言语行为的意向性,the intentionality in the speech act
1)the intentionality in the speech act言语行为的意向性
2)Speech Act and Intentionality言语行为与意向性
3)Disagreement Speech Act"不同意"言语行为
4)principle of appropriateness of speech acts言语行为的得体性原则

1.On the Principle of Appropriateness of Speech Acts in Verbal Communication and English Language Teaching;论言语交际中言语行为的得体性原则与英语教学
2.On the Difference between the Principle of Politeness and the Principle of Appropriateness;论语言的礼貌原则与得体性原则的区别
3.The Intentionalism,the Principles of Intentinalism and Intentionalization of Speech Act言语行为的合意性、合意原则与合意化
4.On Negative Effects of Indirect Speech Act in Politeness Theory s Application;间接性言语行为在礼貌原则应用中的消极作用
5.The Illustration of Directive Speech Acts from the Perspective of R.lakoff s Politeness Principle;R.lakoff礼貌原则对指示性言语行为的解释力
6.On the principle of appropriateness in speech communication: Its divided interpretations and implications;论言语交际的得体原则:争议与意义
7.THE PRAGMATICAL PENETRATION IN PRIDE AND PREJUDICE--The Reflection of Speech Act Theory and Violations of Cooperative Principle in Pride and Prejudice;《傲慢与偏见》中的语用学渗透——言语行为理论和违背合作原则的体现
8.Appropriate English expressions of directives;指令类言外行为英语语用得体性分析
9.On the Limitations of Tact Maxim as the Most Important Pragmatic Principle in Translation;得体作为最高语用原则在翻译中的局限性
10.Analyzing "Introduction to Three-One Linguistics" about Academic Achievement of Rhetorical Principle;试析《三一语言学导论》关于得体性原则的学术成果
11.Directives and Face: A Cross-Cultural Study of Speech Act Felicity Strategies指令性语言与面子:跨文化的言语行为得体策略研究
12.The Annotation to Progressive Aspect Expressing Futurity;语言经济原则对英语进行体表将来结构的诠释
13.Principles of Cognition and Behavior in Language Communication Analyzed from the View of Relevant Theory;从关联理论视角看言语交际的认知和行为原则
14.Conversation Principles and Speech Act Theory in Translation;会话原则、言语行为理论在翻译中的运用
15.Language Conventions and Communication Norms of Directive Indirect Speech Acts in English;英语指示性间接言语行为的语言规约与交际准则
16.On the Oral Testing Under Bachman s Usefulness Principle;Bachman语言测试有用性原则下的口语测试
17.Based on a research into the linguistic corpus collected individually, this paper illustrates why appropriateness is the supreme pragmatic principle.本文依据对个人语料库的研究,阐明为何得体为语用的最高原则。
18.Appropriateness-the Maximal Principle of Cross-cultural Verbal Communication;得体——跨文化言语交际的最高准则

Speech Act and Intentionality言语行为与意向性
3)Disagreement Speech Act"不同意"言语行为
4)principle of appropriateness of speech acts言语行为的得体性原则
5)applying linguistic behavior施行性言语行为
6)Illocutionary Point言语行为的目的

说谎者非言语行为说谎者非言语行为nonverbal behavior of a liar 说谎者非言语行为(nonverbal behaviorof a liar)谎言心理学研究指出,说谎者的非言语行为一般具有下列特点:(l)音调较高。(2)姿态缺乏热情。(3)讲话速率较慢。(4)体位距他人不够紧密。(5)目光接触较少。(6)姿势变换较多(以手托腮、撕扯指甲、脚无端地踢来踢去等等)。(7)口误较多。(8)点头次数较少。(9)表情持续时间过长(如人们微笑和惊诧的表情一般只维持4一5秒,时间过长则可能是假装的)、过分夸张、面部表情与手势不同步(如先拍桌子、然后才板起脸)等等。说谎者的非言语行为被称为“泄露线索”,它有助于人们识别说谎者。 (林向前撰{巫国审)