象数派,experts at Zhouyi of Xiang-shu school
1)experts at Zhouyi of Xiang-shu school象数派
1.A Study on Artistic Transformation and Innovation of Impressionism Painting;印象派绘画艺术的转捩与变革研究
2.Works of Art,More of the Soliloquy of Inner Heart——The Painting Psychology of Impressionism vs Post-impressionism艺术作品更应是内心的独白——比较印象派与后印象派大师的绘画心理
3.The French Impressionism rebuilt the relationship between painting and Nature,represented by the creative landscape paintings in the real sense,based on the pursuit of nature color.法国的印象派绘画重建了绘画与自然的关系,表现在追求自然的色彩,创作了一批真正意义上的风景画,画家不仅在自然中获得了欢乐,而且热情地歌颂着大自然,体现了人的生命与大自然是息息相关的。

1.an artist of the Postimpressionist school who revolted against impressionism.起来反对印象流派的后期印象派画家。
2.Application of Color in Impressionist Painting and Music;印象派绘画和印象派音乐的色彩应用
3.Of, relating to, or practicing impressionism, especially in painting; impressionistic.印象派的印象主义的或实施印象主义的,尤指绘画方面;印象派
4.relating to or characteristic of impressionism.与印象派、印象主义有关或具有印象主义特征。
5.He be a member of the french impressionist school .他是法国印象派的一员。
6.He is a member of the French Impressionist school .他是法国印象派的成员。
7.an artist who was inspired By Impressionism.受印象派鼓舞的艺术家
8.What do you know about Post-impressionism?你对后印象派了解多少?
9.Impressionist painters, works, exhibitions印象派画家、 作品、 画展.
10.Of, relating to, or practicing impressionism.印象派的属于、关于或实行印象主义的
11.An artist, a composer, or a writer who practices or upholds the theories of impressionism.印象派艺术家印象派的画家、作曲家或者作家
12.Skills to Capture Colours of Transient Impression--on paintings of Impressionism;在“瞬间印象”中色彩的表现技法——浅谈印象派绘画
13.On Photographing Style of Impressionist Painting--On Effect of Early Photographing Technique on Impressionist Painting印象派绘画的“摄影性”风格——探究早期摄影术对印象派绘画的影响
14.Impressionist style.这幅画是法国印象派的经典之作。
15.She is usually labelled (as) an Impressionist.人们通常把她称为印象派艺术家.
16.The style of his novels is impressionistic.他那些小说的风格是属于印象派的。
17.Does the writer belong to the Impressionist school?这位作家是否属于印象派?
18.The collector has acquired a fine collection of impressionist paintings.这位收藏家收集到大量印象派绘画。

1.A Study on Artistic Transformation and Innovation of Impressionism Painting;印象派绘画艺术的转捩与变革研究
2.Works of Art,More of the Soliloquy of Inner Heart——The Painting Psychology of Impressionism vs Post-impressionism艺术作品更应是内心的独白——比较印象派与后印象派大师的绘画心理
3.The French Impressionism rebuilt the relationship between painting and Nature,represented by the creative landscape paintings in the real sense,based on the pursuit of nature color.法国的印象派绘画重建了绘画与自然的关系,表现在追求自然的色彩,创作了一批真正意义上的风景画,画家不仅在自然中获得了欢乐,而且热情地歌颂着大自然,体现了人的生命与大自然是息息相关的。
1.Until the end of 19th century,impressionist had made a lot of researches on light and colors and achieved to the peak.到了十九世纪末,印象派画家们对光色的研究达到了前所未有的高度。
2.It led to the formation of impressionist music.印象派绘画是由法国画家克洛德·莫奈等开创的,印象派音乐则受其影响而形成,他们是两种不同的艺术,却有着许多共同的艺术表现特征,其中对色彩的应用与表现则是它们最突出的共同特征。
3.In Debussy s " SUITE BERGAMASQUE", we have to taste the pursuit of Impressionist music and the sound of the new combination of traditional classical perfect unity, which brought us to a new hearing on the enjoyment and wonderful.在德彪西的《贝尔加玛斯克组曲》中,我们品味到印象派音乐追求音响的新颖与古典传统相结合的完美统一,从而带给我们听觉上以全新而美妙的享受。
1.Analyzing the typical imagist poem In a station of the metro ,the author affirms the beauty of Pound s imagist poems and his contribution to imagism.庞德对意象派诗歌的理论发展等几个方面阐述庞德意象派诗歌创作的理论来源,结合他的代表诗"In a station of the metro"解读他的创作实践,肯定庞德在美国乃至整个文学界在意象派诗歌方面的地位和贡献。
2.This thesis discusses the reflection of defamiliarisation in the poetry of Imagism in two respects: it s defamiliarisation of the life and it s defamiliarisation of the language.这一现象的产生,带来了意象派诗歌对生活的陌生化和语言的陌生化两方面的影响。
1.Ezra Pound: An Imagist with Love for Chinese Culture;意象派诗人埃兹拉·庞德的中国文化情结
2.Reading Ezra Pound: Imagist and Oriental Poetics;解读庞德:意象派和东方诗学
6)symbol styled poems象征诗派
