国外语言学,oversea linguistics
1)oversea linguistics国外语言学
2)linguistics abroad外国语言学
1.The aim of this paper is to examine and interpret the term "linguistics abroad and linguistics applied" within the Chinese context of linguistic studies and foreign language teaching.本文对“外国语言学及应用语言学”这个说法进行思考。

1.The Curriculum Layout for the Master's Degree Program of Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics外国语言学及应用语言学硕士学科点课程规划研究
2.a second, a foreign, an acquired language第二语言、 外国语言、 后天学得的语言.
3.a school for teaching foreign languages.教授外国语言的学校。
4.Teaching English as a Foreign Language [TEFL]以英语作为外国语言的教学方法
5.The Inspiration of Language Input Hypothesis to Foreign Language Teaching;语言输入假说对我国外语教学的启示
6.Application of "The Law of the National Commonly - Used Language and Script" in Teaching Chinese to Foreign Students as a Second Language;《国家通用语言文字法》与对外汉语教学
7.Language Attrition and Younger Foreign Language Learners of Our Country“语言磨蚀”与我国外语学习者的低龄化
8.Introduction to and comment on speech perception research abroad: Implications for language learning and teaching;国外言语感知研究述论——兼谈语言教学问题
9.On Language Fossilization in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning in Chinese Context;论中国语境下外语教学中的语言僵化现象
10.Which Language to Write in: Doctorate Dissertation on Foreign Language and Literature?--Also on Norms Governing Doctorate Dissertation Writing;外国语言文学学位论文:用什么语言写作?——谈外国语言文学博士论文的写作规范
11.I have no talent for acquiring foreign languages.我没有学习外国语言的才能。
12.If you live abroad it help to know the local lingo住在国外, 学一点当地的语言自有好处
13.If you live abroad it helps to know the local lingo.住在国外, 学一点当地的语言自有好处.
14.learn a foreign language to expand one's scope为扩大眼界而学习外国语言
15.The American Language Education Policy美国的语言教育政策:学校内外的争辩
16.New Developments of Form-Focused Instruction--A Review of Studies of Focus on Form Abroad;国外语言形式教学新近研究进展述评
17.A Comparative Study of Foreign Language Instruction in China and U.S;中美两国对外语言教学的比较与思考
18.Humanism in Language Teaching;国外现代语言教学中的人文主义思想

linguistics abroad外国语言学
1.The aim of this paper is to examine and interpret the term "linguistics abroad and linguistics applied" within the Chinese context of linguistic studies and foreign language teaching.本文对“外国语言学及应用语言学”这个说法进行思考。
3)Foreign Languages and Literatures外国语言文学
4)Western linguistics studies国外语言学研究
1.Looking back at the development of Western linguistics studies among Chinese foreign languages researchers over the past 30 years, we have not only witnessed the introduction of theories and theories of Western linguistics studies, but have also found the gradual integration of the linguistic viewpoints of Chinese scholars with those of their Western counterparts.今后更大的发展要求我国外语界的语言学研究能整合为一个国内的国外语言学研究的共时性空间。
5)foreign language外国语言
6)Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in Foreign Languages外国语言学及应用语言学

BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC  吕AS{CBASICyLJy〔1下〕语言(BASIC)见程序设计语言。