人类精神功能,The human's Spiritual Function
1)The human's Spiritual Function人类精神功能
2)Spiritual function精神功能
1.The designing of fiber art should put emphasis on the relationship between spiritual function and home environment,integrate humanistic art into home environment,and absorb the conceptions of psychologically and culturally spiritual ecology so as to create the ultimate harmony among human,fiber art and home environment.纤维艺术在设计中要注重精神功能与家居环境的关系,将人文艺术与家居环境结合起来,融入心理精神生态和文化精神生态理念,达到人、纤维艺术、家居环境三者之间真正的和谐统一。

1.The psychology and spirit function will be developed broadly in material stratum.以求多层次多方位地发挥其物质功能形态上的心理和精神功能
2.The correlation between cognitive functioning and social functioning in remitted patients with schizophrenia精神分裂症患者认知功能与社会功能的相关性
3.Promoting the Spirit of "the Seventeenth National Congress of the CPC",Exerting the Functions of Confucianism and Moral Education;践行十七大精神 发挥儒学德育功能
4.Exerting Function of Campus Culture and Enhancing Undergraduates Spirit Quality;发挥校园文化功能 提升学生精神素质
5.Research on Human s Bodys Vigour, Morale and Spirit and Taijiquan s Functions;对人体精、气、神与太极功能的研究
6.The Spiritual Productivity Function and the Features of Social Association;社会交往的特征及其精神生产力功能
7.Psychomotor Ability of Children with Behavior Problems;行为问题儿童精神运动功能配对研究
8.On the Functions of Spiritual Education & Cultivation of University Students Social Practice;试论大学生社会实践的精神教养功能
9.On Exploiting the Famous-Brand Strategy to Functions in Spiritual Civilization;论名牌战略精神文明功能的开发利用
10.Structure and Function of the Construction of Socialist Spiritual Civilization;社会主义精神文明建设的结构与功能
11.On the Cultural Spirit and Social Function of the Music during the Pre Qin Days;略论先秦“乐”的文化精神与社会功能
12.Significance of psychological factors and autonomic nervous function in functional gastrointestinal disorders精神心理因素和自主神经功能在功能性胃肠病发病中的意义
13.Paying Attention to the Cultivation of Campus Spirit in Universities and Giving Free Rein to the Cultivating Function of Campus Spirit;重视高校校园精神的培养 发挥校园精神的育人功能
14.Atypical antipsychotics on sexual function in male patients with schizophrenia非典型抗精神病药对男性精神分裂症患者性功能影响的初步分析
15.Association of Smoking and Psychiatric Symptoms,Clinical Characteristics and Cognitive Function in First-episode Schizophrenia Patients首发精神分裂症患者吸烟与精神症状特点及认知功能的关系
16.Antipsychotic Alone and Antipsychotic Combination with Psychosocial Intervention on Cognitive Function of Schizophrenia;单用抗精神病药与抗精神病药合并心理社会干预对精神分裂症认知功能的影响
17.The Study of Cognitive Deficits and Functional MRI in First-episode Schizophrenic Patients before and after Antipsychotic Drugs Treatment;首发精神分裂症患者的认知功能及功能磁共振成像研究
18.The relationship between behavioral performance and fMRI signal on paranoid schizophrenic patients.精神分裂症患者工作记忆与执行功能表现关系的功能磁共振研究

Spiritual function精神功能
1.The designing of fiber art should put emphasis on the relationship between spiritual function and home environment,integrate humanistic art into home environment,and absorb the conceptions of psychologically and culturally spiritual ecology so as to create the ultimate harmony among human,fiber art and home environment.纤维艺术在设计中要注重精神功能与家居环境的关系,将人文艺术与家居环境结合起来,融入心理精神生态和文化精神生态理念,达到人、纤维艺术、家居环境三者之间真正的和谐统一。
3)Mental Function精神功能
1.Through the analysis of the duality of architectural function,it reveals that except the physical function of architecture,there is also a mental function which worth to be paid attention by architects,illustrates the mental function of architecture,and points out that both of physical and mental function of architecture should be solved.通过对建筑语言双重性的分析,揭示了在建筑的物质功能之外,还有一个应引起建筑师注意的精神功能问题,并对建筑的精神功能进行了阐述,指出建筑必须同时解决物质和精神两方面的问题。
4)spirit function精神功能
1.On the other hand, the refrigerator designers, for a long time, pay more attention to pure technique and function design, and pay not enough attention to human engineering, spirit function, and environment protection function and so on.另一方面,由于家用冰箱设计长期以来只注重的是纯技术功能设计,在人机特性上,在精神功能上和环保性能等方面注重得不多。
5)Human Spirits人类精神
1.The original exploration and development are necessities of human spirits and civilized development.古希腊的哲学和思想形态直接影响着古希腊的人类精神和绘画意识。
6)human spirit人类精神
1.Since the modern times, the modern theory on history in Europe has been broad and profound, and has been characterized by the emphasis of human spirit of civilization.具体来说 ,又有一个从欧洲精神向人类精神的演变过程。
2.The practice of letting a hundred schools of thought contend during the Spring-Autumn Period and the Warring States provided favorable conditions for the awakening of the ancient Chinese human spirit, and laid the foundation for the whole Chinese traditional culture.春秋战国时期的百家争鸣体现了人类对自身存在的一种反省 ,为古代中国人类精神的觉醒创造了条件 ,并奠定了整个中国传统文化的基础。
3.Philososphy and religion were the main body of the ancient Indian culture,and their rich and important contents exerted a significant influence on the development of the Indian human spiritual civilization.哲学与宗教是古代印度文化的主体 ,其丰富而重要的内容对印度人类精神文明的发展产生了显著的影响。

人类1.泛指人。 2.人的总称,指人的全体。