汉英民族,Han and British nations
1)Han and British nations汉英民族

1.“Harmony between Ideas”and“Harmony between Forms” --comparison between the ways of thinking of Chinese and English nations;“意合”与“形合”—比较汉英民族思维方式
2.Colour-terms and Expression of Culture Conception;颜色词喻义与汉英民族异质文化探析
3.Explanation of Words and Languages:Differences Between the Chinese and English Thinkings说文解字——看汉英民族的思维差异
4.Different Thinking Modes between Chinese and English and the Effects on Expressions;汉英民族思维模式对其语言表达的影响
5.An Approach to the Cultural Differences between English and Chinese by Studying the Sources of Their Habitual Expressions;从英汉习语来源看英汉民族文化差异
6.Contrastive study on English and Chinese numerical idioms and English and Chinese cultural psychological bases;英汉数字习语与英汉民族文化心理对比研究
7.The Different English-Chinese Thought Patterns and Their Reflection on Pragmatic of Social Language;论英汉民族思维模式与英汉社交语用差异
8.The synthetic thinking of the Chinese and the analytical thinking of the English people and their expressions in the Chinese and English languages;汉民族的综合性思维和英民族的分析性思维在汉英语言中的表现
9.Thinking Difference and Modes of English and Chinese Expressions英汉民族的思维差异及语言表达模式
10.Knowing the Culture Differences and Translating both English and Chinese Skillfully;了解民族文化差异 巧妙进行英汉互译
11.Linguistic Manifestations of Different Modes of Thinking in Chinese and English;论英汉民族思维差异在语言中的体现
12.The National Culture Characteristics;英汉词汇的民族文化特征和语用差异
13.Differences of Thinking between English and Chinese Nationalities and Research on the Diversification of English Sentences;英汉民族思维差异及英语句式开头多样性探讨
14.On the National Psychological Differences Reflected by the English-Chinese Folk Custom Idioms;英汉民俗习语所反映的民族文化心理对比
15.The Different Origins and Relevant Values of English and Chinese Festivals英汉民俗节日差异溯源及相关的民族价值观
16.The difference in thought pattern between Chinese and English and its influence on translation英汉民族思维方式的不同及其对翻译的影响
17.The Comparison between English and Chinese on Culture & Thought from the Motivation of Word Meaning从词语理据性看英汉民族文化的差异性
18.A Perspective of Cross-Culture into Origins & National Characteristics of Chinese and English Idioms;从跨文化视角看英汉习语的形成和民族特色

English and Chinese nations英汉民族
3)differences of thinking mode英汉民族语言思维差异
4)Han nationality汉民族
1.On names of persons in ancient China s Han nationality;中国古代汉民族人名文化
2.The unified environment during the period of the Qing and Han Dynasties created an excellent atmosphere for the cultural exchange between Han nationality and other minorities around.秦汉时期大一统的环境为汉民族与周边少数民族间的文化交流创造了良好的氛围,饮食文化交流也异常活跃。
3.The factors which make Han nationality to be the largest nationality in the world are complicated.汉民族成为世界第一大民族的因素颇多,其中最主要的因素是:巩固的地域和稳定的经济生活;强烈的民族意识和强大的民族凝聚力:悠久发达的历史文化。
5)the Han Nationality汉民族
1.A Brief Research on the Material Culture Legacy of the Han Nationality in Southern Xinjiang Being in Imminent Danger;浅析汉民族物质文化遗产在南疆的濒危现状
2.Look at the Han Nationality s View of Cultural Value from Everyday Euphemism;从日常委婉语看汉民族的文化价值观
3.Cultural mentality perspective of the Han nationality in verbal communication;言语交际中的汉民族文化心理透视
6)the Yao and Han people瑶汉民族
1.By analyzing the origin and distribution of the Yao and Han People in northeast of Guangxi,this paper generalizes the economic relationship between the Yao and Han people during the age of the Republic of China,and holds that the Yao and Han people during the age of the Re.从探析桂东北瑶汉民族的来源及分布出发,概述了民国时期两族的经济关系,认为桂东北瑶汉民族有着广泛的经济交往和频繁的商贸活动,这对两族尤其是瑶族的经济生产和社会发展,对增进瑶汉民族间的了解,加强瑶汉民族团结等起到了重要作用。
