思维共性,the common thought
1)the common thought思维共性

2.The Basic Point of Creativeness Thought:Linguistic Individuality,Universalism and Their Relation;创新思维基点:语言个性与共性及其关系
3.Cultivating Non-English Majors Critical Thinking in College English Teaching;大学公共英语教学中学生批判性思维的培养
4.The Similarities and Differences Between Human Being s Metaphoric System;隐喻思维的共性和差异性——对“下”的英汉义对比分析
5.A New Direction for the First Year Experience: Community of Practice Based on Critical Thinking;大学新生经验的新取向:基于批判性思维的实践共同体
6.DengXiaoping s Thoughts on Constructing The Ruling Party and Defending The Legitimacy Of CPC As The Governing Party;邓小平执政党建设思想与中国共产党执政合法性的维护
7.Analysis of Thinking Access to Marxist Communist Theory;马克思共产主义理论的思维路径分析
8.Compound Thought:the Similarities between Buddhism and Aesthetics in Thinking Form;复合思维:佛教与美学在思维形态上的共相
9.Thought and Reflective Thought;思维与反思性思维——杜威反思性教学理论浅析
10.Rational and Irrational Thinking in Ecological Ethics;生态伦理学的理性思维与非理性思维
11.Rational Thinking:Thinking of Building a Harmonious Society-oriented;理性思维——和谐社会构建的思维导向
12.Complexity Thinking:the Thinking Norm of Constructing Harmonious Society;复杂性思维:构建和谐社会的思维范式
13.Similar Thinking and Free Creation--On the Characteristic of the Thought of Essay;相似思维与自由创造——散文思维特性论
14.Cultivation of Editors Innovation Thinking by Weakening Thinking Trends;从思维定势谈编辑创造性思维的培养
15.Machiavelli s Republican Ideology in the Vision of Classical Republicanism;古典共和主义视域中的马基雅维里共和思想
16.Introspection on ECOWAS' Peacekeeping Mission to Liberia西共体在利比里亚的维和行动反思
17.Image Translation from the Perspective of Common Sense in the Fields of Thought and Culture;思维与文化共通感视角下的意象翻译
18.On the Value Dimension of John Dewey Ideas of “ Democratic Community”;论杜威“民主共同体”思想的价值维度

3)shared thinking思维共享
4)win-win thinking共赢思维
1.It shows political tolerance and win-win thinking in the Chinese realistic society,basic needs of "constructing and sharing" harmonious society,main principle of scientific outlook on developing socialism with Chinese characteristics,and rational behavior of Chinese governing party.这一理念体现了多元民主社会下政治宽容与政治共赢思维,体现了在党的领导下社会多元主体"共建共享"和谐社会的基本需要,体现了执政党科学发展中国特色社会主义的原则,体现了执政党执政自觉和执政理性的日益加强。
5)reflective thinking反思性思维
1.This paper discusses the differences between reflective thinking of philosophy and objective thinking of science and clarifies the essence of Marx s concept of philosophy in "The Dissertation for the Doctorate"-reflective thinking.马克思在《博士论文》中,表面看来是在论述德谟克利特的自然哲学与伊壁鸠鲁的自然哲学的差别,实则在这种论述中表达了马克思本人对哲学的一种理解,这是通过自我意识、反思、原子的运动、感性等范畴表现出来的,本文主要厘清了哲学上的反思性思维与科学上的对象性思维的差异,并从中廓清了马克思在《博士论文》中的哲学观的核心反思性思维。
2.Through reflective thinking, university teachers can improve their teaching behavior, make it full of intelligence and renew their understanding of the nature of their teaching practice.大学教师有必要通过反思性思维改进教学行为,使教学实践充满智慧,并重新建构对教学本质的理解。
3.The reflective thinking and teaching theory was an important part of the system of Dewey s educational thoughts.反思性思维与教学理论是现代美国教育家杜威教育思想体系的一个重要的组成部分。
6)linear thinking线性思维
1.Nonlinear thinking gives us a new thinking way about realizing the complicated world.非线性思维为人们提供了认识复杂世界的一种新的思维范式。
2.Iinear communication will cause linear thinking while spreading communication is destined to cause spreading thinking besause of the difference of media s symbol characteristics.广播、电视等媒体在传播过程中,因其各自的媒介符号特征的差异而表现出在类似线性(单一文字或声音)或场性(声音加图像)的传播样态的区别,线性传播必将带来线性思维,场性传播注定诱发场性思维,这样过于直接的推论稍显简单,忽略了受众在接收信息过程中主动处理信息的能动性,易流于“形式决定论”的片面认识。
3.Being bound to the linear thinking,people are likely to make some wrong or improper decisions.囿于线性思维,是许多管理决策失误的重要根源。

共性与个性(见一般与个别)共性与个性(见一般与个别)universality and individuality  共性与个性习石人川g(un至versality见一般与个别、a打dind主vidu执,