comparative and historical linguistics in course in general linguistics.《普通语言学教程》中索绪尔对历史比较语言学的回顾和反思是结构主义语言理论得以产生的前提和基础。
6)Theory of General Linguistics普通语言学理论
1.Understanding sat Saussure s Theory of General Linguistics through His Analogies;索绪尔的比喻及其普通语言学理论

BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC  吕AS{CBASICyLJy〔1下〕语言(BASIC)见程序设计语言。