空间顺序,spatial sequence
1)spatial sequence空间顺序
1.Studies of word order in cognitive-functional linguistics are found to emphasize temporal sequence to the disregard of spatial sequence.认知功能语言学关于语序的研究多集中在语言成分的时间顺序,对语言成分的空间顺序未予以足够重视,使语序研究中的一些问题得不到统一解释。
2.Based on the cognitive theory of iconicity,this paper probes into the order iconicity between the world views of the two languages and their linguistic signs at phrasal level,syntactic level and pragmatic level,with the emphasis on the fact that the different world views between Chinese and English comply with temporal sequence in Chinese and spatial sequence in English.文章运用认知语言学的象似性理论,从词语、句子及语用层面,探讨宇宙观与语言符号之间的次序象似规律,重点论述了中西宇宙观差异象似于汉语语序的时间顺序和英语语序的空间顺序,从而进一步证实了语言形式不是无序的,而是由人类认知体验决定的,有着内在的规律,是思维与认知的结果。
2)spatial and temporal orders时空顺序
1.Eliot′s poet The Waste Land from three aspects: the creation of symbolic allusions,the disorderliness or frequent switch of spatial and temporal orders, and the use of stream of consciousness.从象征形象创作、时空顺序的错位与跳跃、意识流等三个方面解读了艾略特的长诗《荒原》的主题和艺术手法 ,分析了《荒原》新异、独特的现代主义表现手法 ,丰富的象征意蕴和完整的意象体系。
3)time sequence时间顺序
1.This article,combining geometry method by light cone and projection between two intertial frame with Lorentz transformations,mainly discusses the time sequence of space-like events among the areas of different time-space under a transformation of frame of reference and objectively expounds the law of causation about special relativity.以光锥和二惯性系映射的几何方法结合洛伦兹变换 ,讨论了参考系变换下不同的时空区域中事件的时间顺序 ,直观的描述了狭义相对论的因果

1.establish the order in time of something.按时间顺序确定某些事物的顺序。
2.describe the sequence of events.按时间顺序叙述事情
3.arrangement of events in time.将事件按时间顺序安排。
4.Sorts programs by the last run time.按上一次运行的时间顺序排列程序。
5.Sorts programs by scheduled run time.按安排运行的时间顺序排列程序。
6.I haven't got these pictures in chronological order yet.我还没有按时间顺序把这些照片排好。
7.The events were listed in chronological order.这些事件是依发生时间顺序排列的。
8.A chronological record of the events of successive years.编年史按时间顺序记录的历史事件
9.The names are listed in the order that the soldiers died.名字按军人死亡时间顺序排列,
10.The paintings are exhibited in chronological sequence.这些画是按创作的时间顺序展出的。
11.Analysis of Frequent Fault in the Program Design of PLC Time Sequence and Cycle Control;PLC时间顺序循环控制程序设计常见错误分析
12.sequence restart timer顺序重启时间继电器
13.Arranged in order of time of occurrence.按时间发生顺序排列的
14.relating to or arranged according to temporal order.关于时间发生顺序的,或按时间发生顺序排列的。
15.immediately following in time or order.在时间或者顺序上紧随其后。
16.setting an order and time for planned events.为计划好的事情安排顺序和时间。
17.preceding in time, order, or significance.在时间、顺序或者重要性上在前面。
18.We ascend in the order of time and of development.我们按时间和发展顺序向上溯。

spatial and temporal orders时空顺序
1.Eliot′s poet The Waste Land from three aspects: the creation of symbolic allusions,the disorderliness or frequent switch of spatial and temporal orders, and the use of stream of consciousness.从象征形象创作、时空顺序的错位与跳跃、意识流等三个方面解读了艾略特的长诗《荒原》的主题和艺术手法 ,分析了《荒原》新异、独特的现代主义表现手法 ,丰富的象征意蕴和完整的意象体系。
3)time sequence时间顺序
1.This article,combining geometry method by light cone and projection between two intertial frame with Lorentz transformations,mainly discusses the time sequence of space-like events among the areas of different time-space under a transformation of frame of reference and objectively expounds the law of causation about special relativity.以光锥和二惯性系映射的几何方法结合洛伦兹变换 ,讨论了参考系变换下不同的时空区域中事件的时间顺序 ,直观的描述了狭义相对论的因果
4)temporal order时间顺序
1.Two experiments were conducted to explore the effects of temporal orders and temporal distances on language comprehension.探讨时间顺序和时间距离对语言理解的影响,包括2个实验。
5)temporal sequence时间顺序
1.According to the principle of temporal sequence in Cognitive Linguistics,We think that the order difference between "duo+V" and "V+duo" is determined by the temporal sequence in concept structure,it can not be exchanged in front and behind.根据认知语言学中的时间顺序原则(PTS),我们认为“多+V”和“V+多”语序的差异是概念结构中时间顺序在起作用,前后不能调换。
2.Studies of word order in cognitive-functional linguistics are found to emphasize temporal sequence to the disregard of spatial sequence.认知功能语言学关于语序的研究多集中在语言成分的时间顺序,对语言成分的空间顺序未予以足够重视,使语序研究中的一些问题得不到统一解释。
3.Based on the cognitive theory of iconicity,this paper probes into the order iconicity between the world views of the two languages and their linguistic signs at phrasal level,syntactic level and pragmatic level,with the emphasis on the fact that the different world views between Chinese and English comply with temporal sequence in Chinese and spatial sequence in English.文章运用认知语言学的象似性理论,从词语、句子及语用层面,探讨宇宙观与语言符号之间的次序象似规律,重点论述了中西宇宙观差异象似于汉语语序的时间顺序和英语语序的空间顺序,从而进一步证实了语言形式不是无序的,而是由人类认知体验决定的,有着内在的规律,是思维与认知的结果。
6)time order时间顺序
1.Based on case study and analysis,to describe the importance of financial evaluation ways and index time order selection.通过实例阐述财务评价方法和参数时间顺序选定对项目决策的重要性。
2.There are some corresponding relations between verb and its double objects,used in Archaic Chinese,which are restricted mainly by these factors such as verb meaning , semantic structures, time order and pragmatic ,and which are sustained by the language materials in ZUOZHUAN,ZHANGUOCE and SHIJI.其原因主要有动词自身的意义、深层的语义结构关系、时间顺序原则、词性或语用因素的制约等方面。
