现代流行语,modern popular language
1)modern popular language现代流行语
1.The modern popular language which has got a very strong display is playing an important role in current vocabulary system.现代流行语是目前词汇系统的一个重要组成部分,有着极强的表现力,其中很大一部分的形成方式是仿词,这种修辞方式使现代流行语含义明白易懂,表达新鲜活泼,幽默风趣,有些还有强烈的讽刺性。

1.On the Aesthetic Qualities in Modern Popular Words and Popular Culture论现代流行语中体现的语言美学特质
2.Analysis on the Characteristics and Expression Forms of Modern Vogue English;现代英语流行语的特点及语言表现形式
3.Origins of Popular Modern Chinese Sayings and Their English Translation;现代汉语流行语生成源起考略及其英译
4.On Lexical Semantic Fuzziness in Speech of Metropolis Young People;现代都市流行词汇语义模糊现象的内外因
5.An Analysis of Reasons for the Popularity of Newly Emerged Chinese Words--Concurrently on Newly Emerged Chinese Words With Special Meanings;现代汉语新词语的流行及其原因——兼论新词语“别解”现象
6.Mood,modality and speech act in modern English现代英语中的语气、情态和语言行为
7.Popularity and characteristics of the new terms in modern Chinese language;中国当代汉语新词语的流行及其特征
8.Popular Music and Modernity -Criticism of Popular Music in China;流行音乐与现代性——中国流行音乐批判
9.Good English will help us achieve modernization.流利的英语有助于我们实现现代化。
10.The Speech Act of Indirect Refusal in Contemporary Chinese;现代汉语中“间接拒绝”言语行为研究
11.Analysis on English Borrowing Words in Chinese Popular Language;试析当前汉语流行语中的英语借词现象
12.On Morphological Forms and Prevalence Motivation of English Loanwords in Chinese汉语中英语外来词的语形表现及流行理据探析
13.An Analysis on Contemporary English Structure of "Zero X";当代英语流行结构“Zero X”探析
14.Moviegoers will certainly discover a whole new association between modern English pop and historical France.观众们一定会发现,这部电影把现代英语流行乐和法国史实做了个前所未有的融合。
15.The Cultural Communication between China and Western Countries and the Form of Contemporary Chinese Language System中西文化交流与现代汉语体系的形成
16.Improving the teaching quality of modern Chinese offered for English department with bilingual teaching;实行双语教学 提高英语专业现代汉语课的质量
17.The Coexistence of Anti-morphemes in Modern Chinese Word Construction;现代汉语词汇中反义语素并行构词现象说略
18.Review on Three Chinese Textbooks--The "Grammar" Section as Case三部现行现代汉语教材简评——以“语法”部分为例

popular modern-chinese sayings现代汉语流行语
3)contemporary catchwords当代流行语
1.The contemporary catchwords are those most popular and fashionable part of catch words.当代流行语即是流行语中时代性最强、最新的流行语。
4)the modern and contemporary pop lyrics现当代流行歌词
5)The Research of Modern Popular Phrase当代流行语研究
6)Chinese modern popular songs中国现代流行歌曲
