心理的意向性,the intentionality in the psychology
1)the intentionality in the psychology心理的意向性
1.The psychological intention entrusts its satisfied condition with the language, in this way the language has the intentionality in the psychology, and make human’s exchange become possible.塞尔认为言语行为中所包含的意向性并不是内在于语言当中的,而是心理的意向性派生出来的。
2)mental intention心理意向性
1.According to the illustration and summing up of the two patterns of mental intention constitute and natural constitute, the essay probes the form construction of building group.以建筑聚落为研究范围,通过对建筑聚落的心理意向性构成和自然性构成两种构成方式的归纳和论述,对城市设计中建筑群体构成形态进行了探讨,提出了建筑聚落作为城市初始组成单位,其组织结构秩序在城市设计应用中的现实意义。
3)gap of psychological intention心理意向差
5)Searle's theory of the intentionality塞尔的意向性理论

1.The Searle's Theory of Intentionality and the Future of Artificial Intelligence塞尔的意向性理论与人工智能的未来
2.The Paradox of Objectless Representations and the Forming of Husserl's Theory of Intentionality无对象表象悖论与胡塞尔意向性理论的产生
3.On Noema and Filled Intention in Husserl s Theory of Meaning;胡塞尔意义理论中的意义意向和意义充实
4.Husserl’s Ethics of Intentionality--within the problematic of "Intention" and "Fulfillment";胡塞尔的意向性伦理学——以“意向”和“充实”为线索
5.Theoretical Value of Marcuse s One Dimensional Man;论马尔库塞《单向度的人》的理论价值
6.Review on John Searle s Consciousness Theory of Evolutionary Naturalism;塞尔的进化论自然主义意识理论述评
7.Husserl s Theory of Life-world and its Significance;胡塞尔的“生活世界”理论及其意义
8.Aesthetic Difference between Chinese and Western Classical Tragedies;舞蹈性别意识之嬗变——胡塞尔话语符号理论建构中的舞蹈文化阐释
9.On the connotation and value of Herbert Marcuse s ethical idea of science and technology--Comments on One Dimensional Man by Herbert Marcuse;试论马尔库塞科技伦理观的内涵与价值——兼评马尔库塞《单向度的人》
10.Husserl s Concept of Intentionality and Hume s Concept of Belief;胡塞尔的意向性概念与休谟的信仰概念
11.On Husserl s Criticism of the Scientific Ration and His Scientific Concept;论胡塞尔的科学理性批判及其科学观
12.On the Dimensions and Characteristics of Althusser s Ontology of Ideology;论阿尔都塞意识形态观的存在论维度与特性
13.Althusser′s Ideology: Transition from Theory to Practice;阿尔都塞的“意识形态”:从理论到实践的转型
14.Soul-Image and Wilde s Narcissus Archetype;灵魂意象理论与王尔德的纳塞瑟斯原型
15.H.Marcuse s Theories of Ideoligical Criticism and the Queries;马尔库塞的意识形态批判理论及其质疑
16.On Combination of Rationality and Irrationality of Marcuse s Humanism Thought;试论马尔库塞理性主义和非理性主义的结合
17.The Role of Intention Context Structure in the Thought of Husserl and Heidegger in his Early Years;意向性关联结构在胡塞尔和早年海德格尔思想中的作用
18.On the construction of otherness in Husserl s inter-subjectivity theory;论胡塞尔交互主体性理论中他人的构造

mental intention心理意向性
1.According to the illustration and summing up of the two patterns of mental intention constitute and natural constitute, the essay probes the form construction of building group.以建筑聚落为研究范围,通过对建筑聚落的心理意向性构成和自然性构成两种构成方式的归纳和论述,对城市设计中建筑群体构成形态进行了探讨,提出了建筑聚落作为城市初始组成单位,其组织结构秩序在城市设计应用中的现实意义。
3)gap of psychological intention心理意向差
5)Searle's theory of the intentionality塞尔的意向性理论
6)(the)psychological images心理性意象

意向性震颤意向性震颤intention tremor  又称姿势性震颤。运动性震颤的一种。多见于上肢和头部。特点是在从事某种目的性运动或维持某种姿势时出现,静止时消失。如指震试验、指耳试验时,手指近于目的物即出现震颤并加剧,通常见于小脑病变时。